Light and airy wedding hairstyles for medium hair - For stylish brides

Medium length easily fits into intricate bouquets, weaves and simply graceful curls

Stylists consider wedding hairstyles for medium hair to be the most successful and easy to perform. They are not as bulky as from long ones, at the same time, they are more graceful and intricate compared to those created from short haircuts. Medium length easily fits into intricate bouclies, weaves and simply graceful curls.


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Stylists consider wedding hairstyles for medium hair to be the most successful and easy to perform.
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They are not as bulky as from long ones, at the same time, they are more elegant and intricate compared to those created from short haircuts.
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Hairstyle should be in harmony with your whole image.

Selection rules

Wedding stylists recommend focusing on style in this matter. dresses... This is an adamant rule worth following. Often there are lovely brides dressed in a delicate and romantic dress, but the head is adorned with a design from the 60s. A bit awkward combination, don't you agree? As a result, the image does not look holistic: the dress in it lives separately from the hair, and the bride herself ultimately feels uncomfortable. On the day of the wedding, styling should complement the look more than other accessories.

The following tips will help you make your choice:

  • clothes in a classic style without loud grace are impressed by simple bunches, curled tails or high bouclés. With a revealing neckline and an open back, you can stop at a complicated design with braids;
  • the vintage style is complemented by hats with a veil and bows;
  • lush royal outfits are framed with small or large curls, various curls;
  • Greek dresses are accompanied by delicate Empire hairstyles;
  • open shoulders are in harmony with voluminous styling, bouffant. The voluminous design will emphasize the fragility and grace of the young.
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Clothes in a classic style without loud grace are impressed by simple bunches, curled tails or tall bouclies.
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An open back should not be covered with loose curls.
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A gathered hairstyle is also suitable for a deep neckline.

At the first meeting with the master, discuss all the details of the upcoming identity, whether the general theme of the evening will be observed, or whether it was decided not to bother with this. Hair structure also plays an important role. If curled looks great on thick hair curls, then the owners of thin it is better to stay on high bunches.

Now let's consider a few points regarding the type of face:

  • asymmetrical partings are suitable for chubby beauties, oblique bangs, lush curls and weaving on a loose basis;
  • women of fashion with rude and catchy features can stop at small curls, curls and elements with braids;
  • for ladies with a square face shape, waves will serve as the best choice;
  • an elongated oval will smooth out a fluffy bang and additional volume.

To some extent, you need to build on the location of the ceremonial celebration. If you plan to get married in a church, you don't need to seduce those around you with incredible delights. It is better to collect the strands in an elegant bun, a modest openwork braid or tail.

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High bun and loose strands that frame the face
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Hair is tied up and reveals a beautiful neck and shoulders
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With fresh flowers

For a quiet family celebration, stop at the option with styling from loose strands, slight waves, laconic accessories.For off-site registrations in nature or on the seashore, happy beauties often stop at intricately laid cascades in the style of a princess of the water depths or a forest nymph.

Veil as the main attribute of a wedding

Since ancient times, a transparent, weightless fabric thrown over the head of the bride has been used as a powerful talisman on the day of the solemn conclusion of marriage. Today, the fashion for images with a veil is gradually losing popularity, although many beauties consider a cape made of translucent material to be the main link of the image on the day they are going to get married.

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For a long time, a transparent, weightless fabric thrown over the head of the bride was used as a powerful talisman on the day of the solemn conclusion of marriage.
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Today, the fashion for images with a veil is gradually losing popularity, although many beauties consider a cape made of translucent material to be the main link of the image on the day they are to get married.
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Oval and triangle are considered ideal face shapes, any manifestations of creativity are permissible here.

It is advisable to select on the basis of the following points:

  • for chubby ladies short and smooth types of veil are suitable. Avoid lush options;
  • a brightly outlined square veils samples to the line of the shoulders or elbows;
  • body waves will avert the eyes of others from rough features;
  • oval and triangle are considered ideal forms, any manifestations of creativity are allowed here;
  • a short and curvy veil is able to balance a wide lower body and plump hips;
  • elongated flowing, translucent fabric will visually hide the protruding tummy;
  • with an extreme haircut "like a boy" it is better to abandon the attribute in favor of exclusive jewelry in the form of flowers, tiaras or combs.

No matter how beautiful the makeup is, it will not be able to take all the attention if the veil is not harmoniously combined with the hairdo. The following combinations will prevent gross oversights that should not be allowed on such an important day:

  • with loose curls. Slightly twisted and neatly arranged strands, framed by a veil, create a touching and delicate image. They symbolize the decency and innocence of the girl. Most often, the matter is attached to the head with the help of laconic tiaras, hairpins and invisibility;
  • weaving with strands released. Yes, at a small length you will not roam much, but creating beauty is real. Mounting is carried out in the same way as in the previous paragraph;
  • with matched braids. Suitable for individuals with a thin neck, add an image of grace and aristocratic grandeur. Many variations are available with bundles, babette, braids. The attribute is attached in completely different ways: on the top of the head, on the back of the head, closer to the created creation, or under it.
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Loose straight strands

Offers with bangs

Bangs are considered the leading trend of the coming year. Such a simple element of feminine style is able to radically transform an image, add severity or romantic notes, correct features, hide flaws and present the best in appearance.

