Root hair volume (photo) - What is it, how to do it yourself at home, prices in salons


Many girls dream of luxurious hair, so the root volume of the hair is the best solution for thin curls. You can create it at home or do a salon procedure that will provide a long-term result.



Distinctive features

Lush hairstyle looks very impressive and creates a feeling of lightness and freshness. Fat girls dream of playful curls.

Such a hairstyle is suitable for women with a narrow face, the additional volume will visually increase the size of the head. The curls raised at the roots make the hairstyle more attractive.


Additional volume is needed in cases:

  • thin brittle strands;
  • for unmanageable hair that does not keep its shape well;
  • when you want to make your face more feminine;
  • owners of fatty type of curls;
  • to create an evening look.


A prerequisite for a good result is preparation for styling:

  • Before casting over the strands, the head should be thoroughly washed. To do this, take a special volume shampoo.
  • Apply styling products (foam, spray) to the damp mop, oil to protect the ends.
  • Prepare several types of combs - you will need a comb and a fine-bristled round brush.
  • For fixing, a strong fixing varnish without gluing is suitable.


This hairstyle helps women solve a number of problems:

  1. Visually enlarge or reduce the oval of the face - the strands can be combed in different ways.
  2. Thin whirlwinds will turn into luxurious hair.
  3. Create a trendy, weather-resistant hairstyle.

There are many ways to create lush styling, from home remedies to the latest in salon treatments.

Do not rush to do a perm in a hairdresser, try to build a shock using folk methods. Many of them do an excellent job with the task.

Types of procedure

The root volume in salon prices is a technology during which the strands are processed with special means that ensure the preservation of the shape of the hairstyle for a long time.

The advantage of this technique is that it does not spoil the main part of the curls, the structure of the fibers is not damaged. The result lasts from several days to six months, depending on the solutions used.


Today hairdressers offer several types of procedures:

  1. Boost Up - gentle perm of a small area at the roots. Sometimes only the lower strands are processed.
  2. Fleece - the solution contains plant extracts. The product is applied to the fleece in the root zone, after which the cap is put on for 15-20 minutes. The method is more gentle than the boost up.
  3. Buffant - fleece is performed and fixed with soft curlers. The result is saved for a month. When growing, no creases and transitions are visible.
  4. Corrugation - an iron with a grooved surface of the styler is used. The curling lasts only until the next shampooing.


Perm only from a trusted master. Testimonials from real customers will help you with this.

For whom is it suitable

The procedure is necessary for owners of thin straight strands. Girls with oily hair can solve the problem of a messy appearance: processing the fibers helps to reduce the production of sebum.


Stylists recommend resorting to a gentle perm for women with heavy, thick curls that are difficult to style. Giving an additional size to the hairstyle allows you to change the image, diversify the appearance.

Styling looks good on an elongated square - lifting the base of the mane, you can achieve slight negligence.


Boost up is suitable for owners of thick and heavy hair, the length of which is at least 20 cm. Girls with thin hair, devoid of the slightest volume, will appreciate it.It is not recommended to resort to boost up mistresses of too short curls, because the result in this case is unpredictable.


The procedure is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for individual intolerance to the components of the composition.

What is needed

To complete this process at home, you will need several tools and styling products. Stock up on long-tipped straight combs and round brushes of different diameters.


To achieve the desired result will help:

  1. Gel - at the end of the work, rub in your fingers and apply a little of the product, lifting the curls.
  2. Varnish - fixes the result, the main plus is invisibility.
  3. Wax - allows you to preserve your hairstyle for a long time without gluing.
  4. Powder - a special powder for giving splendor, is applied only to the base of the strands. Protects from weight gain.
  5. Spray - sprayed before and after styling.

In addition to the above tools, you will need a powerful hairdryer with several modes, large curlers, a corrugated or conical curling iron.


How is the procedure carried out

Boost up is an advanced root curling technology with a chemical styler. When performed, the solution is applied only a few centimeters at the roots, due to which the main area of ​​the curls remains intact, but at the same time the effect of splendor is created.

The procedure takes about 5 hours. The result lasts on average from 3 to 6 months.

Before starting, the hair is washed with a degreasing shampoo. The technique of execution involves corrugating with tongs. Small strands treated with a solution are curled on hairpins and dried under a hat. After the "chemistry" is washed off, the master does the styling with a hairdryer and stylers.

The main advantage of this type of service is that chemicals do not get on the scalp. Trained craftsmen apply the product with brushes in compliance with safety rules.

To reduce damage, go to the salon a few days after washing your hair.

