Feng Shui manicure (60 photos) - Bring love and good luck to your home

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (6)

Many people believe that doing a Feng Shui manicure will help you become richer, more successful and generally happier. Today this science is used not only in China, where it originated, but throughout the world.

How is the doctrine of harmony and beauty related to nail service, how to use its positions in order to see its positive effect on yourself?

Let's consider in order.


Manikur_po_fen-shuj (23)

What it is

Eastern practice tells how to organize the space in the house in a special way and arrange objects in order to eventually attract positive energy to yourself. In general, Feng Shui is applicable to many areas of life, and nail art is proof of this.

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (15)

It is important to know a few points:

  • The main role is assigned to the correct selection of colors. However, images also carry a special message, so stock up on a variety of brushes, toothpicks, glitters and paints.
  • Knowing the intricacies of the foundations of the teachings can play into your hands, so it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the practice at the preparatory stage. It is also important to determine your element, it is from this in the future that you will make a start when choosing the color of the varnish.

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (11)

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (12)

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (14)

According to this philosophy, there are five elements. These are water and earth, fire, wood and metal. To find out your affiliation, look at the last digit of your year of birth. So 0 or 1 speaks about metal, 2 or 3 - about water, 4 or 5 - about wood, 5 or 7 - about fire, 8 or 9 - about earth.

It is worth noting: if you were born in the period from January 1 to February 20, subtract one from the last digit. This should be done because the beginning of the year in the Chinese calendar falls on the end of February.

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (13)

Fundamental rules

As it turned out, the contrasting highlighting of some fingers is not just a fashion trend, there is a special subtext hidden in it. Execution of nail design according to ancient mystical secrets can save a woman from health problems, increase success in the work and love sphere.

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (47)

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (53)

The procedure must be carried out according to special rules, their non-observance can nullify all plans. However, do not worry ahead of time, all recommendations are simple and have already been adapted to modern conditions.

What you need to know:

  • first, find out which of the five elements you belong to;
  • define a "happy" color combination;
  • Choose your accent fingers wisely. In this teaching, each finger is responsible for a specific function;
  • prepare the nail plate, give the desired shape;
  • it is forbidden to carry out the procedure in a bad mood and with negative messages;
  • the location of the action is also important.

Where is better to settle

An important role is played by the working area of ​​the location of the tools. Experts say that the effect multiplies if you choose the right place in an apartment or house:

  • to attract money - do a manicure in the room where money, jewelry or outfits are kept;
  • nail art on love - in the bedroom;
  • for luck and for career advancement - on a work or desk with a computer;
  • for increase health - in places where care procedures are carried out (bathroom, dressing table).

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (57)


Manikur_po_fen-shuj (58)

In general, ancient Chinese teachings do not contradict the traditional foundations of nail service. It is better to use materials of natural origin.

When shaping the plate, avoid unnecessarily sharp and long corners. They, according to philosophers, "cut off" a person's luck. Don't do a trim manicure either. After steaming the cuticle, remove it with an orange stick.

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (50)

What fingers to paint

The location of special shades on individual fingers depends on several nuances:

  • personal tastes and preferences of the girl (it is required to clearly understand the goals pursued);
  • correlating innermost desires with certain meanings of the fingers (Eastern practice assigned each of them a unique purpose in the fate of a person).

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (49)

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (34)


Manikur_po_fen-shuj (42)

It so happened that the right hand has more power than the left. Obeying the laws of yin-yang, this entire side of the body has a stronger positive energy.

So which fingers of the right hand to paint:

  • Big - is responsible for intelligence and enlightenment of the mind, success in any endeavors, even in gambling.
  • Pointing - harmony between inner ego and real possibilities. With proper design, it increases stress resistance and self-confidence.
  • Average - wealth, provokes an influx of finance. The correct color selection will get rid of excessive aggressiveness and dissatisfaction.
  • Nameless - family hearth, harmony in the house and mutual respect with a partner. Grants a thirst for adventure. Will help you find love.
  • Little finger - attracts a calm and measured course of life. Helps to peacefully resolve conflict situations and negotiate with competitors.

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (37)

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (48)

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (43)

Why did we only consider one hand?

The fact is that the selection of marigolds on the left hand can attract negative phenomena, since all of it displays completely opposite qualities.

That is why, following the laws of philosophy, it is better to highlight and accentuate the nails only on one hand, and cover the other with a monochromatic neutral varnish corresponding to your element.

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (5)

If the situation sparkles with negativity, the relationship with your loved one leaves much to be desired, seek help from the nail on your ring finger, brightly painting it in the appropriate shade.

The index will help you stand out from the crowd of competitors and succeed in what you love. And financial success is inevitable if you create an emphasis on the average.

For every element

Previously, the simplest method for determining one's own element was given.

It's time to find out what lies behind each of them:

  • Water - symbolizes a new life, security, a surge of emotions. Colors are the entire spectrum of blue, white and black. Images - waves, snowflakes, dew drops, rain, fish and marine life.

