Hairstyle ponytail for long hair - Elegant chic simple styling

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How sexy and graceful she looks, if you gently smooth out small curls, make a light fleece on the crown and it is interesting to lay your bangs

Which of the girls has not done a ponytail for long hair? It does not require any special devices or special skills. And how sexy and graceful she looks, if you gently smooth out small curls, make a light fleece on the top of the head, and it is interesting to style your bangs! The design will be the perfect tandem with a long, form-fitting evening gown. Looks delightful with cocktail dress. Suitable even for a gym or a casual walk with friends. It is this styling that can become the hallmark of your style.


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The design will be the perfect tandem with a long, form-fitting evening gown
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Looks amazing with a cocktail dress
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Suitable even for the gym or a casual walk with friends


This element has many varieties. Depending on the height of the planting, the texture of the hairs and the way it is styled, it can look completely different. The result is also influenced by the density of the mop, the state of its health and even the shape of the skull.

Note. If by nature you get an imperfect silhouette of the head, try to avoid smooth, drawn-out variations that demonstrate its outlines. For example, if the skull is narrow, oblong, asymmetrical. Your way out is all kinds of bouffants, curls, voluminous tips.

We propose to study in detail what a ponytail is:

  • High, low, medium. The first is placed on the top of the head. The second is at the back of the head. The middle one is placed in the center of an imaginary arch between the ears. The location of the elastic is of the utmost importance. It radically changes the features of the same styling.
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Medium variant
  • Smooth, fluffy, curled. Smooth curls turn out beautifully if there are a lot of them. And also, they must be healthy and resilient. Splendor is achieved by combing the ends, weaving artificial strands, processing the entire length with a curling iron. The ends are curled in various ways: with a curling iron, an iron, using a curler.
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Smooth low styling
  • Casual or festive. The option for every day looks simple and uncommon. As a rule, catchy accessories, decorative weaving, complex manipulations and techniques are not used. All these attributes are used to create a festive styling.
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  • Straight or inverted. Straight tight elastic band. And the inverted one is dragged into the hole a couple of centimeters above it. The second is more effective at a low landing.
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  • Sloppy or perfectly worked out. Today, artificial disheveledness and relaxation are in vogue. The feeling that not a single extra minute was spent on the bow. On the other hand, a carefully prepared piece is more catchy and sophisticated.
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Intentionally sloppy
  • With a pile, with a volume. The hair is combed to create airiness, to give relief. In the trend there is a protruding tubercle on the crown in front of the rubber band. And if you comb the hanging ends, they will become more lush and expressive.
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With fleece
  • Center, lateral, asymmetrical. The placement of the node is optional.
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  • With or without bangs.
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No bangs
  • From all the hair, from the top or bottom. In this case, loose hair is twisted, laid on one side or decorated in some other way.
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Of all the hair

Recommendations before doing styling with your own hands

The good news is that the element lends itself well even to novice craftsmen. And they can easily build it on their own. Any kind.It is enough to practice a little, prepare the necessary items, and also follow some simple tips:

  • Shampooing will help to achieve a well-groomed and pliable hair. Use makeup that suits your type. Be sure to use conditioner and balm. Focus on their properties: for volume, with lamination, to add shine, etc .;
  • Buy styling products: mousse, foam, fixative varnish. The gel will help to highlight individual strands, smooth the protruding curls. The wax perfectly models, removes excessive fluffiness. There are also sprays for shine and shine, with thermal protection, oils for dry ends;
  • Before starting to create a masterpiece, thoroughly dry the moisture and comb thoroughly with a wooden brush. It eliminates static electricity and makes the material more manageable;
Shampooing will help to achieve a well-groomed and pliable hair.
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Buy styling products: mousse, foam, fixative varnish. The gel will help to highlight individual strands, smooth the protruding curls
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Before starting to create a masterpiece, dry the moisture well and comb thoroughly with a wooden brush.
  • Take care of your shock. Do oil wraps nourishing masks, occasionally cut with hot scissors.
  • Don't forget to paint on time. Don't let gray hair ruin your look. Any hairstyle will sparkle with new colors if you refresh the look with fashionable highlights, bright coloring.

