All about the procedure of permanent makeup for eyebrows - Eternal beauty

Permanent is a color pigment that is injected under a thin layer of skin

Interested in a permanent eyebrow makeup procedure? Reviews say about a lot of advantages, but there are also dissatisfied ones. Many girls are afraid to decide on a service because of pain, the risk of ruining their appearance, and far-fetched fears. The best way to stop fearing is to get to the bottom of the issue.


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Allows you to outline a beautiful contour, create the illusion of density and brightness of the native shade of the eyebrows

In simple terms, a permanent is a colored pigment that is injected under a thin layer of skin. It allows you to outline a beautiful contour, create the illusion of density and brightness of the native shade of the eyebrows.

So, let's take a good look at the stages of implementation, types and tips for caring for a tattoo. Let's start with a video material about its pros and cons.

The essence of the procedure

The eyebrows play an important role in creating a well-groomed and graceful bow. No one makeup is not considered complete without working out this zone. Many types of cosmetics are produced: fondants, pencils, mascaras, shadows, special eyeliners. In beauty salons, they learned to paint arcs with henna or a special dye composition. But all these methods are short-lived. This is why the permanent has become so popular and in demand among women.

It lasts for at least 2 years, does not require intermediate correction (except for one a few weeks after the first application), looks graceful and elegant. Fade gradually, imperceptibly to the surrounding eye.

What does the word permanent mean? It is translated from English as “permanent”, “unchanging”, “long-lasting”.

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Lasts at least 2 years, does not require intermediate correction

Is it correct to call the service a tattoo? The answer is yes, because, in essence, you do tattoo... It's just that the depth to which the paint is injected into the dermis is much less. That is why the classic tattoo stays on the body almost all its life, only slightly losing its brightness and clarity. And the permanent disappears completely after a couple of years.

On a note! Did you know that the ancient Egyptians began to decorate their faces in this way for the first time. They completely shaved off native vegetation and drew bold arcs with special paint, which was also injected under the skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

This make-up has a lot of positive sides. Among them, the following stand out:

  • Saving time for daily makeup. The paint does not need to be applied or removed;
  • The invariability of appearance throughout the day. Eyebrows will not "flow" either in the gym or in the pool;
  • You create the perfect shape;
  • Achieve symmetry;
  • Control the desired thickness;
  • Correct naturally rare vegetation, achieve the desired density;
  • Any color can be chosen;

Advice! Brunettes are recommended to stay at a tone that is as close to their own as possible. And blondes should choose a color 5-6 shades darker. Remember, over time, the shade fades and fades away.

  • Suitable for girls with skin sensitive to cosmetic formulations. Including allergy sufferers.
  • Ubiquity. Every decent salon today includes a first-class craftsman. There will be no problems with finding a specialist.
Saving time for daily makeup. No paint needs to be applied or removed

To be honest and objective, we must also examine the cons:

  • You cannot wash off, change the unsuccessful circuit. At least six months will have to be patient;
  • The risk of running into a bad specialist. The result will be asymmetry, the wrong pigment tone;
  • The likelihood of introducing infection into the body;
  • The need for re-correction after the main stage. Performed in 2-4 weeks;
  • High prices. In a good salon, with a master with a well-deserved reputation, you will have to pay a tidy sum.

Attention! In no case do not try to save money on the office. Be wary if there are bad reviews, it is untidy inside, there is no special treatment room. Even if you really like the price, run from there with all your might. You risk getting to the master without experience. Poor quality of a permanent is nothing compared to the likelihood of ruining health.

The last drawback is soreness. Like any tattoo that is performed with a needle, permanent make-up is accompanied by pain. Fortunately, there are few nerve endings in place of the arcs, so the sensation is quite bearable. In addition, you will be anesthetized with lidocaine or an equivalent.

Important! Make sure you get a test before you give pain relief. To avoid the development of an allergic reaction. This manipulation should be natural and self-evident. Otherwise, you should think about the reliability of the institution.

Do their eyebrows deteriorate after tattooing?

It is a big mistake to think that this makeup spoils the native hairs, destroys the bulbs, and prevents their growth. The pigment is injected so close to the surface that it is not able to affect the deeper layers.

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Correct naturally rare vegetation, achieve the desired density

The same can be said for the skin. You are not doing much damage to her. Firstly, the tattoo area is very small. Secondly, the filling method is gentle. Thirdly, in this place the skin is inactive, does not come into contact with clothing. Therefore, you definitely will not bring the appearance of wrinkles and the appearance of flabbiness closer.

Popular varieties

What methods of tattooing do you know? We will analyze this issue in detail so that there are no gaps in knowledge. The difference between the methods lies in the technique of introducing the composition into the dermis:

  • Feathering. The most demanded technique over the past 15 years. It implies the same principle as when tinting arcs with a cosmetic pencil. First, outline the desired contour. Then carefully fill the light gaps with paint. Achieve perfect shading;
  • Microblading. Looks more natural. As in the previous paragraph, the master carefully works out the outlines. And then, with the finest strokes, he draws the missing eyebrows inside.

Note. If you have thin and delicate skin, microblading will not work for you. Try a more gentle technique. Spraying should not be done for women with thin hair, as well as with a large number of gray hairs.

  • Powdery eyebrows. The method is also called spraying. One of the newest, less painful and popular among women. It allows for easy color correction, without clear boundaries. The dye preparation is injected inside at a minimum depth in a very small amount. The result looks natural and fresh. Not bright, but expressive.
The difference between the methods lies in the technique of introducing the composition into the dermis.

