Amazing mesotherapy for hair - Reviews, advantages and disadvantages, a review of drugs

mezoterapiya-dlya-volos-otzyvy_5If you are interested in mesotherapy for hair, reviews of girls who have experienced the procedure on themselves will help you decide on the correct choice. The bottom line is that active drugs enter the scalp through injections. Since manipulation has become popular relatively recently, many women are concerned about its effectiveness. The cocktails contain vitamins and useful components that have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes. Let's explore the pros and cons, methods of implementation, and the effectiveness of the funds together.



Indications and contraindications

Before you understand the issue, you need to study its essence. Experts distinguish two types that are different in the use of formulations with different components. Allopathic includes vascular drugs, vitamins, hyaluronic acid, and growth factors. There is an immediate effect on the hair follicles, due to which the structure is improved. Homeopathic medicines have a lower concentration and restore all body functions. They are used to treat loose strands.


  • due to subcutaneous administration, there is a biologically active effect on the hair;
  • the effect is enhanced if physiotherapy is carried out at the same time;
  • the risk of allergic reactions is reduced, since the action of the substances is local.


You need to undergo treatment if:

  • alopecia and hair loss caused by hormonal imbalance;
  • the tips split and break quickly even with regular care;
  • increased level of formation of the sebaceous glands;
  • a large amount of dandruff, which specialized shampoos cannot cope with;
  • worried about itching of the scalp;
  • ultraviolet radiation, diets, medicines negatively affect the growth rate;
  • the structure is broken after frequent staining, perm, discoloration;
  • the formation of bald spots after ringworm;
  • during pregnancy and childbirth, the body weakened;
  • premature aging;
  • preparation for transplant;
  • diffuse or focal alopecia;
  • excessive fragility and damage.


As with any injections, in our case there are temporary and absolute contraindications. The first include lactation and pregnancy, lowered immunity, inflammatory skin processes, exacerbation of chronic diseases, menstruation, as well as the use of tablets that affect blood clotting. The second refers to the state of health of the girl. In case of allergies, malignant and benign tumors, endocrine, gallstone and mental diseases. If you ignore the presence of the listed problems, otherwise serious consequences can arise.

Advice! It is important that the doctor takes a holistic approach while solving the problems of each patient. Make sure that the expert uses only quality products.

Professional execution

If you decide to visit a qualified master, then you must control the correctness of his actions in order to be sure of a positive result.


Always check what ingredients the expert adds to the cocktail. Don't be afraid to ask why and why. Moreover, there are different recipes and proportions for each type of hair. In general, the procedure looks like this:

  • Thorough treatment of the skin with antiseptics.
  • Depending on the method chosen in advance, the mixtures are injected under the dermis.

There is a manual and hardware method. It is better to give preference to the usual syringes. The penetration depth is two millimeters.

The procedure is effective for men too

The manipulations are repeated after a predetermined period. Remember that you cannot take a bath, go to a bathhouse, or wash a shock for 48 hours.

Advice! Avoid overheating after the session. Don't go out in direct sunlight, forget about tanning beds. Also avoid public saunas, pools and baths.

Cocktail Review

Usually, the cosmetologist independently chooses which vitamins to combine in one product. Synthetic substances, collagen of animal origin, elastin, minerals and groups of vitamins can be combined with each other. Also has the miraculous properties of glycolic acid, extracts of medicinal plants, antioxidant Q10, amino acids and even minooxidil.

But ready-made options are also sold. Let's consider the most popular and effective ones.

  • F-Hair strengthens hair follicles, helps restore growth rate, normalizes moisture levels.
This includes Asiatic Centella extract
  • Keractive enhances the supply of oxygen, and also contributes to its trouble-free circulation, accelerates blood exchange.


  • Mesopecia expands the passages for pure oxygen, due to which the condition of the tissues is normalized.
Suitable for the treatment of chronic and hereditary diseases
  • Toskanicosmetics slows down the loss, makes the bulbs strong.
Also improves microcirculation
  • MeZolax used to prevent hair loss. Contains 46 active ingredients that help accelerate growth.
It is better to consult with a specialist before choosing a drug

By the way, you can use both monopreparations, ready-made complexes, and cocktails. Note that medications affect the roots, not the curls.

Advice! To find out the exact cost, you need to consult your doctor. It is also impossible to calculate a clear number of sessions on your own in advance.

At home

The advantage of doing it yourself is that you will save a significant amount on salon visits. Also spend less processing time and travel from one end of town to the other. In addition, you can be sure that you are using high-quality formulations, and not diluted fakes, which are used by dishonest masters.