Important! The tight and dense tail draws attention to the face strongly. Emphasizes large details. For example, a high forehead, a large nose, large or protruding ears. Avoid sleek, bulky braids.

Seeming negligence is the trend of the season

To look stylish today, you don't need to polish your look to shine. On the contrary, relax, hammer on cocks and protruding curls. Or maybe even specifically free a few strands at the temples. You've probably seen pictures of celebrities with something strange on their heads. Something like a matted bundle, a shaggy shell, a half-frayed braid. Oddly, their bow doesn't seem ridiculous or unkempt. The secret is that behind the seeming negligence there is a thorough and step-by-step execution technology.

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To look stylish today, you don't need to polish your look to shine.
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Fuck on cocks and sticking curls
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You can even deliberately release a few strands at the temples.

Let's learn how to make a tail like this:

  • Curl clean curls with an iron;
  • Separate a large strand at the crown and comb it well;
  • Collect the entire shovel at a medium height;
  • Slightly loosen the front strands in the elastic so that a tubercle forms over the fleece;
  • Bring out a couple of naughty curls near the ears, leave them randomly framing the face;
  • Comb and fluff the ends with your fingers.

Advice! Instead of the usual rubber retainer, it is better to use special hooks. Or make them yourself. Put on two invisible rubber bands. Collect the hair in your hand, insert the first hairpin vertically above it. Wrap the structure around the hair and secure with a second invisible one in the same way.

We do the bouffant, we achieve the volume

The first is done with a fine comb and hairspray. Made in the root zone, it helps to visually balance the proportions of an asymmetrical head, creates the effect of increasing the mass of the hairline, and forms attractive curves. In the process, be sure to leave the front strand even in order to superimpose it on top.

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Brushed ponytail
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Brushed ponytail step by step

You can achieve volume in different ways:

  • Dry your head with a hairdryer, tilting it down;
  • The first third of the length from the roots can be worked out with a small corrugated curling iron;
  • Use special mesh rollers to create luxurious and large-scale structures;
  • Buy a set with faux strands.
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Made in the root zone, it helps to visually balance the proportions of an asymmetrical head
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Creates the effect of increasing the mass of the hairline, forms attractive curves

By the way, colored strands are in fashion today. True, they are much more difficult to pass off as natural. If you do not want to show that you have resorted to a little trick, choose the product exactly in tone. The same applies to the rollers: they are light for blondes, brown for brown-haired women and black for burning brunettes.

Oriental (Arabic)

One of the most beloved by stylists for creating graceful and expressive evening hairstyles... At first glance, it seems difficult, difficult to do on your own. But this is a big mistake. So let's go:

  • Do not twist tightly using any convenient method;
  • Divide the entire head of hair into 4 parts: parietal, two temporal and occipital.
    It is important that the lower part should be the most voluminous. The main relief is formed from it. We divide the last into two areas and fix each with an elastic ring above each other;
  • We put on two small mesh rollers, fix them with invisible ones;
  • We model the ends: they should fall beautifully on the back with the same curls;
  • We carefully process the parietal zone at the roots with a corrugated curling iron;
  • We put it on the rollers, in front of the base of the top, we securely attach the hair to the head with hairpins;
  • Straighten the curls;
  • Both temporal zones in the form of a swing are placed on the sides of the rollers and fixed.
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One of the most beloved by stylists for creating graceful and expressive evening hairstyles
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At first glance, it seems difficult, difficult to do on your own. But this is a big mistake
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You can create such luxury on your head with your own hands.

As a result, you will get an embossed and large structure of chic curls that start almost from the top of the head to the very bottom. At the same time, the parietal region is smooth, with a nice tubercle, elegantly contrasted with curls. If there is a bang, straighten it with an iron. Curl the elongated one beautifully, lay it on one side or on both sides.

On a note! If you plan to pin an accessory, such as a crown, a comb, or a string with beads, the most harmonious place will be the area between the mesh under the hair and the foot of the parietal crest.