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (9)

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (55)

  • Earth - steadfastness, fortitude, adaptability to life's troubles. Preferred tones are brown, yellowish sand, brown, sand. These colors are responsible for the feeling of harmony in a person. Imitation of stones, sand, geometric motifs showed themselves well as drawings.

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Manikur_po_fen-shuj (39)

Geometriya_na_nogtiax (27)

  • Wood - according to Chinese philosophy, it is bamboo, durable, flexible, plastic. The tree woman is sociable, easily finds a way out of any current situation, is open to everything new. Color euphony is expressed in brown, greenish and black tints, they develop creativity and help to make informed decisions. As a decoration, you should choose floral ornaments, insects.

Geometriya_na_nogtiax (72)

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (59)

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (32)

  • Metal - strong character, steel fortitude. Gold and silver halftones act like a magnet for wealth and recognition. Grayish, black and multi-colored colors with a metallic effect have a positive effect. Decor - rhinestones, foil, casting, mirror rubbing.

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (36)

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (18)

  • Fire - Flame women by nature are domineering, energetic, passionate and unpredictable. Burgundy, red, red, yellow-orange tones attract success. Images of the sun, tongues of flame, sparkling elements will help to enhance the meaning.

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (27)

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (26)

The combination of colors and their meaning

Now let's talk about the messages of the most popular shades of varnishes. The following table summarizes the information.

Colour Combination with other tones Purpose
Apricot Green, sky blue, purple, white, lilac, brown Tunes people around in a positive way, brings harmony and improves mood
White Neutral, appeals to the entire shade palette Emphasizes the influence of other colors
Turquoise Blue, light purple, red, brown Gives calmness, repels disease
Blue White, black, pink, silver Allows you to concentrate on important matters
Yellow Green, brown, golden Sunny shade, bestows peace of mind, helps to streamline thoughts, attracts success
Green Yellow, orange, brown, gray Symbolizes the rebirth of life, helps to gain confidence in new beginnings
Brown Emerald green, deep turquoise, orange, sunny yellow The lighter its shade, the more powerful positive energy it contains. Dark undertones carry negativity and squabbles
Scarlet Yellow brown, golden yellow, deep blue Brings joy and good mood to life. However, too much red can lead to emotional overexcitement.

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Manikur_po_fen-shuj (40)

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (33)

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (25)

Which fingers to highlight

Now let's look at specific examples of how to attract certain benefits.

To attract money

To ensure that financial well-being accompanies you always and in everything, adhere to three simple rules when painting nails:

  • Put the contrast on the middle and ring fingers.
  • Use "cash" shades of varnishes. The most popular of them are golden, lilac, turquoise, deep green.
  • Draw a sign on the accent nail to represent money.

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (8)

There is a nuance - the right hand is aimed at the "return" of energy, and the left, on the contrary, attracts it from the outside. Accordingly, in order not to lose money luck to the Universe, leave the drawings on the "receiving" pen.

To attract love

Connoisseurs of the theory know which nail art to perform so that the girl is surrounded by warm and blood-stirring feelings. So most of the practitioners agree that the main "figurants" here are the ring finger.

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (44)

It is worth painting it in red varnish, or depicting a catchy thematic picture on it.

For luck

The definition of luck for everyone has its own decoding. For some it is to find the love of their life, to some for happiness if their children and loved ones are healthy, but there is a category of people who cannot imagine existence without fame and recognition of society.

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (20)

In general, for the days to be filled with wonderful moments, it is worth highlighting the index and middle fingers. And choose the color of the varnish depending on what kind of events you want to attract.

Photo ideas by all the rules

A variety of shades, a combination of paints and decorative elements allows you to make nail art according to Feng Shui versatile and in line with the latest trends.

Geometriya_na_nogtiax (61)

Emphasis on two fingers

Most popular solution. A deep pink background is favorably combined with a pastel shade of light pink on the middle and ring fingers.

So you will call for success in all areas, and also soon find yourself in a whirlpool of romantic events.

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (31)

Mysterious jacket

This option can also be tailored to the Eastern theory. Cover the tips of the nails with black and white ornate stains to harmonize the masculine and feminine principles, balance the influence of the elements and life trials.

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (30)

Summer color

This interesting variation is explained as follows. With each tone, we activate certain urges. We balance bright colors with neutral ones.

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (28)

White design with hearts

If the routine is stuck and you really do not have enough time to show romantic feelings, cover the nails with white varnish, and draw hearts on the ring fingers. You can use a slider design with corresponding pictures. Such a creation will bring harmony to relationships and family union.

Manikur_po_fen-shuj (60)

Half of the success depends on the correct attitude during the manipulation. Make yourself comfortable, play some soothing music if necessary. Imagine how all your innermost dreams come true, feel the taste and smell of victory, thank the Universe for the experience gained and the fulfillment of past ideas.Throw away any grain of doubt, everything will definitely come true.

Some more ideas

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