Stunning Smokey for Green Eyes - Step by Step Instructions for Any Occasion

Make your gaze unique!

Smokyis for green eyes as one of the best makeup options has long settled on the pages of the best fashion magazines around the world. Many Hollywood stars choose it for their triumphant red carpet procession. And, as you know, modern women of fashion are ready to imitate the objects of their admiration in everything. And in fact, it is very easy to do this, you just need to follow the instructions that will be given below.


Looks bright and mysterious
Consider skin color when choosing
It is important to choose the right shades

Little secrets of a stunning beauty image

What is the peculiarity of this sexy and sophisticated design of female eyes? Looking at the step-by-step instructions, you will probably understand that we are talking about carefully blending several shades at once on the lower and upper eyelids. No wonder she was given a fantastic name, translated from English meaning "eyes in the haze." Drawing smooth transitions is a whole art, which, by the way, can be mastered by any modern lady. Stylists recommend starting training with simple techniques using 2-3 tones (options for daytime makeup), in order to gradually move on to more complex methods with the participation of 5-6 colors.

Emphasize your eyes!
Attractive and mysterious
Playful make

To date, stylists and makeup artists have developed a large number of techniques that make it possible to obtain a smoke effect in the female gaze in the shortest possible time. It should be noted that the owners of the green iris are the most fortunate. The fact is that dozens of combinations can be found for this color. Don't believe me? Let's take a look at the most popular combinations:

  • Brown and gold. Warm, barely noticeable and so feminine, these colors are more suitable for everyday trips to work or urgent matters.
Cat look
  • Purple and plum reflections prefer to opt for going to nightclubs and trips on romantic dates.


  • Nude and brown - an excellent solution within the strict dress codes.
Interesting and rich
  • Gray and black palettes prefer fatal seducers who love to attract the attention of men around.


  • Dark and light green colors recommended for use at special occasions and romantic meetings.


Advice! The technology initially discussed today is an exclusively evening way to emphasize the dignity of a woman's appearance. But now the scope of its application has dramatically expanded within the borders, and modern women of fashion impose such a "war paint" already in the daytime and in the morning.

What tools might you need?

In the cosmetic bag of any beauty, a set of brushes for applying makeup must take pride of place. When creating a smoky make-up, you just have to learn how to skillfully use flat brushes, soft blending brushes and a pencil. Options with an ultra-thin eyeliner look especially impressive. Do not forget that you will have to carefully work out each color transition.


Eyeshadow Palette

Advice! The palette of shadows must be selected based on the individual characteristics of the appearance. In this case, one should take into account not only the shade of the iris, but also the tone of the skin and hair. For example, dark-skinned women with an emerald gaze will not go with a light scale, and on blondes, a dark make-up will look too vulgar and aggressive.

Recommendations and rules

As in any other business, in the process of decorating her face, and in particular, her gaze, a woman must adhere to some mandatory actions. But here, too, there may be room for the flight of creative ideas and thoughts.

A charming shade for blonde
An adorable solution for a brown-haired woman
Makeup for a red-haired beauty

Before you start implementing your plans, carefully consider yourself in the mirror. Have you already noticed some of the features of your appearance? Let's take a look at a few examples:

  • To narrow the wide-open eyes a little, shadows should also be applied outside the outer corner.
  • For visual expansion of the gaze, it is recommended to cover only part of the upper eyelid with cosmetics without involving a large area above the outer corner.
Amazing terracotta
Chic tandem



Expressive and magical eyes with the right cosmetics

Step-by-step instruction

  • Immediately, we note that incredibly beautiful smokeiness requires careful preparation of the skin of the face. Any pimple or red spot can completely ruin the overall picture. Foundation, highlighter, powder, blush, concealer - use everything to look perfect!
  • A base with caring and moisturizing ingredients is an integral part of the procedure. Just do not forget that all this beauty in the evening will need to be washed off without fail.
  • Take a soft pencil of the desired shade and carefully trace all the boundaries of the mucous membrane. If you want to make your eyes look deeper, make the line towards the temples much thicker than in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe bridge of the nose.
Step 1
  • Apply shadows alternately. After each manipulation, do feathering so that the color differences are not so pronounced. Stylists apply a dark palette to the area around the outer corner, and it is better to highlight the inner one with barely noticeable pearlescent cosmetic products.
  • Paint your eyelashes thoroughly with mascara.
Step 2
Step 3

Advice! Recently, emerald, purple, purple and brown mascaras are especially relevant. This solution looks especially beautiful on green-eyed beauties. Therefore, hurry up to get yourself several solutions for any occasion.

