Stylish haircut garcon (50 photos) - Description of current technology

A bold mohawk on light curls

If you need a comfortable and practical hairstyle, a garcon haircut, the photo of which emphasizes the individuality of the owners, will be very useful. She gained her popularity after the publication of the novel "The Bachelor" by Victor Marguerite, where the main character plays the role of an emancipated kid and forces readers to reconsider gender stereotypes.

Now, not only protesting girls choose a short, interesting form, but also those who seek to emphasize their strength, self-sufficiency, and also simply restore their hair after unsuccessful staining or other damage. Let's look at the nuances of styling to see if it suits you.



Suitable for confident, self-sufficient women



Why does a haircut stay in trend for so long while fashion is constantly changing? It's very simple: She is outside of space and time. Her flirtatiousness and perkiness are simultaneously combined with audacity and femininity. Even at 50, the look remains fresh and attractive thanks to the styling. Moreover, it is not difficult to achieve the desired effect. You just need to add graduation and get rid of clear lines. Moreover, slight negligence has already been in trend for several seasons.


Many women like this hairstyle.


This option is popular among modern women of fashion.


In addition to the originality, fashionistas are attracted by the simplicity of formation. You won't need to wake up an hour before leaving home for work to perfect your style. It is enough just to lightly process the strands with a small amount of fixing agents. In addition, you can change regularly. For example, change the approximate smoothness of the morning to creative disheveledness - and you will make a completely different impression of yourself, showing different character traits.

Do not think that the garcon is only for adult ladies, on young girls it looks no less attractive and crazy.


Suitable for women of all ages


To add volume, try highlighting or coloring. The play of colors gives depth and transforms a boring image into a delightful individual style. It is better if the staining is as close to natural as possible. Then you do not have to regularly adjust the regrown roots and worry about saturation.

Advice! Don't try to change your look at home. One curl that is not cut correctly can be frustrating. Take advantage of professional services.

Who is it suitable for?

We've already found out that age doesn't matter. The main thing is to stop, consider the shape of your face and imagine yourself in a new role. Are you ready to stand out from the rest and say goodbye to long curls? If you still have doubts, contact a professional hairdresser or use the online hairstyle services. You just need to upload your portrait photo and try the options on yourself.



Trendy styling

The model is hardly suitable for chubby girls with curls. You'd better take a closer look at other examples. But who, then, are short haircuts for?

  • Petite and fragile women of fashion with regular facial features.
Solution for a red-haired beauty
  • Owners of an oval or oblong shape.
  • Women who boast a beautiful thin neck and sloping shoulders that look seductive when open.


  • For girls who are tired of the old asymmetrical styling and who want to restore the structure of the rod.

The garcon seems to be versatile. But it is not so. You have to be picky about your appearance, otherwise any imperfections in skin or makeup are obvious. Nevertheless, the technique is applicable to hair of different thicknesses and structures, including wavy curls.

This hairstyle will emphasize your femininity and elegance.


If you have an angular or narrow face, there is no better option. You will favorably emphasize the natural pattern of the form, passing it off as dignity and zest. Do not try to strive for beauty standards, because they do not exist. Today it is fashionable to be a bright personality with interesting features.


Looks spectacular on a swarthy beauty


Keep in mind that boyish hairstyles are harmonious on fragile and petite women of fashion, it's better to give preference to others. The square face is also not improved by new changes. But if the desire is beyond your strength, choose the perfect bangs that smooth out rough lines.


Chubby faces should also be treated with extreme caution. Be sure to add volume in the crown area and complement it with an oblique cut of the front strand.

We conclude that the garcon is ideally oval. If you are a happy owner of it, feel free to go to an experienced master for a new image!


Advice! Too curly hair becomes a contraindication. On slightly wavy haircuts, it looks more harmonious and appropriate.

Classical technique

The original variation is characterized by areas cut at the back of the head and at the sides. Moreover, they are milled with special scissors. At the same time, the contours remain smooth, without clear transitions, giving elegance to the bold fashionista. Be sure to decorate your ears with earrings. Both small pearls and large jewelry are suitable.

This hairstyle requires maximum care.

The peculiarity of the technology is that the back of the head, temples and bangs are cut with special scissors. Leave the front strands short, straight and smooth.

If tousledness is your thing, ask your hairdresser. He will give showiness and ease. Asymmetrical bangs look extravagant, with which you can constantly create new images.


Stylish highlighting on short curls



Advice! Pay attention to your makeup. Open hairstyles draw attention to skin imperfections and asymmetrical lines. Be sure to refresh your makeup as needed.

Ultra short length

Ideal solution for business ladies. The length of the strand does not exceed 5 cm. Most of all goes to a miniature physique, as well as a person with high cheekbones. Arched bangs are provided, which do not cover the forehead much. To prevent beauty from being disturbed by rapid regrowth, do not forget to visit your master regularly.

