Best Vitamins for Hair Growth - Reviews, Popular Product Reviews

luchshie-vitaminy-dlya-rosta-volos-otzyvy_2The reviews of girls who have tested the products will confirm which are the best vitamins for hair growth. So that you do not waste time searching, we have made a selection of the most effective drugs. Let's take a look at them together and identify their disadvantages and advantages.



Criterias of choice

When we go shopping, we usually know the value for money, as we often use food, clothing, appliances and other household items. But when visiting a pharmacy, difficulties often arise. We see before us a wide range of products, about which we have only a general idea. Before buying products to restore the health of hair, pay attention to the important aspects.

  • The composition should contain magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc. Thanks to the proposed microelements, a complex nutrition of the bulb and an acceleration of metabolism in the core occurs.
  • In this case, the price does not play the most important role. You can easily find a budget analogue of an expensive complex.
  • Avoid products that contain dyes and flavors. Usually, a person's allergic reaction is caused by these irritants.
  • The composition of domestic and foreign products is almost the same.


Minerals play an important role in strengthening the follicles. They have special functions. For example, phosphorus gives elasticity and shine. Without a sufficient amount of calcium, the correct structure is impossible. Silicon supplements the collagen composition, and zinc relieves us of premature structure and early appearance of gray hair. Iodine improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, which affects the female appearance in general. Selenium protects the shovel from the adverse effects of the environment. Sulfur, in turn, restores the lost volume and revitalizes the strands.

They can be sold in capsules, tablets and even in liquid form.

If all of these components in the body are the required amount, we do not have to worry about the condition of the hair.


Advice! For professional help, see your trichologist. He will select a recovery course depending on the characteristics of your body.


Pharmacies offer a wide range of ready-made preparations that have a beneficial effect on hair. But how to find your own product in all this diversity? You don't have to buy the most expensive one. You just need to pay attention to the composition and user reviews. Now we will consider the most popular options in different price categories, and find out whether you need to overpay for the fastest possible result. So let's go!

  • Pentovit - these are 50 coated tablets. They restore metabolism and protect against hair loss. The composition includes vitamins of group B. It is necessary to use it for a month three times a day. Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, as it can cause itching, fever, cramps, urticaria in case of overdose.
You can buy for 104 - 130 rubles
  • Perfectil also based on the B-group. It improves blood flow to the bulbs, protects against thermal effects, stops hair loss and removes toxins. Also a nice bonus is the strengthening of the nail plates. There are no contraindications, you can use it once a day for a month. Capsules cost 500 - 1600 rubles, depending on the dosage.



  • Revalid - Hungarian remedy based on plant extracts, yeast and components A, E, D, B.Promotes the strengthening and growth of curls. Doctors recommend taking one capsule three times a day for 8 to 12 weeks. Cannot be used by lactating and pregnant women. In Moscow pharmacies it is sold for 440 - 1400 rubles.


  • Evicent based on brewer's yeast and mineral sulfur strengthens and accelerates growth. Adverse reactions and addiction were not found, but for effectiveness, the instructions should be strictly adhered to. You will also clear your skin of acne. But keep in mind that the complex leads to weight gain and appetite. You can purchase it for 150 - 250 rubles.


  • Fitoval - the ideal solution for the treatment of a damaged mop. Vitamins A, B5, B6, B9, B12 contribute to the appearance of new bulbs.
The cost ranges from 260 - 600 rubles
  • Inneov - products of a French company, created according to a unique recipe. It contains a patented molecule, zinc, taurine, grape seed and green tea extracts. The disadvantage is that you can not buy it in all pharmacies, and even for 6200r.


  • Alerana - vitamin and mineral complex aimed at strengthening hair and protecting it from environmental influences. Suitable as a dietary supplement, but may not help with severe hair loss caused by pregnancy or severe stress. Buy tablets for 550 rubles, and the complex for 2300 rubles.


  • Vitrum American production offers several types of formulations. To cope with baldness helps "Prenatal", "Classic" and "Beauty". The cost in pharmacies increases from 418 to 1780 rubles.