Procedure steps

The event requires preliminary preparation. It is recommended to drink a course of immunostimulating vitamins a couple of weeks before day "X". For 2-3 days, do not consume alcohol, coffee and medicines that thin the blood. Otherwise it will bleed heavily. By the way, women shouldn't get a tattoo during critical days.

Permanent eyebrow makeup, reviews confirm this, is executed quickly, and the effect is visible immediately.

  • First of all, the specialist will cleanse the skin, remove makeup, slightly tweak the natural shape of the arches with tweezers;
  • Degrease and dry the surface with a soft cloth;
  • He will clearly draw outlines with a colored pen, coordinate the form with the client;
  • Will give an injection of lidocaine. Sometimes a cream is used instead of an injection, but the period of its action is shorter.
  • Next, a special electric apparatus with a needle will begin to inject a dye under the skin;
  • In the process, the place is regularly wiped with a swab dipped in an antiseptic;
  • At the end, the brows are treated with a disinfectant.

It is impossible to paint over the entire area evenly the first time. After 2-4 weeks, you will be prescribed a second touch-up or correction. During this period, the wound will completely heal and the pigment will take its place inside. Unpainted areas, irregularities and imperfections will become clearly visible. During retouching, the technology is repeated, but it usually takes half the time.

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First, the shape is drawn with a colored pen and agreed with you

Good to know! Do not under any circumstances try to interrupt the features of the permanent by any other method. Neither pencil nor shadows can handle this. If you absolutely do not like the result, resort to a laser to remove tattoos. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to reduce the color in one step. On average, 5-8 approaches are required. Prepare your wallet for your diet.

All about the healing period

Treat this gap with all responsibility, because the stability of the permanent depends on it. Proper care will speed up healing and reduce soreness.

Immediately after completing the work of the needle, the eyebrows will be smeared with a special agent that prevents drying out. However, after a few hours, it will be absorbed, and the wound will heal with a dense crust.

  • Don't be alarmed if you find mild swelling. It will subside in a maximum of a day.
    Never peel off the crust. You can remove the dye, infect an infection, and aggravate the depth of the wound.
  • Do not comb the tattoo area;
  • Lubricate the area with panthenol cream a couple of times a day. "Bepanten" has proved itself to be excellent. It accelerates healing, has disinfecting and wound healing properties. Do not smear too greasy, blot excess with a napkin. Otherwise, the wound will get wet;
  • After 4–5 days, the crust will begin to fall off. A rough film is formed. They do not pay attention to it either, do not take any action. Normally, it will go down in 2-3 weeks.
  • After that, you can sign up for retouching.

Wound healing creams are spread with clean cotton swabs. During the healing period, do not use cosmetics. Do not wash with soap and water. Replace it with special cosmetics for cleansing the skin, which is applied with cotton pads.

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Do not use cosmetics during the healing period

Never prescribe any medication yourself. Especially alcohol, antibiotics, hydrogen peroxide. First, they can change the color of the ink. And secondly, to burn the skin, leave ugly scars.


So, we described the procedure step by step, reviewed the healing period, and disassembled fashionable techniques. Let's conclude the study of permanent eyebrow makeup with reviews from real clients of beauty salons:

Irina, 32 years old: I first made permanent makeup 6 years ago. I got into good hands, they created the perfect shape for me, they chose the right tone. The make-up lasted for almost 2.5 years. After that I tinted the outlines with a pencil for another year, keeping the borders. Then she repeated the tattoo in the same salon. I recommend not changing the establishment if the first time is successful. I still go, I’ll go update soon.

Anna, 23 years old: I have a very low pain threshold. I was terribly afraid that I could not bear it. But the desire to be beautiful overpowered fear. I'm not going to dissemble, it really hurt. Especially at first, but after 10 minutes I seemed to get used to it and it became easier. I also have thin and sensitive skin. Almost immediately, each puncture began to bleed. This greatly interfered with the work of the beautician. As a result, I had to sign up for retouching 3 times to completely blend the pigment.

Important! For a month after going to the beautician, do not visit the solarium, do not sunbathe with an increased UV index. This can provoke a color change and affect the duration of the effect.

Violetta, 40 years old: I take good care of myself, I regularly visit salons.Permanent is a regular service for me. Especially in the area of ​​eyebrows - I think humanity has not yet come up with a more convenient and high-quality way to give them the perfect look.

Alexandra, 36 years old: Girls, I advise you to sign up for a brow tattoo on the weekend. It is better if there are at least two more days ahead of us. I had a terrible swelling, a terrible reddish-brown crust. It was absolutely impossible to appear in this form at work. I had to take time off.

Svetlana, 28 years old: I have only positive impressions associated with the procedure. It was relatively painless, the beautician was nice, sweet. Along the way, I consulted. The result stunned me - my microblading came out so cool and natural. Healing was also fast, and the crusts were almost invisible.

Olga, 48 years old: How great it is that cosmetology does not stand still. You no longer need to spend half a day once a month on eyebrow care: plucking, dyeing, correcting the shape. Now, even in the morning after sleep, I look neat and well-groomed. With age, you begin to appreciate such nuances.

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Permanent make-up today is an ordinary service that most women resort to.

Summarizing the above, we will end the article with the saying: "The devil is not so terrible as he is painted." Permanent make-up today is an ordinary service that most women resort to. It allows you to look fresh and well-groomed, does not spoil the face, brings home outlines to perfect ones. The main thing to worry about is finding a great master with an impressive portfolio. It is better if you come to him on the recommendation of a friend.

We offer you to watch a short video about the powdery technique of tattooing:

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