Ultra-short version



Remember, the ultra-short length emphasizes the face, so it should be perfect. Take regular care of your skin and don't forget about make-up.

Advice! With the help of wax, you can diversify the hair. The result will be a stylish, extravagant, casual or correct look.

Extended version

Outwardly, it is similar to the traditional bob we are accustomed to, but it differs in splendor on the sides and on the back of the head. If your head shape is far from ideal, choose this model.

Note that this variety reveals less facial features, therefore it becomes an excellent solution to the problem of wide cheekbones, large forehead or overly round cheeks. You will normalize the proportions and also correct the oval. But this hairstyle needs to be tweaked every day, because the volume is quickly lost. Especially the rule applies to those who have thin and heavy curls.

Bright solution



If you have a long head of hair and you do not want to say goodbye to it completely, leave it to the middle of the neck. Observe the only rule: the hairstyle should follow the contours of the head, as if fitting it.

Advice! Don't ignore accessories. Even a small neat bow will help emphasize gentle character traits.

Solution for women 50+

Since the garcon is ideal for mature women, its features should be considered. The main rule is to give up extravagant shades. Give preference to classics or chocolate, copper and other light ones.

The inherent boyish negligence can easily rob a lady of a few extra years, making her younger and more attractive. The main thing is to cut and paint on time so that the gray hair does not have time to grow back. To avoid this trouble, choose ash tones that are as close to natural as possible.


strizhka-garson-foto_39The bangs contribute to the formation of a unique bow. Don't think that she doesn't suit mature ladies. On the contrary, it adds playfulness, piquancy and originality. If your character differs from these features, do not restrain it, but emphasize it. It's so wonderful to look 20 at 50! Just keep in mind that at this age you should use a hairdryer, curling iron and other thermo-devices as little as possible. By the way, you will also have to get rid of the wax.

Advice! If you have wavy curls, try a retro look. With it, you will become younger, more effective and remind you of romantic French women.

Variations with bangs

It is no secret to anyone that bangs help to correct the oval of the face, eliminating excessive massiveness and roundness. Therefore, it is important to find a flawless specimen.

  • Long creates an elegant contrast to the main short length. Stylists recommend young girls to style them in the form of a daring mohawk before styling.


  • Oblique helps to remove excessive severity of the image and visually corrects a high forehead, protruding cheekbones. The main thing with the help of makeup is to make a bright accent on the eyes.
This hairstyle has many advantages.
  • Short looks extraordinary and unusual. With a perfect face, it is most appropriate. Not suitable for those with a too high and wide forehead.


Don't be afraid to comb the front strands in different directions. They will always look different while perfecting the bow.

Advice! If you have an irregular head shape, give up. With the proposed form, you will only enhance the lack of appearance.

The role of jagged contours

Thin and not too thick hair is difficult to decorate with a minimum amount of hair. But if you leave them in medium length and profile, you get an exquisite layered structure. Thanks to this, volume and splendor appears, which is often lacking.

strizhka-garson-foto_45In addition to the listed advantages, jagged contours help to hide facial imperfections in the form of asymmetry and irregular contours. If you have naughty and thin curls, this is the solution for you.

Advice! Garson is ideal for girls who lead an active lifestyle, but at the same time do not forget about their sexuality and femininity. You will look neat and tidy in any setting.

What to do with thick hair?

Usually, the owners of thin hair resort to short models. But our offer is also relevant for a dense heap. In this case, stylists recommend trying layering that looks like a cascade.




With the usual change in the parting, you can easily radically change your image. Therefore, if you like experimentation, be sure to take a closer look at the proposed variety.

Advice! Stylists do not recommend blondes to abuse with styling products, otherwise the head will take on a dirty look. Use a gel or mousse.

Laying methods

Depending on the shape and length of the swift, different styling can be done. The rule does not apply to ultra-short length, but on medium hair you can make a kind of "needles" with the help of gel. It's easy to create them yourself. You can also curl up playful curls. Remember to use a heat protectant spray to avoid damaging the rod. Consider fashion trends.

  • Negligence effect remains at the peak of popularity for several seasons. Use a gel or foam and use a hair dryer to lift the mass in the root zone. Fix the result with a strong hold varnish.


  • Smoothness more appropriate to business style.Use wax, gel or varnish to keep the result long lasting.


  • Square-faced and chubby fashionistas should lay their hair on one side.


  • To get an extraordinary starry retro look, comb back so that there is volume in the front, and deliberate slickness in the back.
Stylish image for the star
  • Experiment with the crown. She will give you youth if she lies to one side or sticks out in the form of a mohawk.


There are situations when you need to urgently go to a meeting, but there is absolutely no time to get ready. Sound familiar? Just comb your bangs or add a striking accessory in the form of a ribbon or lace.

Advice!Remember to visit the hairdresser regularly. With regrown roots and chipped ends, you will look sloppy and unkempt.


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