Despite the many benefits, we recommend consulting a dermatologist or trichologist first. The doctor will determine how many times a week you need to repeat the manipulations. Usually the figure reaches two per week. That is, in one month, a total of eight repetitions are obtained.

Remember that hair diseases are often associated with the condition of the internal organs. Therefore, it is important to start treatment from the inside, otherwise it will not lead to a positive result.

mezoterapiya-dlya-volos-otzyvy_15So let's get down to doing the steps. But first you have to purchase a mesoscooter (we will consider the selection criteria a little later). Its principle consists in short-term piercing of integuments. This contributes to the acceleration of metabolic functions, as well as increased blood supply. Nutrients can be applied both to the device and directly to the epidermis.

  • Sterilize the device with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Dip in it for 10 - 15 minutes, and then wait until dry.
  • At this time, wash and dry your hair.
  • Treat the skin with any antiseptic. Alcohol or chlorhexidine is suitable.
  • Distribute the medication on the roller.
  • Start moving the device from the occipital region upwards so that there is a one-time passage along each line. After 3 - 4 times, it will be possible to start chaotic versatile movements.
  • Distribute the drug for external use. For example, minoxilide helps with hair loss.
  • Rinse the mesoscooter under running hot water and dry naturally.

Before giving in to the procedure, try not to eat fatty and unhealthy foods. It is she who adversely affects the condition of the internal organs.


Advice! The main thing is to maintain sterility during injections, since injections are carried out into the scalp.

How to choose a mesoscooter

When choosing a device to deal with hair problems, pay attention to the length of the needle. A variation of 0.5 - 1.0 mm is suitable for you. In order not to confuse the device, let's find out what it is.

  • Universal for body and face (also suitable for the treatment of nasolabial folds and nasolabial wrinkles).
  • Narrow for nasolabial folds and eyes. Usually equipped with 2 - 3 rows of needles.
  • For the body, the width reaches four centimeters.
Suitable for frequent and long-term use

In addition, check the number of needles. On a standard ram, the figure reaches 200. For micro-punctures at a time - 540.

The material also matters. Typically, needles are made from titanium or medical steel. In the first case, they are more durable and stronger. If you come across a gold-plated copy, do not hesitate to purchase it. It is hypoallergenic and durable.

Advice! The quality of the cocktail often depends on the manufacturer. They are all designed to treat specific conditions, so check real user reviews first. Avoid cheap options, they are likely to have a lot of chemical components.

Care after the procedure

To prolong the result after mesotherapy, you need to follow certain rules. For the first twelve hours, give up massage and cosmetics, do not use masks.

For the next two days, do not take a bath, followed by washing your hair, and also hide from the scorching sun rays. Wear a hat for protection, preferably with a wide brim. Do not sunbathe in the solarium, and also refuse to go to the sauna.

mezoterapiya-dlya-volos-otzyvy_12Remember that initially, problems with the condition of our hair begin from the wrong pace of life, regular psychological disorders, stressful situations, unhealthy diet and bad habits. Therefore, the health of the scalp and beloved hair is in our hands. Therefore, do not rush to return to your old life. After the recovery course, take care of the curls so that you no longer subject the dermis to painful injections.

Please note that it is better to paint before the process in two to three days. Just check first that there are no rashes, irritation and redness.

Advice! You can alternate cocktails until you have an accurate diagnosis.

Reviews of girls

Ekaterina, 32 years old: My hair has stopped falling out. I see that the structure has improved significantly, and the curls have become pleasant to the touch. Although I did it on my own, the impression is that after visiting a beauty salon.

Lyudmila, 25 years old: Not only the hair has recovered, but also the scalp. It was important for me to eliminate dandruff, and it happened. Although, to be honest, I expected a more chic result. The tips still had to be cut off. Hopefully they don't deteriorate so quickly.

Irina, 23 years old: After giving birth, I faced the problem of losing a large number of curls. Fortunately for me, the master helped me preserve the hair that remained and restore its growth. The only drawback is the high cost of the complex. But it's worth it.

The result of manipulation will simply surprise you.

Tatiana, 38 years old: I do not know whether to visit the master a second time or not. It hurt terribly. After the first session, I did not notice any particular result, so I will not regret it.

Christina, 24 years old: I am pleased with the newfound density. Previously, the mop was rare and weak. After seven repetitions, I noticed that the skin was covered with new fluff, which will soon turn into luxurious braids.I can't wait.

As we can see, most of the responses are pleasant. Therefore, draw your own conclusions. Although, everyone knows the folk wisdom about "it is better to try and regret".

Advice!Three days before mesotherapy, you need to stop taking medications that affect blood clotting, and also stop drinking alcohol.


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