How to Dye Hair Blue - Dyeing Techniques and Image Ideas

Bright and custom curls

Fashion relentlessly brings new trends, and today it is blue hair color. Toners and other coloring products are available in stores to create a daring look. So, if emotional impulses require cardinal reincarnations, why not take a closer look at such an unusual proposal?


Choice of shade

Before you come to the salon for painting, you should decide on the tone. Shades of blue are multifaceted. Of course, it is impossible to say in advance with 100% accuracy whether the selected tone will suit the face, so you need to take into account some nuances:

  • dark blue is able to give the owner of the mystery and some kind of mystery. Suitable for beauties with fair skin, bluish-blue or gray eyes and regular facial features;
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Navy blue
  • black and blue glitters and plays with unimaginable tints in the sun. It goes well with almost everyone, regardless of appearance and age, but it is nobler in combination with dark skin and dark irises of the eyes. Having chosen such a tone, it is not necessary to use the services of a colorist, you can paint yourself. A good solution for courageous personalities would be to dilute the hair with bright contrasting strands;
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Black blue
  • soft blue with a barely noticeable ash tint will be a gentle start to a cardinal transformation. Looks mesmerizing on light-skinned blue-eyed blondes;
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Light blue with a barely noticeable ash tint
  • azure and turquoise - these soft tones make facial features softer. Recommended for ladies over 30 years old, as they skillfully rejuvenate a woman;
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  • indigo is the trend of the upcoming season. A deep color looks catchy, the main condition for its use is the perfect condition of the hair;
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  • blue-gray - it is not as flashy as the previous options, it makes the beauty look like a fairy with hidden wings. Suitable for fair-skinned women of fashion with clear eyebrows;
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Blue gray
  • creative combinations - combinations of blue with other tones are chosen by creative and creative individuals who are not used to being ignored. We will look at popular and fashionable designs a little later.
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Combination of blue and steel

Advice! Such a bright head of hair attracts attention, therefore, in the image of a girl, everything should be perfect: both the face, and the skin, makeup and the hairstyle itself. Do not allow even the slightest flaws. In the make-up, it is better to focus on the eyes: shadows with pearlescent tints, charcoal black mascara and eyeliner will help with this. It is enough to apply a balm or transparent gloss to the lips.

Partial coloring for short and long haircuts: what is fashionable this season?

For a short-term effect, you can use crayons, with their help it will easily turn out to paint individual strands or tips in extravagant paints. They absolutely do not affect the condition of the hair, the color stays exactly until the next contact with water. In stores, you can easily find cosmetic crayons with which you can diversify the look.

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For a short-term effect, you can use crayons, with their help it will easily turn out to paint individual strands or tips in extravagant paints.
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They absolutely do not affect the condition of the hair, the color is kept exactly until the next contact with water
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If you want a long-term result, contact a master colorist, who, in addition to monochromatic painting, will be able to offer more interesting options for a quick transformation.

If you want a long-term result, contact a master colorist who, in addition to monochromatic painting, will be able to offer more interesting options for a quick transformation without changing the main tone. The following techniques are popular in the coming season:

  • blue-blue highlighting - one of the ways to diversify the image. Looks good on bronzed, brown and black hair. Suitable for short haircuts and bobs on perfectly flat styling;
  • ombre - light azure ends look amazing on big Hollywood curls. Combines with ash, charcoal and blond;
  • highlighting individual strands is often used with avant-garde and ultramodern haircuts... The artist can use up to 5 mid-tones of blue to create deep color transitions that skillfully emphasize the dynamics of styling.
Blue-blue highlights
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Ombre - light azure ends look amazing on large Hollywood curls
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Highlighting individual strands is often used with avant-garde and ultra-modern haircuts.

Advice!If a monochromatic coloring can be done without much effort at home, then highlighting and ombre should be trusted exclusively to the master in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and unexpected results.

Interesting color combinations: red-blue and blue-pink curls

Fashion sometimes offers crazy solutions. This year, saturated candy shades are especially popular, among which various variations of bluish show themselves favorably.

The basis for choosing a future hair color is the skin tone. A couple of shades should be in harmony with each other. First, decide on your color type. Skin undertones can be warm with a yellowish glow or cold with a pinkish glow. The brighter the contrast, the more catchy the image comes out in the end. A more natural look is obtained by choosing shades that are related to skin or eye color.

Hairdressers satisfy the extravagant desires of fashionistas by coloring their hair in blue-red and blue-pink colors, because they are perfectly combined with each other. To bring this method to life, the ombre technique is best suited, when two rainbow colors smoothly flow into each other. Looks beautiful on long curls.

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Horizontal blue-pink ombre
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Pink roots, blue hair
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Vertical color transition

What do they offer for short haircuts? Small highlights of red and bluish strands on a dark base look very attractive. Now such decisions are chosen not only by girls, but also by boys. They are mainly representatives of modern youth movements.

Also, bold color combinations look great on layered haircuts by type cascade or bob-bob, in which red paint is chosen as the base layer, and the cap is deep blue, or exactly the opposite.

Advice! Such combinations have gained popularity due to the fact that the cold ebb of bluish undertones is exquisitely softened by red-pink reflections, giving the hairstyle a rich and inviting look.

How to paint hair at home

As mentioned earlier, monochromatic staining is easy to do on your own. To achieve a clean and high-quality result, you need to adhere to the following recommendations.

