Hair Growth Mask - How to turn your hair into a thick chic head of hair at home?

Beautiful and shiny hair after the procedure will be guaranteed to you

A hair growth mask is an essential step towards restoring the beauty of your hairstyle. If you feel that the curls have begun to grow much slower than usual, if a large number of lost locks remain on the comb every morning, if constant stress and poor nutrition have made them brittle and lifeless, then you need to urgently take measures to save your haircut. And one should start already when the destructive changes are not yet noticed by others.



The foundation of the basics

What woman does not dream of having not only a long, but also a thick, full of health "mane"? An impeccable haircut, natural shine, the luxury of natural overflows, the absence of dandruff and split ends - all this is an integral part of the image of any modern fashionista. As you know, the first impression about a girl is formed precisely from external data, so any self-respecting lady strives to make every effort to achieve the best result. But in order to turn your hair into an object of your own pride, an object of men's desire and a reason for the envy of your friends, it is not necessary to spend fabulous sums on trips to a beauty salon to a highly paid master. It is enough just to buy inexpensive products at the nearest store or pharmacy and learn how to prepare medicinal compositions for home masks with your own hands. And we, in turn, will try to provide you with the most effective recipes and give a number of recommendations so that progress begins to manifest itself after just a few procedures.

Using simple recipes, you can improve the condition and increase the length of your hair.

Home procedure rules

Why do we focus on traditional medicine, because on the shelves of today's stores it is easy to find a suitable option in a beautiful package? The answer is simple: cosmetic products, no matter how big a name they are, they contain a certain amount (in each case, the indicators are individual) of not the most useful components. Various fragrances, thickeners and stabilizers can not only have a detrimental effect on the scalp and hair, but also minimize the beneficial effect of the caring components. And the naturalness of masks "from the people" has long been beyond doubt. For hundreds of years, through trial and error, people have experienced the healing effect of almost all currently existing herbs and products, grouping them and creating truly healing recipes. But their main advantage is the fact that there are no harmful ingredients. And in order for home procedures to have an even greater effect, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Give preference to only fresh and natural ingredients. When purchasing the necessary substances, carefully check their quality and expiration date. Let's give a simple example: if the oil (vegetable, olive, burdock, etc.) has a rancid odor, and the liquid has acquired turbidity and changes in color, it is recommended to refuse such a purchase, even if it has an intriguing price. In such matters it is not worth saving.


Healing olive oil
  • Homemade mixes often contain "provocative" ingredients such as mustard or pepper tincture. In order not to irritate the skin of the hands, all manipulations should be carried out with rubber gloves.


  • Make it a rule to do a sensitivity test before using a new method. Individual intolerance and a tendency to allergies are common, therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences, we recommend conducting small experiments.Apply a small amount of the mixture to the elbow or behind the ear and analyze how it feels after 20 minutes. If itching and irritation occurs, remove the residue immediately and re-open this article for a safer recipe.
  • If your revitalizing shake contains oils or chicken eggs, you will need shampoo to remove residue. In all other cases, only clean warm water is sufficient.
  • Comb thoroughly strand by strand before applying. This will help not only to tidy up the matted curls, but also to massage the head. Acceleration of blood circulation contributes to the rapid absorption of useful vitamins and microelements into the dermis.
Don't forget to comb your hair!
  • In most cases, "greenhouse" conditions are created to enhance the effect. This is a must. Therefore, later on, listing the most popular techniques, we will not mention this detail. Just be aware that at the end of the procedure, you need to wrap your head with plastic wrap and a terry towel. In extreme cases, you can get an old autumn hat out of the closet and designate it as the main one in this "warm" issue.


  • While applying the mixture, massage with your fingers. Rub it into the scalp as thoroughly as possible, and the first signs of recovery will appear after several rescue "operations".


Advice! Never harvest for future use! Preparations usually do not take more than 15 minutes, so it is better to always pamper yourself with fresh food.

We start the process of beauty transformation

Before proceeding directly to the description of the techniques, I would like to remind you, dear girls, of one golden rule: carefully monitor the duration of the contact of the healing mass with the hair. In brackets, we will indicate the required time interval, and your task is not to neglect this information in any way!

