Amazing pixie haircut (50 photos) - Stylish, young, perky

Youthful and stylish

Why is a pixie haircut becoming more and more relevant? She combines a boyish cocky personality and feminine sexuality. She amazes with openness and spontaneity. But, unfortunately, it is not suitable for everyone. How to achieve the desired effect and not turn into a serious lady of Balzac's age? What are the varieties, and how to stack at home? Let's find the answers to all the questions together.


Chic styling for short hair
Women with this hairstyle instantly conquer the hearts of men
Looks perfect on blonde hair


The famous film actress Audrey Hepburn introduced the hairstyle into fashion in 1953. The girl played so brightly the freedom-loving and independent heroine, who shortened her curls, that her fans began to copy her hairstyle, wanting to stand out from the rest. Thus, the young ladies expressed protest to the society of that time. Since then, popularity has returned in waves.

Sweet Audrey

The sought-after model of the 60s, Twiggy brought back the trend of short length. She proved to everyone that you need to be beautiful and sexy even in such an unusual way.

The famous Twiggy

But the pinnacle was reached with the help of modern Hollywood stars. Victoria Beckham, Natalie Portman, Emma Watson and other actresses recognized as sex symbols began to actively join the ranks of the "hooligans".

Charming Victoria

Today the trends have not changed. More and more representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are trying different options on themselves, not a bit at the same time, without losing their flirtatiousness and seductiveness.

Advice! Creative individuals can play with coloring. So you diversify your bow and emphasize courage and readiness for change.

Execution technique

In the classic form, the haircut looks like this: slightly elongated curls at the back and shortened at the temples. There are bangs of any shape in front. Ideal for everyday wear, as it does not require special creation skills.

A shaved temple will add perkiness and style to the image.
Looks feminine
Suitable for different ages

The technology is similar to garcon, but there are no overly strict lines. Layering allows for manipulations at different densities. This is an advantage for fine strands, as it is extremely difficult for them to find a flawless look.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the step-by-step execution technique:

  • Collect the entire mass at the back of the head. Start your slave from the center of the part.
  • Radially divide the entire mop so that a line forms from the middle of the skull to the top of the ear.
  • Move diagonally to the hollows of the temples to isolate them.
  • Draw a slanting line from the face behind the ear. Comb and cut at an even angle with a razor so that the hairs are removed to the back of the head.
  • Grab small diagonal sections and, following the selected control strand, cut perpendicularly.
  • Form radial sections in the rounding area of ​​the head.
  • Considering the length of the control strand, reduce it to the back of the head at a right angle.
  • Pull the rest of the sections to the previous ones, not forgetting about the volume.
  • In the middle of the back of the head, diagonally from the face, redirect each part to the previous one, continue gradually, following the control. Repeat the procedure on the other side.
Ideal for the office
  • On the opposite side, comb to the center of the occipital area.
  • In front of the ear, select a horizontal area.Continue with the blade, increasing the size to the forehead.
  • Select the front strands with triangles. Comb in the direction of your natural growth and use a dotted cut to create a roundness at the finger corner of the guy line.
  • Focus on the control line to the occipital region.
  • Leave the main strand. Comb the diagonal sections perpendicularly so that there are gradual formations that go from short to long.
  • Continue on the previous principle from the reverse side.
  • Dry with a comb and hair dryer.
  • Cut the bangs with a sliding cut to keep the lines soft. Detail using the point method, especially the occipital contour.
Even celebrities choose
Take care of the accessories!
Such a choice is made by confident girls.


Simplicity and ease of care

If you are a novice master, our proposed instruction for a classic haircut will come in handy. With time and experience, the task will seem easy and you will be able to experiment with different styles.

Advice! Visit professional hairdressers with a wide range of experience. Otherwise, you will not return from the salon with the look you expected.

Who is it suitable for?

If you want a change and focused your attention on the pixie, with the help of stylists' recommendations, determine how your face will look at the same time. Let's consider the basic rules.

  • Styling looks perfect on the owners of pronounced cheekbones, plump mouth-watering lips, a neat small nose and narrow eyes. At the same time, it is important to be thin. So you will emphasize your own attractiveness and focus on prettiness. All attention will be drawn to the area above the neckline, since now there will be something to see besides the chest.
You can now change your hairstyles often.
  • A triangular or oval shape is also fine. In this case, the thickness of the strands does not matter. You will visually make your eyes larger, and accentuate large lips, as well as hide flaws in the form of roughness and excessive angularity. The image will turn out to be whole and harmonious. But if you do not like to apply makeup, it is better to give up the idea, as it must be flawless.


Stop your choice on this option
Fast and easy to stack
  • Don't be afraid to cut your hair if you have chubby cheeks. Complement the composition with torn side bangs or sideways.


strizhka-piksi-foto_29Note that fine hairs are easier to deal with. They create a neat appearance and add volume externally.

Advice! Be careful if you have wide cheekbones and a full face. This will only highlight the flaws. But still nobody canceled individuality. Therefore, first experiment in front of the mirror: pin a few strands and evaluate the result in front of the mirror.

