Hairdressing masterpieces - affordable luxury from 365 STUDIO

Inspired by the perfect Instagram picture of flawless colors? Beauty is attainable! The main thing is to choose the right salon and a competent master who has passed the appropriate specialization and is constantly improving in the popular dyeing techniques. It is also very important that your stylist has a developed sense of beauty, has excellent observation and a desire to follow fresh trends.

premium beauty salon
The best way to renew, shed negativity and see yourself with different eyes is to do highlights on long hair in the salon. It is characteristic that highlighting has remained a trend procedure for more than 7 years and is not going to give up its positions.
The essence of the procedure is to give individual strands a lighter shade. The darker and longer the hair, the more difficult and expensive the procedure. However, a highly qualified master is able to make natural highlighting without unnecessary yellowness, even on a natural black shade.

Why is highlighting good?

  • Unlike total lightening, it is a more gentle procedure;
  • Tinting is required less often, does not require regular correction;
  • If selected correctly, it grows very beautifully and naturally;
  • Visually adds volume to the hair;
  • An alternative to total lightening for those who want to get brighter.

Selective lightening only at first glance seems to be easy for self-execution. The technique includes a lot of nuances. This is especially true for those whose natural shade is darker than blond, and especially if it includes red pigment.


Where to stop?
In addition to the classic highlighting, which involves a separate uniform dyeing of some strands along the entire length of the hair, stylists offer majimesh, American, Venetian, colored, and also Californian.
The choice depends on the original hair color, appearance characteristics (warmer, colder, etc.), as well as on the expected effect.

Consult with a master, not a friend, but you should also choose a master thoroughly.

Everything is important: from the attractiveness of work in the Instagram account to the banal technical and material equipment of the salon in which the specialist works.

We urge you to contact specialized beauty studios if you want to get the result as from the picture. Do not hesitate to ask what kind of cosmetics the master works on, which techniques are closer to him, which one he sees you - which is better suited to your unique image.

The most popular type of highlighting today is balayage.

This is a delicate technique that gives the effect of color overflows, depth. Often, clients want to move on to something more radical - to lighten more strands. This tendency is especially observed by the summer.


A smooth transition from dark to light is a different technique, ombre.

The result is spectacular color gradation.
Ombre is good because it also suits almost everyone, regardless of the type of appearance, hair length, natural shade. Although, of course, achieving platinum on naturally black hair, and, most importantly, keeping it, is not easy. A task for a high-level professional, and this is another reason why such procedures should be carried out in specialized salons. It is impossible to achieve a perfect transition on your own, even with the help of special combs that distribute the paint.


Ombre benefits

  • Does not require regular correction - slightly overgrown ends in most cases do not spoil the staining, especially if the master left the color at the roots natural;
  • It is easier to grow long hair - there is no need to constantly lighten, hair stays healthy longer and requires less haircuts against dry ends;
  • Hair coloring with ombre visually adds volume;
  • Hair dyed using the ombre technique, even without styling, looks interesting - sometimes it is enough just to pull it out with a hairdryer;
  • From a short bob to a mermaid braid - coloring will suit any hair length;
  • It is easiest for a master to work with naturally light hair, but a high-level specialist easily gets an ashy blonde shade from a black cloth.

Although different types of ombre and highlighting are rather gentle procedures, the hair needs proper care, additional nourishment, not to mention the impeccably precise technological execution of the main procedure. Only then will the hair remain alive, shiny and new coloring will only decorate them.

The best option is expert care.

In order not to waste time and go through a full range of beauty treatments in one visit, you should contact specialized premium beauty salons. So, the masters perform up to 5 procedures at a time. These are services for the care of the skin of the face, hands, body, as well as manicure, pedicure and even make-up.

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