"Fragrant cinnamon"

This oriental spice contains a lot of iron, potassium, panthenolic acid, ash, vitamins PP, C, A and B. The transport of these important trace elements to the deep layers of the dermis improves the blood supply to the hair follicles, which will inevitably lead to increased growth and the appearance of natural shine.

maska-dlya-rosta-volos_11Take 1 tsp. cinnamon powder, the same amount of organ oil and coconut oil, 3 tsp. honey. Heat the last three components in a microwave oven or in a water bath. Mix everything and add the fragrant seasoning. The mask should cover the entire length of the dry strands. (30 minutes)

Advice! Honey melts very quickly, so do not turn on the microwave for more than 10 seconds, otherwise there is a risk of getting burned.

"Tart mustard"

Everyone knows that this product has long been widely used in cosmetology and is known as an effective natural "irritant". During the course, you can not only significantly increase the hair mass, but also stabilize the functions of the sebaceous glands.

maska-dlya-rosta-volos_14Pour 2 tablespoons into a glass or plastic container. mustard powder, break the egg yolk, 2 tsp. Sahara. To combine all the ingredients in a mushy mass, pour in two teaspoons of warm water and twice as much of any base oil. Try to pay attention only to the root zone. (10-40 minutes depending on the degree of burning).

Advice! Mustard techniques are contraindicated in women with sensitive scalp and in the presence of abrasions and scratches.

"Woe onion!"

Useful microelements and vitamins contained in onion juice help resist breakage, hair loss and strengthen the hair structure.

maska-dlya-rosta-volos_15Dip the onion into the juicer in such an amount that after operating the device in the glass you will have about 2 tablespoons. juice. Mix it with warmed burdock oil, carrot and lemon juice (2 tablespoons each). The main goal is the roots, you do not need to touch the tips. (30 minutes.)

Advice! A simple strainer or gauze will help eliminate the unpleasant odor. Strain the liquid obtained from the vegetable and the "aroma" will become less pungent.

"With peppercorns"

To prepare the potion, you can use the prepared tincture, which is sold in every pharmacy. Mix the alcohol solution with the aloe juice, add the egg yolk. Mix everything thoroughly. (30 m.)


Advice! Do not be alarmed if you feel a slight tingling sensation throughout the procedure. At this moment, a very important process of activation of the hair follicles takes place.

"Cognac for dessert!"

The tannins and acids contained in cognac alcohol can dry out the curls a little. Therefore, such manipulations are recommended for girls with hair prone to fat content. Honey will help to improve the production of sebum, which, by the way, will also solve the problem of split ends.

maska-dlya-rosta-volos_18Mix brandy and honey in a 3: 1 ratio. The last ingredient should be warm and liquid. Work with a whisk or fork until smooth. Dampen strands and apply a healing cocktail. (30 m.)

Advice!You should end up with a pretty liquid solution. During the "treatment" process, it is recommended that you cover your shoulders and neck to protect your outfit from stains and dirt.

"Vitamin Elixir"

Strengthening, nutrition, intensive development, elimination of dandruff, moisturizing - and this is not a complete list of tasks that this magnificent mask successfully copes with.

maska-dlya-rosta-volos_17Buy a set of vitamins B3, E, A capsules and flaxseed oil from the pharmacy. Mix everything in proportions 5: 5: 5 gr.: 2 tablespoons. Add the yolk to the heated liquid. Lightly wet the strands and spread the mixture over their entire length. (2 hours)

Advice! You can add these substances to your favorite shampoo, this will only enhance the performance with each shampoo.

"Vinegar essence"

We all know that undiluted this liquid is extremely hazardous to health. But if you dilute a weak solution, it will contain a large amount of vitamins of groups C, E, A, B. It is also a real Klondike of organic acids, enzymes and trace elements. After undergoing a course of "treatment" hair becomes shiny, dandruff disappears, curls grow faster and more intensively.

maska-dlya-rosta-volos_16Take a plastic or glass container, pour into it 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar, the same amount of peach oil and twice as much warm liquid honey. Combine everything and stir thoroughly. (120 min.)

Advice! It is very important to prepare the base in the correct proportions. Natural table vinegar can burn strands that are already unhealthy.

We are sure that most modern women have tried homemade elixirs for hair growth at least once. Hundreds of thousands of recipes are posted on the Internet, but each of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity chooses exactly what suits her individual parameters. And so that this path is not tested by trial and error, we have laid out the most effective methods and recommendations for the correct procedure. Always be beautiful, feminine and charming!

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