With this makeup you will definitely not be left without attention.
Skillfully accentuate the eye area!

Day make-up

As mentioned earlier, there are various options today, including techniques for daily use. Today we will talk about makeup, which is based on the use of translucent tones. To implement your plan, you need to open the palette and find the following shadows:

  • Beige;
  • Nude;
  • Gray brown;
  • White;
  • Light green.



With these eyes you can enchant any man

smokiajs-dlya-zelenyh-glaz-foto_35In general, you need to include at least 4-5 colors in the kit.

We start the process

  • As always, prepare your face for the upcoming transformation. This will help not only mask small imperfections, but also create a base for the shadows. If you use high-quality products, the coloring pigments will not peel off, which allows us to talk about long-term preservation of the freshness of the appearance.
  • With a dark pencil, draw a line at the growth of the eyelashes. The lower eyelid is still intact.
  • Use a soft brush to blend the sketch so that the edges are slightly blurred.
  • Take a black mask and pat the entire top with a patting motion. For this, a cone-shaped brush comes to the rescue.
  • Now take the taupe accents and work over the rest over the brows.
  • Mark the corners with a dark purple scale.
  • The brow area will surely shine with unobtrusive pearlescent powder products. This will help draw more attention to your appearance due to the visual openness.
  • With a black pencil or eyeliner, draw the lines at the eyelashes, as you did before, but only they become more traced and bright.
  • The final touch is a thick mascara for volume and lengthening.




Advice! Close-set eyes are a common occurrence. To visually hide this flaw, do not draw dark strokes at the nose. Better to cover this area with something more weightless.

The splendor of an evening emerald beauty masterpiece

Recently, makeup in tones of deep, shimmering greens has become incredibly popular and in demand. And this is no coincidence, because its splendor is extremely difficult to overestimate. To create such beauty, you need to purchase the following shades:

  • Light brown and nude;
  • Light green and light green;
  • Emerald and dark brown.


The perfect solution for an evening celebration

So, let's go directly to the "artistic painting":

  • As always, we apply the base. A concealer, foundation, blush, highlighter and other cosmetics are actively used here.
  • Create a base: apply nude or lightened beige on the lower eyelid and half of the brow zone.
  • Blend everything well. See how much your skin has already changed?
  • With a black pencil, draw lines at the growth of the ciliary row.
  • Now cover the upper eyelid with emerald colors using a comfortable long-handled brush. Work on the transitions.
  • Mark the inner corner with shadows of more transparent shades (light green, etc.). Smudge everything to avoid abrupt transitions.
  • Take a dark pencil again and conjure it up to make your eyes clearer and brighter.
  • On the movable eyelid, draw a thin line with green eyeliner.
  • Fix the result with volumizing or lengthening mascara.



A few tips for choosing cosmetics

As you know, the result itself depends on the quality of the materials used. And in the matter of the design of the female gaze, the situation is much more complicated. Some women suffer from allergic reactions, as well as constant irritation and inflammation that occurs when using unsafe products. In most cases, ignoring simple rules causes serious diseases such as conjunctivitis. So, for those who have just started to master the simple technique of smoke, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of recommendations that should be strictly followed.

  • Buy mascara, liner, eyeliner and other products in the store only from trusted and well-known manufacturers. Some companies add cheap substitutes for natural substances to them, which cannot but affect women's health.
  • Too cheap products should cause concern, because the oils and extracts included in the composition cannot have a low cost. But at the same time, you should not chase brands and overpay for advertising. A frightening price tag with its numbers is not an indicator of the availability of useful components.



Try not to put on makeup when you are at home
  • Every evening, regardless of fatigue and weakness, you need to wash off your own masterpieces, otherwise in the morning your skin will look lifeless and dull.
  • Smoky beauty transformation always looks very impressive, the only exceptions are those cases when there are small defects on the girl's face in the form of rashes and inflammations.
  • Choose a palette of shades depending on the individual characteristics of your own appearance. Too aggressive colors are contraindicated for blond beasts, and brunettes, on the contrary, do not need too light ones. Also keep in mind that the green gamut should be slightly different from the iris, otherwise your whole creation runs the risk of turning into an incomprehensible mass of almost identical colors.


It's best to do some grooming treatments during your weekend.




In conclusion, I would like to say one thing: try to adhere to the above rules, and your image will always look perfect!

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