Women's stylish rubber boots - Buy online and become the most fashionable lady of autumn

Such shoes will be just a godsend for rainy weather.

“Buy rubber boots for women in an online store” - recently this phrase is often entered as a query in search engines by girls and women of different ages. And all because it often rains in the fall, and your favorite suede ankle boots or leatherette boots simply cannot withstand marathons on the dirty streets of noisy cities. Shoes made of water-repellent materials during the 2017 demi-season are moving from garden plots to world catwalks of famous fashion houses, acquiring more and more interesting outlines and decorative elements.


Classic color
Beautiful olive will add charm to your look
The variety of models is surprising

A bit of history

The need to create durable waterproof boots appeared four centuries ago. The inhabitants of the northern countries needed reliable protection of their feet from wet snow, mud and water. According to authoritative sources, galoshes were first brought to our country in 1859 by Ferdinand Krauskopf. This German entrepreneur opened a small shop in St. Petersburg, where he sold the first batch of American galoshes within a few days. By that time, almost all large and small landowners in the United States had long used them to work on their lands.

The perfect solution for walking your dog in cool autumn
An unusual combination of things


Bright option
This shoe is popular among girls.


The brought models did not differ in beauty and grace, rather, on the contrary, they looked inconspicuous and were terribly uncomfortable. Nevertheless, their appearance caused a real stir. People realized that it was this material that could protect their feet from the cold slush, and instantly bought up everything that the enterprising German brought. The seller, in turn, did not waste time and opened a manufactory for the production of galoshes. Soon the number of steam produced reached 1000 per day, and he produced up to 20 million per year.



rezinovye-sapogi-zhenskie-kupit-internet-magazin_1In Soviet times, these boots were especially popular. In an era of scarcity, the country did not need rubber, so both old and young alike sported products from this material. They had flat soles or small heels and dark shades ranging from brown to black. Now the range of models has increased tenfold, or even hundreds of times. Various varieties are presented to the judgment of fashionistas, dazzling with bright colors and non-standard decorative elements. And the fall of 2017 was completely marked by the era of their revival, because the most eminent couturiers of our planet turned their eyes to these shoes.


It is important for every lady that the shoes are not only comfortable, but also beautiful.


Fashion trends based on the example of famous brands

  • Asos. The designers of this British company in the coming season decided to focus on bright, flashy colors and original ornaments. The priority is flower arrangements, florid plant patterns, extravagant prints. Popular colors include fuchsia, purple, yellow, red and green. We did not forget about the classic performance - snow-white and burning black performance for work and study. In general, fashion designers did everything so that the autumn of modern fashionistas was not boring and dull!
  • Glamorous. As the name implies, here we will focus on the stylistic direction “glamorous urban chic”. Just imagine: rubber products in a small flower, decorated with stylish lacing, or images of stars on a dark blue background, or a large decor in the form of a rose made of textiles. How can you safely walk past a girl who walks through the puddles in such luxury? Of course not.And if you want to stand out from the people around you, be sure to pay attention to the boots of this brand.



  • Hunter. This manufacturer is considered the leader in the sale of rubber footwear. The first page of its history was written at the beginning of the last century, when its owner decided to produce models for soldiers. In the mid-fifties, he retrained production, focusing on the production of fashionable products for women around the world. This year saw the light of the updated line of classic boots, decorated with new colors.


  • JuJu. The creations of this British company are popular not only for their ergonomic design, but also for the use of modern technologies that allow you to recycle waste and turn it into rubber. Glossy shine adds sophistication and elegance to the latest collection, which certainly makes women's fall bow even more attractive and inviting.
Bright cartoon version
  • Crocs. It was this North American manufacturer who once demonstrated the sensational Croslite clogs to the world. Foamed resin is the basis of this natural polymer material. The sole of the boots of this company has one amazing property - it does not slip on wet grass and slightly icy asphalt. The developers took a long time to create such models, since for a long time they worked exclusively for people who are fond of sailing.


  • Tommy Hilfiger. True American traditions are embodied in these boots. The manufacturer refused from flashy ornaments and bright colors, preferring restrained and sophisticated classics. Every modern lady will find something of her own in this specialty store, of course, if she chooses the traditional performance over the ever-changing fashion trends. Dark tones and strict lines are held in high esteem.


