Magic banana face mask - Secrets of beauty transformation at home

Ideal for ladies who always strive to look well-groomed and flawless

Banana face mask is a great opportunity to feel young and beautiful again. With it, you can smooth out the first wrinkles, restore water balance, accelerate cell regeneration and provide them with adequate nutrition. The main thing is to observe the regularity of the procedures. Surprisingly, such wonderful elixirs can be prepared in your own kitchen. Carefully read the contents of each section of this article and head to the store for the components you need as soon as possible.


How do home formulations work?

The taste of the oblong-shaped yellow fruit, which is so fond of cartoon monkeys, is familiar to us from childhood. Throughout our lives, we hear claims that it has healing properties, as it is a source of vitamins and minerals, without which our body cannot function properly. But only a few know how true these statements are. See for yourself:

  • The pulp contains a huge amount of vitamin C... This natural antioxidant slows down the aging process of the skin, gradually smoothing fine wrinkles.
  • Group B responsible for the beauty of nails, hair and dermis.
  • Vitamin E prevents cells from aging by launching rapid renewal processes.
The product contains many beneficial trace elements

Advice!The soft structure allows the fruit to be used in cosmetology. The mixtures prepared on its basis do not scratch the surface, but, on the contrary, have a beneficial effect on the integument, making them more velvety.


It has long been proven that banana masks perfectly moisturize and nourish a woman's aging face. But are they so useful when it comes to other types of dermis?

Indications for use

Experts in the field of cosmetology claim that such homemade mixtures will not harm, but, on the contrary, will benefit all, without exception, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Below we have provided a list of circumstances in which women should start a beauty makeover course.

  • The first signs of wilting. In this case, you need to urgently start implementing your plans. In the early stages of aging, naturally occurring antioxidants can reverse processes.
  • Increased pigmentation. Add lemon juice to the mixture to remove them.
  • Improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. The abundant secretion of fat can be regulated.
  • Too dry skin. Some masks will help provide your cells with just the right amount of moisturizing ingredients.
Depending on which companion ingredients you choose, the blend can nourish, moisturize, repair, and even rejuvenate your skin.

Having studied all of the above, we can safely say that banana compositions are quite versatile, which, perhaps, is considered one of the main advantages. It should also be noted the low cost of ingredients and the naturalness of the elements.


Each medal has a flip side. This also applies to the product we are discussing. The only circumstance that can interfere with the caring procedures is individual intolerance. But allergic reactions to bananas are rare.


What result can you get?

Experts say that with regular use and periodic repetitions of the course, the result can exceed all expectations. The effect of velvety, extraordinary smoothness, absence of mimic wrinkles, even color, natural blush, balanced hydration - all this can be obtained by a woman of any age and nationality.

maska-iz-banana-dlya-litsa_8Now you know that banana masks really have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. Then what prevents you from choosing the right recipe and immediately go to the kitchen to prepare a healing potion?

Advice! Always use fresh formulations. Never make mixes for future use or store them in the refrigerator.

Most popular options

Let us remind you that before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face and neck. To do this, you should use various scrubs and peels, which are sold in huge quantities in cosmetic stores. But to get a natural product, you just need to grind coffee or add crushed sugar or sea salt to your favorite cream.


For dry skin

This blend provides the necessary hydration to help smooth fine lines and wrinkles.

maska-iz-banana-dlya-litsa_10The ingredients are banana pulp (half a fruit) and warm milk (2 teaspoons). Soften the main component to a mushy state. Add milk. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. Apply to face and leave on for 15 minutes. It is necessary to remove the residues with cotton sponges dipped in the same milk. Then apply a layer of your favorite cream to the skin. This mask is good only in winter.

Sensitive dermis nourishing formula

As you may have guessed, after reading the name, it perfectly nourishes, removes all redness, inflammation and irritation. The appearance becomes fresher and more toned.

maska-iz-banana-dlya-litsa_14Take half a peeled banana, one teaspoon of olive oil, egg yolk, and parsley. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend thoroughly until the mixture is smooth. The exposure time is 15 minutes. Course - 2 months, 3 times a week.

