TOP 5 best eye patches - A complete review of the magic remedy

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They are able to give a healthy and radiant look, reduce the definition of dark circles, expression lines and bags

One of the modern means in the field of cosmetology for providing emergency care in the periorbital zone are eye patches. They are able to give a healthy and radiant look, reduce the definition of dark circles, expression lines and bags. They are incredibly easy to use, quickly produce the desired effect, and are available for purchase. At the moment, there are many varieties, we will talk about each of the types in more detail in this issue.


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They are incredibly easy to use, quickly produce the desired effect, and are available for purchase.

What are the miracle pads for, how to glue them

The skin under the eyes is soft and delicate. Compared to other parts of the face and body, it is more susceptible to UV rays and negative environmental influences. The thickness of the skin in this part is only 0.5 mm, there are no subcutaneous fat, collagen and elastin fibers.

It is here that the first age-related and mimic wrinkles appear, and with improper sleep, stress, overwork and other psycho-physiological negative factors - dark circles, bags and swelling.

This suggests that such a vulnerable part of the body needs increased nutrition and hydration, saturation with trace elements and improved blood circulation.

Patches are a kind of plasters that, due to the sticky layer, are securely attached under the eye. They are small flat or voluminous fabric pieces similar to miniature pillows, shaped like crescents. The word is taken from the English patches, which means "patches". The first express masks were brought to the international level by Korean manufacturers, proving the high efficiency of their products. Behind them, other cosmetic brands began to release similar products.

Beauty stickers are impregnated with highly concentrated preparations, which raises their effect on a par with anti-aging and moisturizing serums. Most often they are disposable, however there are reusable samples. This is determined by the type of material and cosmetic components.

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Patches are a kind of plasters that, due to the sticky layer, are securely attached under the eye

According to the initial idea, the patches were aimed at caring for thin and sensitive skin, however, over time, their scope has expanded:

  • for moisturizing dry and thin skin. Suitable for daily use;
  • to smooth out wrinkles. Comparable to injection therapy, only with a shorter-term effect. The price for such products is high, since the composition contains hyaluronic acid, microcrystals of gold, etc .;
  • to eliminate edema;
  • to saturate the skin with nutrients;
  • for general health improvement.

The patches are easy to stick on dry and clean skin. To increase the fixation of fabric masks, you can moisten their surface with water. It is forbidden to use if there is irritation or other damage on the face. Warm the gel first in your hands, then remove the protective film and apply to the desired area. Carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer, which indicate the features of each specific product.

Express masks for bags under the eyes and other problems

Scientists' developments have made a splash in cosmetology. Indeed, why spend money on expensive injection interventions if you can get almost the same effect, spending only 5-10 minutes a day.

Depending on the direction of the action, there are the following types of masks:

  • from bags under the eyes. They have a lymphatic drainage effect and increase blood flow to the skin, gently relax facial muscles and increase the tone of veins and small vessels. The recipe often includes an extract from Ginkgo Biloba leaves, which has a pronounced anti-edema and antioxidant effect. These miracle patches are recommended for use after prolonged exposure to the sun without sunglasses and if the skin is dehydrated. This type of onlays needs to be kept for the longest time: from 30 minutes to one hour;
  • for the eyelids. Mostly produced on a hydrogel basis. Before use, they are cooled in the refrigerator, after which they quickly smooth out wrinkles, eliminate swelling, return a fresh and rested look to the look. Allowed to apply makeup immediately after removing the product;
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The range of action of the stickers is quite wide
  • from dark circles. Here, caffeine is added to the composition as an active ingredient, which increases the tone of the walls of the wreath and small vessels, and whitening agents such as tartaric, lactic and tartaric acid. Many people complain about the effectiveness of these masks, but it should be borne in mind that darkening in this area is often associated with heredity and serious diseases of the internal organs. In these cases, a simple cosmetic patch is indispensable. You will notice the result if the problems are related to the usual lack of sleep and fatigue, stress and prolonged sitting at the computer.

Advice!Fashionistas who spew negative reviews are likely to have initially overestimated product requirements. Understand that no cosmetics can cope with long-term wrinkles or edema resulting from drinking several liters of water in a short time. Do not expect a miracle, the effect of the agent in question is comparable to that of serums, but it is not permanent.

Korean manufacturer's suggestions

As already mentioned, Korean patches were the first to enter the market. The most famous brands are Tony Moly, Secret Key and The Saem. Collagen, snail, tissue - they all serve to quickly normalize the skin around the eyes.

Hydrogels are highly saturated. You can glue them all night to have a fresh and rested look in the morning, even if there was not so much sleep itself. At the same time, the skin does not lose moisture, on the contrary, it is saturated with useful particles.

Fabric swatches are used to quickly put yourself in order, for example, after removing makeup or before an important event.

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The famous "pandas" Tony Moly

Also Koreans produce snake venom and snail products. The former are aimed at eliminating mimic wrinkles, the latter are aimed at renewing the upper layers of the epidermis.

Advice!Direct users have noted the huge inconvenience that thick linings cause. Due to their weight and loose fit, they quickly slide off, so it is impossible to leave them overnight. For night masks, choose sentences that are thinner.