There are 3 basic shapes, on the basis of which further variations of the bangs are formed - straight, oblique and elongated... The choice depends on the type and shape of the face. Of course, you can completely rely on the skill of the stylist, but you still need to know the principles of selection in order to insure yourself against possible unpleasant incidents:

  • the coveted oval accepts various designs. Slanting smooth lines make the look touching and open, straight lines, on the contrary, will give dynamism. Multilevel and asymmetric variations are acceptable;
  • the round face does not go well with the strands on the forehead, which visually expand it. The situation will be smoothed out by strands freely spread on both sides;
  • beauties with a square or triangle face are advised to stay on an oblique, not too short bang. We do not consider the straight line, since it will only emphasize the obvious "geometry" of forms. Various manifestations of asymmetry are also permissible.
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The oblique bangs are easiest to fit into the basic styling.
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Nothing catches your eye
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Descends along the face in a neat curl

If you want to have a straight bang, iron it to perfect smoothness and fix it to one side. Collect the rest of the skeins back into a shell. If you want the curls to fall apart, consider proposals with multi-level fixation of curls and weaving elements. The original look is obtained with coquettishly curved lines. Consider flowing waves for a retro look.

Unique creations with a tiara

Such an exquisite accessory can transform the look of a bride from an innocent princess to a domineering queen. Able to decorate any design, except for hedgehog haircuts, there it simply cannot be fixed. It comes in three variations:

  • in the form of a hoop;
  • scallop;
  • with ties.
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Such an exquisite accessory can transform the look of a bride from an innocent princess to a domineering queen.
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Able to decorate any design, except for hedgehog haircuts, there it simply cannot be fixed
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All products are abundantly decorated with pebbles playing in the light, in reality precious or imitating rare crystals

All products are abundantly decorated with stones playing in the light, in reality precious or imitating rare crystals. Thin and wide, even and curved, like crowns or the thinnest headbands - all of them are designed to emphasize the beauty of a beautiful lady.

No matter how reliable the fastening may seem, we recommend that you additionally use hairpins and invisible ones, because this significant day is accompanied by long walks, dances and active contests.

In most cases, the product is placed at the top of the head in the most conspicuous place at an angle of 45 degrees. Recently, however, some women of fashion decided to diversify the areas of placement of tiara jewelry, placing graceful headbands along a line running in the middle of the forehead. Quite original and cute.

In some cases, the base or the entire "body" of the weaving bundle located at the back is decorated with a classic diadem or an elongated rim. The main thing is to make sure that the expensive element is not covered by anything.

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Thin and wide, even and curved, like crowns or the thinnest headbands - all of them are designed to emphasize the beauty of a beautiful lady
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No matter how reliable the fastening may seem, we recommend that you additionally use pins and invisible pins
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In most cases, the product is placed at the top of the head in the most visible place at an angle of 45 degrees.

Tiaras (jewelry resembling crowns) have not gone out of fashion either. They are worn over the bangs, combined with many types of hairstyles. The wearer of the tiara exudes royal grandeur and unimaginable charm.

Advice! Looking for the right accessory, do not flatter yourself on the unrealistically low cost of the thing. Most likely, you are offered ordinary jewelry, which with all its nature will tell others about the owner's bad taste. On such a significant day, it is better to spend money on a quality piece of jewelry or rent it than to buy an awkward brooch with cheap rhinestones.

Are loose strands permissible at a wedding?

Here you need to focus on the general style of the holiday. If there is an abundance of pompous furnishings, dense, expensive fabrics and lace, a multi-layered skirt - such an environment requires intense curls on a half-open basis or a high-set bun.

Some stylists note that for one of the tendencies of this year - Boho stylization, maximum simplicity, some shabby or loosely braided braids are appropriate. Simplicity and brevity set a complete romantic mood for the holiday.

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Simplicity and brevity set a complete romantic mood at the holiday
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With low stature, it is better to abandon complex structures and leave loose hair
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Light waves complemented by a thin hoop
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With such a diadem, a pompous hairstyle would be superfluous.

If the physical parameters allow, you can dress in anything, but with low stature, it is better to abandon complex structures and leave loose hair, which is allowed to curl into curls, braid French spikelet and release a few thin strands at the temples. Sleek and austere creations on the head emphasize the small stature and imperfect figure of the central person at the event.

And tall beauties, in turn, should not approach the complicated creations on the top of their heads, which visually add a few more centimeters to their height.

Advice! Beauty is health. Therefore, start from the condition of the hairs themselves. Carefully examine the hair - whether it is damaged, whether there are split ends and other nuances that spoil the sublime mood. If you find a flaw, try to eliminate it before the wedding, do a haircut or biolamination. If you cannot eradicate the minus, use the services of a master who can divert attention from negative moments.

DIY Greek-style creations

Remember the legends about Artemis, Hera and the seducer Aphrodite - these ladies accelerated the pulse of their admirers, and made their hearts beat faster. But to look like a queen, the ruler of Ancient Greece is not at all difficult. Complete with an Empire-style dress and majestic notes in the character of the bride, it will turn out to create an excellent image that will dazzle the guests of the event.

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Greek hairstyles are universal, they appeal to many types of appearance, are quite simple to perform
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Wavy strands are best suited for creation, because representatives of a great people are naturally curly
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Smooth skeins, in turn, can be curled with tongs, this will add volume

Hairstyles-Greek versatile, appealing to many types of appearance, quite simple to perform. For creation, wavy strands are best suited, because the representatives of the great people are naturally curly. Smooth skeins, in turn, can be curled with tongs, this will add volume. We bring to your attention a simple instruction, following which you can easily create beautiful Greek beauty:

  • wear smart rim on the head... Choose a bandage that will sit comfortably, will not squeeze, but will firmly hold the strands, because it has no right to slip during a busy day and evening;
  • take a comb and twist the curls in a row under the rim;
  • leave one strand at the temporal region, curl them with forceps;
    sprinkle the result with fixing varnish;
  • decorate your work with flower arrangements or other accessories.

More styling ideas:

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Let nothing darken your main day in life - neither bad weather, nor sidelong glances, only friendly support accompanies you on the way to a happy marriage.

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