Moonstone (60 photos) - Properties and meaning, what it looks like, what to wear with

Lunnyj_kamen (20)

Moonstone or adularia belongs to rare minerals from the potassium group. Looks beautiful in a frame made of silver or gold, has many positive properties.

Before purchasing the gem in question, you need to find out about its effect on different signs of the zodiac and understand whether it is right for you. Each mineral is able to have not only positive, but also negative effects on human health and mood.


Lunnyj_kamen (31)


It is a translucent mineral, the brilliance of which is rightfully compared to the glow of the moon. Hence the name. A bit like chalcedony. Another name for fisheye. The material is brittle, breaks down under mechanical pressure.

Lunnyj_kamen (43)

Can't stand the blows. The stone has an unusual structure and consists of thin plates and prismatic crystals. Received the name solely for the appearance. Has no connection with the Moon. It is a mineral of exclusively terrestrial origin.

Varieties of flowers

Unlike many other gems, fisheye does not have a single shade. There are several colors, each of which is interesting in its own way:

  • colorless;
  • White;
  • lactic;
  • lilac;
  • black;
  • light gray with a blue tint.

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Each of the shades is unstable and, depending on the incidence of light, the stone tends to flash with different colors. This makes the mineral even more valuable in the eyes of jewelers. Specimens with a cat's eye effect are especially appreciated.

Properties and meaning

The healing properties of moonstone have been noticed since ancient times. Most of the positive effects are directed to the psyche:

  1. Helps to improve sleep, ward off anxious thoughts and fights insomnia.
  2. It has a positive effect on the work of the pituitary gland and the entire brain.
  3. Facilitates the course of epileptic seizures.
  4. Helps to calm down too active and noisy children.
  5. Restrains outbursts of anger and helps to calm down too irritable persons.

The mineral in question belongs to the patrons of the liquid elements of the body, and therefore improves the work of the genitourinary, biliary and cardiovascular systems.

If we talk about the magical properties of the fish eye, then it is a love magnet. It is believed that the owner of this gem will never suffer from unrequited love or passion. Selenite is also an assistant for those who love gambling. Experts advise playing only with a moonstone in your hand or pocket. Then luck will be on the side of the owner of the jewelry.

Lunnyj_kamen (46)

Experts believe that the gem in question is perfect for people of all creative professions: journalists, artist, actors, musicians. They should wear a fisheye at all times to keep their creative ideas running.

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What signs of the zodiac are suitable

Selenite is ideal for representatives of the water element. It is a wonderful talisman for Scorpions, Cancers and Pisces. And Aries and Capricorns are strictly forbidden to wear a fish eye, since this gem greatly spoils their energy, negatively affects all spheres of life.

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The rest of the zodiacal circle can wear the moon stone without fear. In any case, they will feel its positive energy and impact on health, love and especially creativity. Selenite develops intuition and promotes the disclosure of talents that a person might not have known about.

Lunnyj_kamen (23)

The moonstone will not interfere with Leo to calm down and find a common language with others.

Lunnyj_kamen (29)

Gemini, when worn, will be able to smooth out the duality of the sign and become more self-confident.Taurus will become more peaceful. Virgos will become judicious and intelligent under the influence of this decoration.

Choose by type of appearance

Each girl has a certain type of appearance. Depending on it, you need to select jewelry so that they can emphasize the image and be in harmony with the external appearance of the lady.

Lunnyj_kamen (50)

The moonstone is optimal for women of the autumn color type. This is a lady with a warm skin tone, bright warm hair tones and radiant eyes. White metal does not suit them at all, but selenite will look perfect.

How to distinguish from a fake

Like any gem, fisheye can be counterfeited. To get your hands on the original, and not a cheap and useless toy, you should carefully look at the stone. It must be brought to an artificial light source. Everything inside the natural adularia sparkles and shimmers. If this does not happen, you are in front of a fake.

Lunnyj_kamen (34)

You also need to pay attention to the properties of reflection. The original does not reflect light at an angle greater than 15 °. The fake heats up much faster. To heat a natural adularia, special equipment is required, and by hand it is practically unable to increase its temperature.

Lunnyj_kamen (59)

The artificial mineral is recognized both by color, as well as by crystals inside. Natural material always contains voids and air bubbles, which is not observed in the synthetic analogue.

Lunnyj_kamen (55)

Of course, the analogue is cheaper and if it is of good quality and is needed only in the form of decoration, then you can purchase it as well. But synthetics do not give magical and medicinal properties. Therefore, it is better to purchase a natural product from trusted jewelers or large jewelry stores that value their reputation and honest name.

Natural selenite becomes brighter in water, and any glass is simply cleaner.