Advice! Cosmetologists say that you can enhance the effect of such procedures if you wipe the skin with a lotion prepared by your own hands after washing. For example, a decoction of sage, chamomile or calendula.

For mature ladies

Small wrinkles always, according to women, appear at the wrong time and cause complexes. Naturally, no lady dreams of aging quickly. Therefore, any change makes them nervous and buy expensive cobweb removers.

As always, do not forget to apply a layer of moisturizer at the end.

Banana-based mixes can help you with this. Here is one of them:

Take half of the fruit, peel it and place it in a glass or plastic container. Add a little honey, the same amount of sour cream (usually 1 tsp) and egg yolk.

Advice! Pre-melt honey in a water bath. It can also be placed in the microwave. Remember that the product melts very quickly under the influence of radiation, so set the timer for a maximum of 5 seconds.

Duration of skin contact should not exceed 20 minutes.

With cottage cheese

This dairy product is combined with a yellow tropical fruit for an incredible effect. After just a few applications, the tone rises, the color evens out, the face becomes fresh and moisturized.

maska-iz-banana-dlya-litsa_11Maintain the proportions of the main ingredient (the instructions were described above). Here you should add soft cottage cheese - 2 tablespoons, yolk and a capsule of vitamin E. After 20 m, wash off everything with warm running water.

To give elasticity

Mix the same components, but without vitamin E, in a glass or plastic container and combine them into a common mass using a mixer. The waiting time, as in most cases, is 15 minutes. Apply the cream and get on with your chores.

Application rules

The most important step in this difficult matter will be the test for allergic reactions. Don't ignore this point! Ingredients such as honey, avocado oil, or egg yolk can cause skin rashes, or worse, anaphylactic shock. After mixing, apply a small amount to a small area of ​​skin on the inside of your elbow or behind your ear. After twenty minutes, wash off the leftovers. If there are no signs of inflammation, irritation or itching in this area, you can confidently start transforming your appearance.

All liquid and oily masks are applied with the fingers. This is necessary in order to provoke increased blood flow to the dermis during application with massage movements. At this time, the pores open, the substances penetrate into the deep layers, and the blood carries them throughout the body.


Creamy formulations are applied using a special sponge-sponge. Also, cotton pads, brushes or paddles will be used. The latter products are designed to distribute too thick consistency on the face.

Take the tools you use very seriously. They should be perfectly clean, because if you ignore this moment, you can bring dangerous infectious diseases, fungus and other viruses into the skin. Store them in a separate cosmetic bag so that other members of your family cannot access them.

The most suitable place for the procedure is the bathroom. It is good if you bring in warm steam before using the room. To do this, simply open a hot water tap for a while. It is easier for nutrients to penetrate into the steamed skin, and you will not be able to stain your favorite sofa in the living room with a mask. Just don't overdo it - you don't need a steam room effect!

Buy a headband from the store to hide your hair. A shower cap copes well with this task. By the way, at this moment you can make a mask for the hair.

The formulations are applied to the face as follows: from bottom to top along the massage lines. Start at the chin or neck and end at the hairline on your forehead.

maska-iz-banana-dlya-litsa_16And one more rule! If you spend 15 minutes staring at your reflection in the mirror, the process will seem boring to you. Therefore, many cosmetologists (and this is what happens in beauty salons) recommend lying on your back on a comfortable sofa and listening to pleasant, positive music. Breathe evenly and infrequently. Think good things. In no case move around the apartment, do not talk or be distracted by watching your favorite TV show. This behavior will help not only save your face from wilting and premature aging, but also put in order your emotional state, make a decision about what may have bothered you during a long day.

Fruit mixture application process

After removing the remnants of the gruel, wash yourself with warm water and wipe the integument with lotion or tonic. Choose remedies based on herbal decoctions. Use a nourishing cream or moisturizer. It will create a protective layer on the surface that will prevent impurities from entering the enlarged pores.


Home cosmetology is considered one of the most effective. Of course, it does not differ in speed, as in the case of professional care in beauty salons, but it is inexpensive and provides a long-term effect. The main thing in this matter is to observe the regularity and strictly follow the instructions.

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