Ankle Tattoo - Spicy grace and sophisticated taste

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A cute and delicate flower is a popular tattoo option in this place.

Thinking of getting an ankle tattoo? First, decide on the picture, its size and shape. Prepare yourself mentally: the procedure is painful, does not last quickly. And also make sure that you are really ready, because you will have to walk with her for the rest of your life. Tattoos are fashionable today. Almost every self-respecting celebrity boasts at least one. Remember the famous Angelina Jolie - there are a great many signs on her body. The ornate pattern on the ankle is sexy and exciting. It definitely attracts attention. Let's study this issue in detail and decide at last whether you need it or you are not ready yet.


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Sleeping cat
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A bracelet
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Body pictures: fashion or ritual?

Why do people go to tattoo parlors? Since ancient times, we have adorned our bodies with indelible designs. In addition to the aesthetic function, they often carried a religious or symbolic connotation. Even today, before deciding on a pattern, each person seeks to find out what it means. Does it carry any message.

Many believe that an inscription with an appeal, a lucky number, or a magical parting word can influence the auspicious course of life. No one knows for certain whether these beliefs work. However, it has been proven that the power of thought, as well as the notorious placebo, really work. Therefore, if you believe that some image will bring you health or success - go for it!

Advice! Search the Internet for a thematic dictionary and find out the exact meaning of the selected composition. For example, make sure the translation of a phrase is accurate. This will avoid awkwardness in the future, because, as mentioned above, it is extremely difficult to fix what has been done.

Another part of humanity makes tattoos because they are fashionable and stylish. And you can't argue with that. The mark on the leg looks spicy, not defiant, very appropriate. And today it is a trend to perpetuate important dates on oneself: the birth of children, a wedding, the milestone day.

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Many believe that an inscription with an appeal, a lucky number, or a magical parting word can influence the auspicious course of life.
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If you believe that some image will bring you health or success - go for it!
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Another part of humanity makes tattoos because they are fashionable and stylish.

There is a small segment of individuals who are convinced aesthetes. They love to contemplate the beautiful, they like sensual, captivating patterns. As a rule, these people adorn the hidden parts of their bodies, or unexpected, non-trivial. Which, by the way, includes the ankle.

Popularity among women and men

The procedure itself is very common among both sexes. It was noted that men visit salons more often and choose more voluminous images. However, ankle decoration is more in demand among women. There are reasons for this:

  1. In men, hair grows on the legs, which interferes with the needle. The female hairline is softer, sparse. Plus, ladies remove unwanted vegetation;
  2. Guys do not tolerate weak, aching pain worse (but they are much more enduring with serious injuries);

On a note! Do not take blood thinners before recording. So, do not drink alcoholic beverages for the same reason. This will allow the skin to bleed during the process. Ladies are not recommended to prescribe the procedure during women's days.

  1. The stronger sex mainly wears pants and pants, and under them socks.The picture will simply not be visible;
  2. Girls, on the contrary, constantly show their legs. In their wardrobe there are many skirts, shorts, trendy cropped trousers and leggings. Sexy and elegant shoes also highlight the beauty of the art.
  3. It is believed that decorating the bottom of the leg is not masculine. But this is debatable.
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In men, hair grows on the legs, which interferes with the needle. The female hairline is softer, sparse. Plus, ladies remove unwanted vegetation
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Girls constantly show their legs. They have a lot of skirts, shorts, trendy cropped trousers and leggings in their wardrobe.
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Sexy and elegant shoes also highlight the beauty of the art.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many advantages and disadvantages. That is why the topic is so controversial. Therefore, we doubt and fear. And not everyone decides. Let's start in order, with the cons.

  1. Durability. In the direct meaning of this word. It is extremely difficult to permanently remove a drawing;

Interesting! Almost 95% of people sooner or later regretted the name of their beloved immortalized on themselves. Just take a note.