The downside of fabric patch stickers is that they dry out very quickly. That is why you should not keep them for longer than 15–20 minutes.

And now about the duration of the effect. Once again, I want to repeat: do not overestimate the effectiveness of miracle drugs. They are designed to quickly solve the problem, but have neither a therapeutic effect, nor a cumulative effect.

Hydrogel and gel: features and direction of action

They are based on a hydrogel, in other words, a polymer impregnated with various compounds. They include hyaluronic acid, collagen, antioxidants, and herbal ingredients. Such patches work well due to the fact that the impregnation does not evaporate under the hydrogel, but lasts the required amount of time.

Due to pressure, in the selected area of ​​the face, blood microcirculation improves, the tone of the walls of small vessels increases, and puffiness goes away.

The following types are available for sale:

  • moisturizing. Saturate the epidermis with moisture and vitamins. Suitable for women with thinning and sensitive skin;
  • restoring. They have a rejuvenating effect, normalize water balance;
  • smoothing. Quickly cope with fine wrinkled mesh;
  • draining. Contains antioxidants. They save the girl from edema due to insufficient rest, but they cannot cope with violations of the work of internal organs;
  • feeding. The recipe includes nutritious oils and other beneficial trace elements. They give elasticity and a radiant appearance to the integument.
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Due to pressure, in the selected area of ​​the face, blood microcirculation improves, the tone of the walls of small vessels increases, puffiness goes away

Advice!Even if the manufacturer states that their product is disposable, do not rush to throw away the product after a single use. If you have kept the beauty novelty for no more than 20 minutes, put it back in the package, there will probably still be a lot of liquid left, the patch patches will recharge and become available for reuse. However, if the procedure was carried out throughout the night, the plasters had already given away everything useful, and they became unsuitable for further work.

Collagen based

It is known that collagen is a building material for the deep layers of the epidermis. Its fibers, together with elastin, play the role of a kind of framework, but in the process of muscle contraction, their connections are broken and wrinkled formations appear in these places.

Collagen masks promote the penetration of missing particles deep into the skin, where they are “embedded” into the overall structure. It was these products that became the first in the development of expressmasks.

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Collagen masks promote the penetration of missing particles deep into the skin

Advice! The reviews about magic pillows are really great, but remember that there is a "Cinderella effect" here. After half a day, the face will return to its original state. Therefore, we put ourselves in order before an important event, which will not last long.

Golden masks

These products are being praised for their incredible effectiveness. But is everything really so beautiful?

Yes, they do contain microparticles of colloidal gold, which explains the high cost of development. This metal is neutral in relation to fabrics, hypoallergenic and disinfecting properties. It does not allow pathogenic bacteria to multiply, but does not interfere with the functioning of beneficial microorganisms.

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They do indeed contain colloidal gold microparticles, which is the reason for the high development cost.

A number of phytocomponents are added to the pad impregnation recipe:

  • chamomile, rosemary, lavender. Powerful antiseptics. Fight redness, rash, irritation. Moisturizes and soothes the skin;
  • freesia. She is involved in restoring pH balance;
  • mint extract. It soothes irritated parts of the body due to its cooling effect. Improves oxygen flow and improves the performance of capillaries;
  • needles. It is a storehouse of vitamin C, which is necessary for the synthesis of collagen filaments;
    bamboo. Tones and soothes the upper layers of the dermis, participates in the normalization of fluid outflow;
  • grapefruit seeds. Antimicrobial component, also prevents the appearance of small rashes and early signs of aging;
  • guttuinia. This component is added to the development by manufacturers from Asia, since the plant itself grows in the northern part of Thailand. Improves lymph drainage and efficiently removes toxins.

Homemade recipes

It is not at all necessary to spend money on the purchase of branded beauty products, because they can be made at home.

For example, to reduce wrinkles, finely chopped fresh cucumber is used with the addition of brown sugar and a few drops of vitamin E. The composition is moistened with a cotton pad cut along an arcuate trajectory and applied under the eyes for 15 minutes.

Dried herbs showed well.Parsley, chamomile, lemon balm, mint, green tea are all ground in equal proportions and brewed. The herbal collection has a soothing effect, and also removes bruises and dark circles in the periorbital zone.

Advice! There are many interesting recipes that act like factory-made quick relief masks. Try at least one of them, your body will definitely like it. Just first carefully read the list of required ingredients and check if you are allergic to any of them.

Top 5: rating of the best offers

And finally, let's quickly go over the products of the leading patch manufacturers:

  • Green Tea, SEPHORA (250 rubles) - a budget fabric-based product that perfectly copes with many problems;
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Green Tea, SEPHORA
  • Gel Patches, Limoni (250 rubles) - inexpensive restorative pads;
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Gel Patches, Limoni
  • Benefiance, Shiseido (4000 rubles) - instantly acting stickers based on pure retinol;
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Benefiance, Shiseido
  • Perform Lift, Payot (3000 rubles) - good impregnation, fast action;
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Perform Lift, Payot
  • Prodigy Powercell, Helena Rubinstein (6000 rubles) - the undoubted leader, a lifesaver for all occasions. Quickly relieves fatigue problems. The price is high, but the effect is similar, as after visiting beauty salons.
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Prodigy Powercell, Helena Rubinstein
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