How long does it last

The result lasts from several weeks to six months. It all depends on the type of products used and the hair itself. When the strands begin to grow back, and the difference is too noticeable, a correction is made if desired. It is, in fact, a repetition of the procedure, only with fewer chemicals.

For a lasting result, use a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo.

Comb each strand gently and gently, starting from the ends so as not to damage the structure.

Price in the salon

The prices offered by the salons vary greatly. On average, craftsmen charge from $ 20 to $ 80 for their work. The cost is formed on the basis of the purchased boosters, and the experience of the hairdresser and the level of the salon are also of great importance.


To make your choice, read customer reviews and recommendations. If you contact a private trader, find out the name of the means used and read the information about the composition on the Internet. The most acceptable price today is $ 50.

Do not skimp on the offered service, since the state of your hair will depend on the quality of work!


Advantages and disadvantages of Boost up

A new-fashioned procedure is offered by many salons, but not everyone knows what it is. Let's see what the pros and cons of this service are.

Curling a section of hair is carried out with various compositions of chemicals, some of which are gentle, while others are not very.

The prices promise that your hair will acquire visual density and remain healthy. Reviews of real clients suggest that the boostup really holds up well and, with proper care, does not cause significant harm.


But there are also several nuances here. If you are a mistress of long, heavy hair, then the effect will be negligible. A short head of hair will look better, but it is also more difficult to do this kind of work. Boost-up technology is very similar to biowave and carving.

The main benefits of Boost Up:

  1. The result lasts up to six months.
  2. No need to waste time on daily styling, just blow-dry your curls.
  3. The production of sebum is reduced, so the frequency of washing is reduced.
  4. Safe for sensitive skin.
  5. The effect lasts even in bad weather and does not disappear after wearing hats.
  6. Gives lightness to heavy hair.



  • High cost - the price varies from 20 to 80 USD.
  • The complexity of the technology implementation - there are not so many experienced masters with skills.
  • Cannot be done on short lengths.
  • There is a risk of damage to the structure.
  • Difficulty removing the composition - removers can do a lot of harm.
  • Ripple becomes noticeable as it grows back.

Weigh the pros and cons before signing up with the master. Perhaps homemade methods are more suitable.

How to remove

If you don't like the result or get tired of a lush mane, the volume can be removed with removers. To do this, it is better to contact the same master who performed the work. The hairdresser will apply anti-boost straighteners to the strands, and upon completion, the hair will return to its original appearance.

However, if the length allows and a considerable time has passed, a short haircut will solve the problem.

Masters recommend using conditioners for leveling, using restorative balms. Intensive care will quickly return the hair to its previous appearance.

Before and after photos

The volume at the roots makes it possible to create feminine looks. Such strands are soft, very obedient when styling. For a romantic look, you can curl them in large waves using curlers.

Look at the photo with examples of different options for wearing this hairstyle. Feel free to experiment, stylists' fashionable ideas will help you navigate the appropriate options.






Hair care after

To keep your mane safe and sound, do not forget about proper care, which is recommended by professionals. After visiting the hairdresser, you cannot wash your hair for three days. This is necessary so that the retainer can be fixed in the fiber structure.


To avoid brittleness and dryness, purchase nourishing masks, oils, balms. Ask your craftsman for a recommendation for the best quality product.

Wash your hair only as needed, frequent use of shampoos opens up the scales and creates conditions for damage.

How to do it at home

Achieving luxurious curls on your own is not so difficult. To do this, you need a little dexterity and a few tools.


Let's look at the most popular ways to create volume with your own hands:

  1. Combing - comb the separated strands in the opposite direction with a comb. 2-3 movements are enough to lift the bulk of the curls.
  2. Curling with a round brush and hairdryer - after washing, dry your hair by curling with a comb at the base. For this purpose, you can buy a special electric brush.
  3. Parting to the side - Part your hair so that one half appears thicker. Fix with varnish.
  4. A bun of damp hair for the night - wind it with a spiral, fasten it with a soft elastic band. You will get big waves in the morning.
  5. Blow-dry from the back of your head - bend over and blow hot air into the strands. This method helps to lift even the thinnest vegetation.
  6. Corrugated curling iron - a special corrugated styler creates a fine scattering.
  7. Powder for volume - to separate small strands, sprinkle the powder on the roots. The effect lasts until the next wash.
You can achieve fashionable styling at home with the help of modern styling products.

Shampoos with a "volumizing" mark will be of great help. While drying, lift the strands with your hands at the base.

Avoid conditioners; dry oils on the ends are suitable for strengthening.


However, in order to achieve a long-lasting result, it is better to turn to a professional who will give a great look to your curls with the most gentle means.


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