  1. If you often wear clothes that will touch and rub the pattern (trousers, jeans, socks), over time, its juiciness will weaken;
  2. During the healing period, you will need to wear open shoes. Therefore, plan the process only for the summer period;
  3. A large image will not fit in this area;
  4. Soreness. There is no fatty layer under the skin in this place, it is dry and thin. Therefore, the proximity of the bones will cause pain.
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If you often wear clothes that will touch and chafe the pattern (trousers, jeans, socks), over time, its juiciness will weaken
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During the healing period, you will need to wear open shoes. Therefore, plan the process only for the summer period.
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A large image will not fit in this area

Important! Prepare to endure discomfort to the last stroke. If the leg twitches at a crucial moment, you yourself will be to blame for the irregularities and shortcomings of the ornament. The good news is that in about 10 minutes after the needle starts working, you will get used to the pain, its threshold will significantly decrease.

The turn of the pluses has come. This is already nicer:

  1. Sexuality and grace - this is the effect of an ankle tattoo;
  2. Since the surface area is not extensive, you do not have to pay a lot of money for such a pleasure;
  3. If desired, this place can be hidden with pants, socks, a skirt, a dress on the floor;
  4. The small size of the pattern requires little time to fill;
  5. Not a vulgar appearance. In this place, even in the conditions of an office dress code, a strict ornate picture will look appropriate;
  6. The image will remain in its original form for a long time, since the skin in this sector ages slowly.
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Sexuality and grace - this is the effect of an ankle tattoo.
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Since the surface area is not extensive, you do not have to pay a lot of money for such a pleasure.
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Small pattern size requires little typing time

What to fill?

The question is very important. Let's break it down into three stages.

Choosing a size

The lower part of the leg cannot be made very large drawing... Most often, ladies choose the middle one, or stop at narrow weaves, monograms, ornaments. Also in the trend are small accents on the skin: a heart, one letter, a number, a drop, a petal.

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Lotus flower
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Set yourself up for two hours of immobility, do not take children with you, objects that annoy you. For example, a constantly ringing mobile.

Determining the form

The most common format is a bracelet. It looks very catchy and gentle at the same time. It is especially cool and fashionable to make 3D bracelets nowadays. An experienced craftsman will perform a neat shading under the contour. Will create a shadow effect that will add volume and relief to the weave.

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Most common format: bracelet
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It looks very catchy and gentle at the same time.
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Graceful decoration

Note! Don't rush the tattoo artist. He knows best how much time he needs to complete the procedure.

Object pictures are also in demand: animals, an anchor, a bird, a rose. Digital codes, Latin inscriptions, hieroglyphs are in vogue. Many fill a schematic zodiac sign, sun, moon, astronomical constellation.


Black is considered a classic. It looks more strict, contrasting, clear. And even more durable. Multi-colored ensembles fade, lose their juiciness, and over time the contours blur. The modern tattoo parlor will offer you the richest palette, so choose at your own discretion.

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Black is considered a classic. It looks more strict, contrasting, clear. And even more durable
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Multi-colored ensembles fade, lose their juiciness, over time the contours blur
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The modern tattoo parlor will offer you the richest palette, so choose at your own discretion

Coolest drawing ideas and sketches

There are so many types and ideas for tattoos that it is simply unrealistic to bring them all in one article. Let's list the most popular and common ones. Well, for a rare curiosity, go to the depths of the Internet, look for sketches in special tattoo magazines. Or come up with your own unique drawing.

  • Chinese characters. Girls love the meaning of love, rose, yin-yang, happiness and similar meanings;
  • Inscriptions from Latin, English, Arabic, French. Confessions, attitudes, philosophical quotes;
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  • Bracelets. They have their own symbols. An ancient spell is pierced around the ankle, which is held together by a leaf of clover. This is for wealth. Celtic patterns act as a talisman. The key chain speaks of the closed heart of its mistress;
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A bracelet
  • Marine theme: dolphins, anchors. The former means faith and spirituality, and the latter symbolizes independence and freedom;
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Turtle flower
  • Butterfly. It is a big mistake to think that only corrupt women are pricking her. In our time, on the contrary, it means love, care, family happiness;
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  • Hearts. They speak logically about love, passion, feelings;

Note. If you are not completely sure that you are ready for an indelible tattoo, make a henna pattern. It lasts about 2-3 weeks, and then it is erased without a trace. There are also temporary tattoos. They disappear after 2-5 years.

