Mink hat for women (45+ photos) - How to choose original fur and what to wear with


A cap mink - a stylish and luxurious headdress for all times. Elite fur, due to its extraordinary tenderness and brilliance, gives a woman's appearance a special elegance. Such a product will serve for many years if properly cared for.

How to choose the right model? What to combine with? How to store in the summer? - you will find answers to these and other questions in this article.



Features of natural fur

Mink skin has always been considered an expensive raw material and to this day remains a popular and valuable material used for sewing winter clothes. Hats made of natural products are highly heat-resistant and perfectly emphasize the femininity of their wearers.

The fur of the animal is characterized by wear resistance, practicality, and unpretentious care. It is silky and delicate to the touch, the length of the undercoat matches the main villi.


The versatility of "soft gold" makes it possible to cut a wide variety of hats for the fair sex. The material lends itself well to coloring, while all its properties are preserved.

For the manufacture of used skins of males and females. Females are distinguished by light weightless pile, the raw materials of males are more fluffy and durable.

By origin, the material is distinguished into Russian, Chinese, North American, Scandinavian mink. The quality and durability of natural raw materials depends on the conditions for raising animals.


Wearing a hat even in severe cold, thick wool will protect you from wind and frost. The elastic skin of the animal allows you to cut a model of any style, the finished product keeps its shape perfectly.

The most valuable pile is Scandinavian. It has several distinctive features: bright shine, thick undercoat, dense skin tissue. When stroking against the growth of the villi, they instantly return to their original position.

What are the advantages and disadvantages

Compared to other materials, mink has a number of significant advantages:

  1. The skin is soft and very delicate, has a specific iridescent shine.
  2. Practically does not wrinkle, after seasonal storage it quickly returns to its original appearance.
  3. It has a high degree of elasticity, so it does not wear out for a long time.

Even the trimmed pile retains all its properties and remains as soft as natural raw materials. The cover never coarsens and does not prick. Glossy shine will not fade with proper care.


Hats made of natural wool can withstand the most severe frosts and are not afraid of moisture and snow. Despite the apparent tenderness, the material quickly recovers after rain or long-term storage when folded.

The main disadvantages of fur:

  • High cost - depending on the quality, the price of the product starts from $ 100 and more.
  • Whimsical storage - over time, the pile turns a little yellow. It must be carefully protected from gluttonous moths.

A natural thing will last at least 10 seasons. Few products are as strong as rodent “soft gold”.


Fashion styles 2021

The latest collections are full of interesting models of warm hats. Designers suggest wearing in the 2021-2022 season: earflaps, hats, berets, kubanks, caps. Women's hats made of natural fur are now extremely popular, stylists offer a wide selection of interesting silhouettes.

Products knitted from the weave of villi are especially popular.Affordable price and heat resistance made these hats a real hit. The products are perfectly combined with different elements of the wardrobe, emphasizing the individuality of their owners.


Fashion designers in the latest collections have offered a novelty - a hat-cat. Previously, such models were sewn exclusively for children, but now they have been adapted for women. The original item will wonderfully fit into any wardrobe, it is good to combine it with fur coat, sheepskin coat, straight cut down jacket.

The accessory, decorated with ears, will add playfulness and coquetry to your look, diversify the strict casual. It is good because it combines perfectly with modern trends.


Hats with pom-poms on the crown and on the sides are still relevant. An interesting solution forms a slightly naive, "childish" bow.


A hood - a fur scarf - allows you to tightly wrap your neck and not wear an additional scarf.


Knitted mink models are much more practical and convenient than a whole product. Special sewing technology allows you to create graceful silhouettes for a lady's head.

Some examples:

Matching winning colors

Headwear made of luxurious fur is offered in a huge abundance of shades - brown, dark chocolate, "cognac", restrained black, pearl, beige, blue-gray.

You also need to remember that in production, a slight dyeing of wool is allowed. They do not lose their elite look and models in bright colors: Red, orange, blue, emerald, pink.


You should not choose a hat to match with a fur coat or coat. The product can only have a similar range with the general style.

White headwear is not recommended for white-skinned blondes: they run the risk of "merging" into a single whole with the thing. It is better for them to take a closer look at the cold palette - blue, nutty, gray-blue.


Honey and mahogany suits almost any type of appearance. This hat goes well with a black coat.

Remember that black mink is better for light-eyed blondes, and beige and white for dark-skinned girls.

How to choose a model according to the shape of the face

Modern fashion houses offer a huge selection of stylish novelties for head decoration.

Of the many, the most popular are:

  1. Knitted hat.
  2. Ushanka.
  3. Kapor.
  4. Kubanka.
  5. Beret.
  6. Boyarka.


In order for the new acquisition to be successful and delight you for more than one year, take into account the peculiarities of your appearance.