Looks very nice in the occipital region:

  • Comb well and divide the mop into a parting (straight or side);
  • Tie with an elastic ring at a distance of 2 cm from the head;
  • Use your fingers to form a hole above the device and push the entire tail through it;
  • Decorate the loop with an elegant accessory;
  • Curl the remaining length gently.
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Original idea
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With harnesses
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Inverted version

On a note! The hairstyle will turn out to be more expressive if you braid the back braids beautifully on the sides. Start symmetrically at the temples and braid to the back of the head. Loosen the weave links slightly to make them larger. Harnesses can be made instead of braids.

With weaving elements

Weaving will make your styling effective, bright and extraordinary. It is performed on the head or decorated with the tail itself. Let's analyze simple options for such a decor, available for self-braiding:

  • Tilt your head down and start weaving in reverse pigtail from the occipital region to the crown. Secure all curls with elastic thread.
  • The same braid is built on the top of the head: from temple to temple, like a natural hoop, or from ear to elastic. If the ponytail is low, the hairs are braided or twisted into a tourniquet around the head.
  • If you get used to it, you can originally braid a small round braid right on the ponytail. Start at the top with a thin strand of strand, continue to weave around, making turns. Each time, add a strand from the main shock to only the right tape (the one closest to the elastic). Go down little by little to make a downward spiral.
  • The French spikelet looks great in the center or on the sides.
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Weaving will make your styling look spectacular, bright and extraordinary
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It is performed on the head or decorated with the tail itself.
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The original idea of ​​the back braid

Good to know! Everyone knows how to perform a simple pigtail, when the side strands are applied to the central one in turn.To build a reverse structure, do the opposite: alternately put the middle strand on the right and left. Add hairs from the bulk to them before the loop. You will get a very embossed and convex picture.

On curly strands

If you are posh, naturally curly hair, you will easily succeed with lush and large-scale tails. You are doubly lucky - you do not have to do bouffants, additional manipulations to create volume on the crown or temples.

If you have a chic, naturally curly hair, you can easily manage lush and large-scale tails.
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You are doubly lucky - you don't have to do bouffants, additional manipulations to create volume on the crown or temples
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Ponytail with wavy strands

Sometimes, if you wish, you can straighten the curls with an iron. Just do not get carried away, because the frequent use of such a technique greatly spoils the structure. Always use a heat protectant.

Ways to feed bangs

This attribute is able to concisely complete the image or complement it organically. Depending on the type of bangs, the method of its presentation is chosen. Straight, eyebrow length, laid smoothly. The elongated one can be laid on one side or twisted, creating delicate curls.

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The bangs are woven into the main knot with a separate neat strand
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Playful side strands hang loosely
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The bangs are laid on the sides

The iconic Hollywood styling of straight, sleek ponytail and flat bangs looks stunningly impressive with bright makeup, catchy accessories and a floor-length dress. In this form, the gorgeous Kim Kardashian, sexy Eva Longoria, and the delightful Jay Lo were published. By the way, Angelina Jolie and her legendary "Lara Croft" are associated with such styling, only without a bang.

Step-by-step photo styling instructions:

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Scroll ponytail
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A cascade of tails
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Tail cascade step by step
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How to make the tail long. Step 1-2
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How to make the tail long. Step 3-4
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Brushed ponytail. Step 1-4
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Brushed ponytail. Step 5-8

Many world celebrities like to braid the ponytail for long hair. They parade along the red carpets, pose for famous magazines, post captivating images on social networks. As you know, all ingenious is simple. In order to amaze others with a delightful appearance, it is not at all necessary to spend three hours in a hairdresser's chair. The three-tiered tower at the top is no longer in vogue. She will easily lose to the usual elegant ponytail. The main thing is to decorate it beautifully, to take care of the shining look of the hair, and also not to forget about the spectacular makeup and toilet.

More options:

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Finally, check out the short video. You will learn how to construct a wonderful structure in the Arabian style, which can act as a wedding or formal hairstyle:



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