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Monochrome staining is easy to do on your own
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To achieve a clean and high-quality result, you must adhere to all recommendations.
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Brunettes and other dark-haired young ladies need to discolor strands for a rich effect.

To get started, prepare the following set of tools at hand:

  • comb;
  • a bowl of plastic or ceramic;
  • shampoo;
  • gloves;
  • a cape on the shoulders;
  • vinegar;
  • brush;
  • coloring preparations;
  • bleaching cream;
  • a cap on the head;
  • fat cream.

Now we start the painting process itself.

Brunettes and other dark-haired young ladies need to discolor the strands for a rich effect. If you want to get a slightly bluish glow, you can skip this step. Before applying the bleaching cream, carefully read the instructions on the package. After the required time has elapsed, rinse it off with ordinary running water, after which do not apply the balm. So the horny scales will remain open, which will increase the penetration of the dye composition deep into the hairs. Finally, dry your hair thoroughly, modern paints are not friendly with moisture.

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Before applying the bleaching cream, carefully read the instructions on the package.
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After the required time has elapsed, rinse it off with ordinary running water, after which do not apply the balm
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At the end, dry your hair thoroughly, modern paints are not friendly with moisture

Advice! Be prepared for the fact that as a result of improperly done discoloration, your hair may turn greenish. If you doubt your own abilities - do not risk it, use the services of a master.

  • Cover ears, forehead and neck with petroleum jelly or greasy cream to prevent absorption of the composition into the skin.
  • Prepare the dye solution according to the instructions, and cover your shoulders with a cape.
  • Divide the hair into 3-4 zones, each of which is carefully treated with a brush with a coloring agent.
  • After all the paint is on the strands, collect them in a bunch and cover with a warming cap. This activates the reaction faster.
  • After 30-40 minutes (this time is indicated in the instructions from the manufacturer), wash your hair with shampoo, then rinse your hair with vinegar solution (it will fix the shade).
  • Wipe off the cream with a cotton pad. If the pigment does penetrate the skin, it can be removed with rubbing alcohol.
After dyeing, your hairstyle needs careful maintenance.
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Refresh the color with toning shampoo at least once a week
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Also, 1-2 times for 7 days, use regenerating masks, do not forget about balms and conditioners

After dyeing, your hairstyle needs careful maintenance. Refresh the color with a toning shampoo at least once a week. Also, 1-2 times for 7 days, use regenerating masks, do not forget about balms and conditioners, because the ammonia in coloring products makes the hairs brittle and deprives them of vital energy. It will not be superfluous to drink a course of vitamins.

The best paints and tint balms

There is a wide selection of coloring compositions on the market that allow you to transform. Each offer differs in price, duration of the effect, and respect for the curls. Consider the most popular tint shampoos, paints and tonics:

  • Estel Play in Ultra mare shade allows you to achieve deep blue. Paints from this series have a bleaching powder and an oxidizing agent in the kit. A high-quality composition will cope with hair of any structure, thanks to which it will be possible to achieve a bright result even for natural brunettes. Also suitable for partial staining. The total is saved up to 1 month;
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Estel Play
  • Awesome ColorScream is a luxury paint that offers fashionistas two flashy samples - bluish Blue Margarita and Violet Fizz, which is similar in range with a purple tint. The ammonia-free composition and the absence of an oxidizing agent gently envelop the hair structure, without having a destructive effect on the curls. Intense color lasts up to 2 months;
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Awesome ColorScream Blue Margarita
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Awesome ColorScream Violet Fizz
  • Crazy Color is a well-known brand of quality coloring compounds, a favorite choice of extravagant rock musicians. Offers shocking fashionistas 4 types of toning shampoos with incredible colors: Sky Blue, Bubblegum Blue, deep Capri Blue and mesmerizing Blue Jade. There is no ammonia in the formulation of the products, so they do not harm the hair. If the first two give the fashionista pastel halftones, then the latter are much brighter;
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Crazy color
  • L'Oreal Paris - this brand produces excellent coloring sprays, in a wide range of colors of which there are blue, mint and turquoise. Thanks to the finely dispersed nozzle, the pigmented particles are evenly distributed over the scalp. The color is preserved until subsequent bathing. Before spraying, it is recommended to cover the shoulders with a cape, then shake the bottle vigorously and spray its contents at a distance of 15 cm from the head. After a couple of minutes, you can comb the curls. The paint does not penetrate deep into the hair structure, which in no way affects the condition of the hairs, their shine and silkiness are preserved;
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L'Oreal Paris
  • Tonic - it is impossible not to mention this manufacturer, despite the low cost, the products are of high quality dyeing. The manufacturer advises to simply apply the composition to washed damp hair, and dilute with water to obtain a weightless tone. Suitable even for gray strands, withstands from 3 to 7 shampooing processes;
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  • Anthocyanin is a dye without ammonia, in addition to coloring properties it has a lamination function. Restores curls due to the useful components included in the composition. In particular, amino-fruit acid increases the durability of staining, an antiseptic prevents the development of allergic reactions, keratin penetrates deep into the hair, making it stronger, and essences from medicinal plants and plant proteins make the strands more elastic and protect them from exposure to ultraviolet rays. In the palette there are 4 representatives of blue: black and blue, deep blue, sky blue, with a steel sheen.
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Advice! In pursuit of fashion, many people forget about health. You should not save money when choosing a paint, because it will be much more difficult to restore damaged, brittle and dry strands than initially spending a little more money on buying a quality product.

More ideas for images:

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