Short length options

It is believed that girls with short hair cannot afford a stylish haircut, they look stupid and not attractive. But fashion trends suggest otherwise. You will not only emphasize your femininity, but also surprise you with your sexuality, gracefulness and seductiveness when styling, remotely similar to a man's. Let's take a look at bold and extravagant pixie styling solutions.

Minimum of styling products

Shaved whiskey is extraordinary, bright and extraordinary. They give their own flavor, but at the same time it is important to maintain the image as a whole. Accessories, makeup, wardrobe should look harmonious. Suitable more for young girls in creative professions. Looks great even with mini dresses.


The hairstyle is easy to adjust at home, without visiting a specialist. This requires a razor, trimmer and mirror. The main thing is to determine the desired size of the shaved area, since it can take a thin strip after the ear or the entire area from the parting to the bottom on one side. Even this option can be done in several interpretations:

  • one bare temple is considered the most relevant, since it is easy to cover it if necessary;
No curls and irons!


  • a composition with two shaved sides is considered complex, where even the back of the head can be freed;
Elegant appearance with minimal effort
  • brave personalities make patterns on the temples, complementing them with coloring or tattoos, it all depends on imagination;
For bright and courageous personalities
  • asymmetry remains in the 2017 trend, so you can play with its contrast.

Keep in mind that this form requires not only careful care for the structure and condition of the hair, but also for the skin. Otherwise, the desired result will not work. The style is ideal for blondes, brown-haired women and brunettes. Complete it with beautiful kafas, oversized earrings and colorful necklaces.

Ultra short length not suitable for everyone, therefore it is used very rarely. If you have perfect proportions, correct facial features and a flawless oval, you can afford it. The original form is guaranteed to arouse interest in the opposite sex. Ruffle the bangs, lay them on one side, comb them.


For risky and adventurous individuals

strizhka-piksi-foto_34Shortened nape and curvaceous crown - the main feature. Make the tips slightly ragged so that there are no clear, strict lines. A thin layer should remain behind, which covers only 3-4 cm of the neck. On the sides, it is only shortened, but not completely removed. The next tier is superimposed on top, somewhat more magnificent. Do not forget about disheveledness and negligence.


Open ears - another opportunity to emphasize your own individuality. Trim off the sides so that there are elongated stripes. They form a kind of triangle. At the back, shortening occurs in the same way, but in layers. Suitable for an office bow because it adds sophistication.

Try yourself in a new way!

strizhka-piksi-foto_36As we can see, the exact shape is missing. There is a certain format that you need to fit into. But it can be modified to suit every taste.

Advice! Don't be afraid that you won't be able to dress in any style. You can easily fit into a business, classic, sporty and even bohemian look. The main thing is to choose the right makeup and mood.

How to blend with medium hair

Usually a pixie is considered a short-haired haircut. But lengthening cannot be ignored either. Of course, the back of the head and whiskey should be rid of the bulk, but with the front you need to dream up. We offer our options that you will definitely like.


Hit of this year!

strizhka-piksi-foto_50Side bangs can easily reach to the chin or remain at the level of the cheekbones. The fact is that it is considered ideal for any type of appearance. Even with a round face, it masks excess volume. The difference between the front and the back gives an excellent result. If you want to diversify the offer, use the following varieties:

  • gather the ends together with mousse or foam, and add a light bouffant near the roots;
  • curls give brightness, individuality, chic and originality - wind the front part, and ruffle the bulk.

The mohawk will give you a creative and daring look. At the same time, a lot of opportunities for creativity will open before you:

  • an explosive result is produced by a wavy shape, which is incredibly stylish;


  • painting in a bright eye-catching shade will give you individuality;
  • curly transformation is not aggressive, but luxurious and girlish;


  • harmony of glamor and restrained aggression is achieved with the help of light colors;
  • add root volume and you get a trendy slight casualness.

Advice! If you cannot decide on radical changes, settle for an elongated copy. The idea is preserved, but at the same time the image turns out to be unusually romantic and gentle.

We put it on our own

Every girl dreams of a haircut that will look amazing even after waking up. It is important that it be easy to style at home without resorting to the daily services of a stylist.

The easiest option, which takes the minimum amount of time and effort, is to treat individual curls with wax, special gel or fixing cream and comb them back. If you don't use styling products, a non-rinse oil or a caring sealant will work for you.

Be incredibly fashionable and stylish!


Perky and playful style


Mischievous curls

Don't like slicked-back hairs? Then your fingers will help to ruffle them. Use a texturing spray to highlight individual areas. You can make a bouffant with the help of mousse and fix it with varnish.


strizhka-piksi-foto_56If you are going to attend a gala event or party, stack the entire mass back so that you get volume on top. Add a tiara or a neat little sparkling crown for a festive look.

Styling in the style of creative disorder or deliberate shaggy is in fashion. To achieve this effect, use a hair dryer to dry the curls, while pulling them up for fluff.


Comb the extended overgrown bangs in any convenient direction.

Advice!Do not forget about the main difference between garcon and pixie: decorate the tips with feathers. There should be an even outline.


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