Lunnyj_kamen (37)

Use in gold and silver jewelry

The most advantageous setting for a moonstone is silver. In this combination, jewelry is used to make amulets, rings, earrings, pendants and bracelets. Magicians, shamans and various psychics pay special attention to such accessories.

Lunnyj_kamen (44)

For women, the right accessory is interesting for its mystery and incomprehensible charm. This is the perfect type of jewelry that will make a queen out of a lady.

It is also an acceptable combination with gold and platinum, but it is less common and is usually made to order.

Lunnyj_kamen (40)

Trends 2021

Like all jewelry and accessories, fisheye in 2021 is trending in certain forms. Those who follow fashion know perfectly well what will be especially popular among moonstone products this season.

Lunnyj_kamen (57)

General trends in jewelry fashion this season:

  • voluminous and massive specimens with a large stone are appreciated;
  • asymmetry is emphasized;
  • there should be more stones, an abundance of details is required.

Lunnyj_kamen (3)

All jewelry trends in their own way affect specific types of products. Therefore, it is worth considering separately each of the options.


This season, it is preferable to buy earrings of a geometric shape, of a large size. The stone in the decoration should also be in the form of a square or rhombus and be large.

Lunnyj_kamen (32)

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Lunnyj_kamen (24)

For a business look, hoop earrings are suitable. Long fringed earrings hanging down to the shoulders or below are in fashion for evening events.

But in everyday life, such accessories are not entirely appropriate.

Lunnyj_kamen (16)


2021 marks a good time for lovers of a wide variety of bracelets. Now in a trend and massive specimens and thin ones. It is advisable to wear several at once.

Lunnyj_kamen (15)

At the peak of popularity, bracelets that imitate Greek Indian, Roman jewelry. When using stones, it should be borne in mind that they must be large, as the modern season of jewelry trends requires.

One-piece cast structures on hands with stones of the correct shape will be relevant in the summer and autumn of 2021.

Lunnyj_kamen (11)

For the evening, it is better to look for a special model, which is a combination of a ring and a bracelet and looks like a glove on the hand.

A bracelet with an adularia on the left hand will make the wearer more merciful and tolerant towards the people around him, and also helps to reduce the level of conflict.


The trend of 2021 is rectangular and asymmetrical pieces. As well as bracelets, many rings are allowed. The main thing is that they can be diverse. At the height of fashion - triple and double rings, as well as thin models located on different phalanges of the fingers.

Lunnyj_kamen (54)

Lunnyj_kamen (49)

Lunnyj_kamen (49)

The moonstone ring on the right hand develops talent and intuition.


The rule applies here - the more chains, the better. The trend is a combination of thin chains and bright jewelry with stones stylized in the national style.

Lunnyj_kamen (25)

A special trend is the choker collar. It is a tiered metal piece with stones that is perfect for both a business suit and an evening dress.

Lunnyj_kamen (53)

Chokers are still in vogue, but massive minerals are added to them. In classic chains, preference should be given to non-standard types of weaving.

Hair accessories

Such jewelry nuances help to decorate even the simplest hairstyle and add elegance and femininity to the image. This season, for everyday use, voluminous hairpins decorated with beads, rhinestones and stones are in trend.

Lunnyj_kamen (14)

Headbands and hoops are increasingly made not from plastic, but from metal. Thus, an everyday accessory becomes a piece of jewelry. It is important that it matches the rest of the outfit.

What clothes to wear

Regardless of the costume, the owner of the adularia must remember: the mineral helps if it touches the body, not clothing. For those who dream of finding a pair, the talisman should be worn on the left side.

The gem in question is perfect even for an expensive evening event, since it is an elite mineral. Also, it will not hurt in combination with a business suit during important negotiations.

Lunnyj_kamen (45)

For those wishing to obtain magical properties, experts advise to carry the stone with them in their pocket, and for a restful sleep - to put it under the pillow.

Wearing and care rules

The fisheye must be properly worn and cared for accordingly. The mineral requires careful handling so that no chips or cracks occur. If gloss is lost, polishing or sanding is sufficient.

Lunnyj_kamen (22)

For charging, it is recommended to put the gem on a windowsill on a bright moonlit night, so that the moon will transfer its energy to it.

Lunnyj_kamen (33)

Adularia has been known since ancient times as a mineral for lovers and magicians. Helps to open up creative natures and maintains normal human mental health.

Promotes normal sleep, reduced conflict and increased self-confidence. As a restraint from excess anger, such an amulet is suitable for hot-tempered men. They are encouraged to wear it as an investment in a ring on the little finger. Will attract a soul mate and provide strong love for years to come.

Few models

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