Choose a piece of clothing according to the type of face shape:

  • Oval - any model is suitable, from voluminous earflaps to asymmetrical berets.
  • Round - it is worth avoiding excess volume, "ears" should be lowered along the cheeks. Smooth-haired options look advantageous.
  • Square - Buy rounded hats. Take a closer look at the berets - it's better to wear them slightly shifted to the side. Also, any models of hats with earflaps with lowered margins are suitable. Avoid lavish decor.
  • Triangular - this type is prohibited from wearing earflaps, round models. Better to stay on the adjacent styles.
  • Elongated - Pick up things that cover your forehead. You can't wear pom-poms. In this case, the beret, shifted to the forehead, looks good.
Don't buy an expensive product without trying it on. Even if you liked it on someone, this does not mean that the hat will suit your type of appearance.

The difference between original fur and fake

Mink is considered one of the most expensive and elite types of fur in the world. The silky shine is very popular with the most discerning fashionistas. A luxury purchase like a mink hat will be a good investment in your wardrobe. A hat is not cheap, so when planning a purchase, you should first figure out how to recognize a natural thing from a fake.

To determine whether the original is in front of you or a fake, run your hand along and then against the fur: the sensations should not differ, the elasticity of the pile remains, the hairs quickly return to their previous position.


First of all, carefully examine the offered product, touch it with your hands.The sensation of the fingers will not deceive you: if you have a "original" in front of you, then the wool will resemble the texture of silk, and the thick undercoat is soft, like swan down.

Such raw materials give a unique gloss to the product and indicate that the thing is made from natural rodent skins.

It is quite simple to distinguish artificial material: it has a rare fluff, long, sticking out in different directions and bulging uneven hair.


Take a close look at the animal hide leather. Excessively "economical" manufacturers greatly stretch the dressing, which makes it look untidy. Natural leather becomes too thin and resembles gauze.

Products made of fake wool do not keep the silhouette, do not warm in bad weather. The most unpleasant thing is that such models wear out quickly, but, as a rule, they are on a par with true products.

The sewn factory hat has straight, clear seams made of dense thread, which provides strength and protection in the most severe frosts.

Pay attention to the color of the goods on display - wool is valued for its natural glossy sheen, so factories try to avoid dyeing with synthetic pigments.

Determining whether the fur was dyed or not is quite easy. To do this, it is enough to push the padding apart and look at the dressing of the leather. It should have a light shade. If there are streaks or stains on it, or if it has a dark chemical color, then the product has been colored. Products made from dyed fur are short-lived, because any violation of the integrity of the pile has a detrimental effect on the further operation of the product.


When buying, ask for a sales license and product quality certificate. Factory goods are usually protected with holographic labels and serial numbers.

Avoid shopping in spontaneous markets and questionable online stores.

Pay attention to the seams - the lines should be even and the same. Natural skin is odorless, while replicas are often scented.

What to wear with

Mink clothes with "ears" are combined with a variety of wardrobe items. Ushanka with ends tied at the back of the head will be an excellent design for a casual look. The lowered "ears" go well with jeans and sneakers. The product can be worn both with a sheepskin coat and with a down jacket.


Beret made of animal wool will perfectly complement the classic coat, cashmere trench coat and a cropped sheepskin coat.

When choosing a hat, you need to take into account the colors of the outerwear that you will wear to the accessory. A classic combination can be considered a headdress to match a fur coat, but such a set is already outdated and adds extra age to a woman. But a thing that differs by several tones from a fur coat will look more profitable.


The hood is not very common, however, it is quite compatible with the current fashion canons. A mink hood can be combined with a coat, sheepskin coat, fur coat and other feminine looks. Combining it with a sporty style is completely inappropriate and looks ridiculous.

If by nature you have a rectangular face, then you should choose a boyarka, she will help you successfully smooth the corners and give your face the desired roundness.


Owners of small stature should carefully select shoes. The optimal solution would be boots to the knee or high boots with a steady heel.

When choosing accessories, focus on the whole image as a whole. Colorful colors can be combined with shiny handbags and sports shoes.


Care Tips

Like any products made from natural fur, mink hats require careful storage.


The main recommendations for care consist of several rules:

  1. Protect material from direct sunlight.
  2. Protect from overheating.
  3. Keep away from chemicals.
  4. When storing, use anti-moth products.
  5. Avoid getting perfume, hairspray, sprays on the pile - cosmetics have a detrimental effect on the quality of raw materials.

The product retains its unique properties even in severe frosts, wet snow, bright sun. For long-term storage, it is best to store caps in a dry, dark place.


It is best to wrap the hat in paper and fold it into a box, after making holes for ventilation, since the wool needs fresh air. Don't forget about the moth: natural fur is its favorite food. So put insect tablets inside.

Proper storage and care of your favorite thing will allow you to enjoy all the advantages of luxurious fur for many years.

Watch the video for tips on the care and storage of your mink fur garments.

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