  • Stars. A scattering of stars. Good luck and fulfillment of desires;
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  • Fairies. In different versions, they are interpreted differently. A forest nymph is a sign of innocence. Sharp wings speak of aggression. With butterfly wings - about beauty;
  • Names and dates. Each person himself determines the key moments of his life. Someone wants to print them on their body;
  • An interesting idea is to depict the sun and moon on the dorsum of both ankles;
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  • Flowers. Each plant has its own deep meaning;
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  • Animals. Many young ladies get a tattoo of an animal with which they associate themselves;
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  • Sexy openwork lace pattern around the ankle;
  • Patterns, monograms, ethnic ornament, astronomical signs.

Where to do it: recommendations for choosing a salon

This is a very serious question, because the procedure involves manipulations that can cause serious harm to health. The office should be clean and tidy. Make sure that the required hygiene standards are observed here. The tattoo artist regularly disinfects his instrument after each client. Carries out timely replacement of needles. Let's list the basic requirements for the salon:

  • It must contain at least two rooms. The first is receiving and recording, and the second is procedural;
  • The receptionist sits in the reception area. Friendly and sympathetic, having enough knowledge to suggest you a theme for a tattoo, to advise an ornament. Here on the walls there are certificates and licensing documents.

Attention! Leave a tattoo parlor that does not have a single certificate, refuses to show permission for its activities!

  • It is prohibited to smoke, drink, use drugs on the territory. If you notice prohibited footprints - leave the place!
  • The sterility of a treatment room is like a hospital operating room. In a good establishment you will be offered slippers, a bathrobe;
  • Normally, not a single master will strain if you ask to open the packages with tools with you, ask a question about the sterility of the tattoo machine;
  • Don't trust a specialist without a portfolio, a beginner. Listen to your intuition. If you don't like the person, leave the establishment.
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The sterility of a treatment room is like a hospital operating room. In a good establishment you will be offered slippers, a bathrobe
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Don't trust a specialist without a portfolio, a beginner. Listen to your intuition. If you don't like the person, leave the establishment
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Normally, no master will strain if you ask to open the packages with tools with you, ask a question about the sterility of the tattoo machine

Helpful care tips

Caring for the finished mark on the leg is completely on the owner. All recommendations will be given to you in the institution. It is important to carefully follow the rules so that the wound heals as soon as possible, the infection does not get there, the tattoo takes on a finished look.

  • When the master completes the work, he will apply sterile gauze or plastic wrap to the open wound. The first is removed after a few hours, and the second after half an hour. Disinfect your hands before doing this;
  • After removing the bandage, rinse the surface. Prepare warm soapy water in advance. Do not use running tap water. After blot the moisture with a napkin;
  • Apply the antibacterial ointment recommended by the master. Cover the surface with foil or gauze;

Advice! Bepanten ointment uses very good reviews. It perfectly heals wounds, relieves irritation, and has antimicrobial properties. It is allowed to apply it directly to an open wound. The product eliminates drying out of the skin.

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Ankle tattoo helps to emphasize your individuality
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Many believe that it has an impact on a person's life.
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It is also a beautiful and stylish decoration that you will never "forget" on the shelf at home.
  • After 3-5 days, the ointment is replaced with a gel that relieves itching. During the healing process, the wound will itch a lot. At this stage, the tattoo is no longer covered;
  • Processing is carried out twice a day;
  • Do not wear rough pants or shoes with straps during this period.

Ankle tattoo helps to emphasize your individuality. Many people believe that it has an impact on a person's life. It is also a beautiful and stylish decoration that you will never "forget" on the shelf at home.

More photos for inspiration:

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To see with your own eyes how the tattoo is applied, watch a short video:


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