  • Guess. This collection can be called the standard of eclecticism without exaggeration. Mixing different styles allowed us to create truly original solutions that will surely appeal to girls with an eccentric character and a penchant for rebellion. At the fashion show, models were demonstrated in which innovative polyvinyl materials and textiles with a water-repellent layer were harmoniously combined in tandem. Such new clothes will decorate any bow, regardless of the chosen direction.


Advice! When giving preference to trading platforms hosted on the World Wide Web, remember that the resources must be verified. Do not trust resources that sell "branded" shoes at low prices.

How not to run into a fake?

Unfortunately, not all online stores can boast of a good reputation and honest attitude towards customers. And it's good if on their pages they inform visitors that they are selling non-original products. It is much more scary to face sellers selling counterfeits at a high cost, as if it were a well-known brand.


High heels


So that you do not fall for the bait of scammers and pay fabulous sums for low-quality goods, we attach to this article a list of recommendations that should always be followed.

  • Buy rubber boots only from specialized stores;
  • Realistically assess the situation: world-famous companies will not set a price lower than $ 30;
  • Ask sellers for certificates;
  • Original items are sold in branded packaging. In addition, the box always contains a dense burlap bag for storing boots. All documentation on warranty periods and return conditions is also placed here.


Even in bad weather you will look fashionable and stylish
An interesting solution for short shorts


How to choose the right model?

Rubber boots are now an integral part of the women's wardrobe of every modern fashionista.Fans of smart casual and street style will not be able to resist the latest lines of these shoes. But before going to the store or visiting online resources, you need to analyze the contents of your closet and think about which model is better to buy for the fall of 2017.

For a romantic look
Striped option
Trendy carrot

In the coming season, designers use the word "rubber" only to pay tribute to tradition. Today, there are practically no products made from natural or synthetic rubber. Production is concentrated in small European firms, and such handmade works are not available to everyone. And in general, fashion designers do not recommend looking for something like that, because these models are distinguished by an unjustifiably overpriced and heavy weight. In addition, they are made by soldering individual parts, which sooner or later leads to deformation of the boots due to bursting seams.



Beautiful white

Lightweight products made of polyurethane foam are a worthy alternative to the fading classics in this case. Modern design, solid and luxurious colors, original ornaments and unexpected decor make them incredibly attractive during the off-season with showers and mud.

Advice!Prefer boots without seams, they can last you more than ten years.

Under trendy jeans


Option for winter

When choosing a suitable pair, you must adhere to some rules, namely:

  • Don't buy tight shoes. It won't bring you convenience, but it will make your outdoor experience a real challenge.
  • Don't be afraid to buy one size up. In the cold season, you can wear warm socks under the bottom.
  • A short-cropped fur lining should be present. Also, jersey, fleece or wool can act as insulation.
  • Young girls can afford shoes made of transparent material, which can be worn over their favorite shoes or ballet flats.
  • The theme of transparency can also be traced in today's top-of-the-knee low shoes and over-the-knee boots. And if the former are decorated with colored laces, then the latter ... with high heels and thick platforms!


Looks feminine under the skirt



rezinovye-sapogi-zhenskie-kupit-internet-magazin_28How to care?

Of course, the new items we are discussing cannot be called a symbol of luxury and status, but this does not mean that they do not need to be looked after. Your rubber boots will last much longer if you treat them with awe and attention. After long walks around the city, going to work, meeting with friends or foreign language courses, you should not immediately flop on the sofa and turn on your favorite TV series upon returning home. Take two minutes of your time, dilute a soapy solution with soft foam in a basin and wipe your shoes with a cloth soaked in this solution. These recommendations are especially applicable to bright colored models, because without regular cleaning, the dirt will be absorbed into the deep layers of the material, and then no means will help to remove them from the smooth surface. Such manipulations will also help maintain the color depth for a long time.

In purple





Advice!And finally, a few tips for the selection of things. The taller the boots, the shorter your outfit should be. Denim shorts, skirts and dresses will be used. They look great with cropped coats. If the boot is very wide, wear knee-highs or leggings underneath. And don't forget to bring an umbrella from home. It's good if he will keep the style of the chosen image.





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