  • Complevit "Shining" in a short time, it stops the process of losing strands as a result of stress, nervous disorders, a course of chemotherapy. There are no contraindications. Suitable even for people with high sensitivity. It contains 11 vitamins, 8 minerals, as well as lipoic acid and green tea extract. Can be purchased for 174 rubles.

luchshie-vitaminy-dlya-rosta-volos-otzyvy_16We examined the popular options, about which many positive reviews have been written. But only after experiencing them for yourself you will understand how good they are.


Advice! Vitamin complexes are not addictive and do not lose their effect if you drink them for a long time. Therefore, it is not necessary to constantly change drugs.

Balance your diet

Useful substances can be obtained not only through purchased drugs. You just need to adjust your food. The body will be saturated with the necessary components and will reward not only a healthy look of hair, but also skin, nails and even internal organs. Let's explore what foods are good for us so that they appear on our table.

  • Vitamin A perfectly strengthens roots, eliminates fragility, nourishes and fights dryness. It can be found in animal and plant foods. Therefore, add liver, whole homemade milk, chicken eggs, and legumes to your meals. Buy green and yellow vegetables more often. Feast on apricots, melons, grapes and watermelons. From herbs, give preference to sea buckthorn, rose hips, nettles.
  • From group B the most useful are thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, nicotinic and folic acids. They give strength, shine, prevent rapid greasiness, gray hair and resist baldness. Where are they kept? Increase your intake of cereals, meat, eggs, pasta. Choose from vegetables potatoes, spinach, carrots, cauliflower, tomatoes. From fruits - oranges, lemons, cherries. Do not forget also about fish, which has a great effect on the female body, honey and greens.
  • C or ascorbic acid sold in ampoules. It returns the lost silkiness. It is found in large quantities in apples, kiwi, strawberries, cherries, currants, citrus fruits. Drink rose hips and add bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, and parsley to your diet.
  • E provides oxygen access to soft tissues and curls. It also protects against ultraviolet radiation and external pathogenic agents.Vegetable oils (unrefined sunflower), all types of nuts, unprocessed pumpkin and sunflower seeds, tomato, spinach and peas with beans are recognized as natural sources. Try to buy unpolished rice.

luchshie-vitaminy-dlya-rosta-volos-otzyvy_17At first glance, it may seem that the list is large enough that it is impossible to remember everything. But you should consider the main thing. The health benefits are those products, in the quality and freshness of which you are sure. If you stick to the principles of good nutrition, you will not need to write lists, since all healthy foods contain the substances we need.

Remember to also drink plenty of fluids. For an adult, the figure is at least two liters of clean water per day.

Advice! Take capsules and tablets with plenty of water. The liquid removes excess substances from the body.

Masks and shampoos at home

Caring for your hair from the outside is no less important than from the inside. To be sure of the naturalness of cosmetics, it is better to prepare them yourself. We offer the most effective folk recipes for strengthening and accelerating your hair growth.

  • Full nutrition and healing from roots to ends occurs through the use of a mask based on vitamins A, E, D and burdock oil. Add to them ampoules B1 and B2 and 20 ml each of olive and almond ether. Mix all ingredients with honey. After application, do not rinse for one hour. While doing this, wrap yourself up with a warm towel or other cloth.
  • Aloe, B12, yolk, niacin, hot water and large leaf black tea will help tone the scalp, increase softness and eliminate alopecia. Preparation should start with brewing tea, then after straining the rest of the ingredients are added to the liquid. Leave the mixture on your head under a towel for 60 - 80 minutes. Rinse off with cool water with the addition of shampoo.
  • A homogeneous solution of retinol, lemon juice, tocopherol, dimexide, nicotinic acid, as well as burdock and castor oils helps to moisturize dry locks and get rid of flaking and itching of the skin. Do not rinse for two hours, but wear under a plastic bag.

luchshie-vitaminy-dlya-rosta-volos-otzyvy_18You can also create your own vitamin-based masks. Or just add them to your finished cosmetics. Fortified shampoos help to solve the maximum number of possible trichological problems, except for those caused by hormonal disruption or damage to internal organs. The main thing is not to immediately pour the entire ampoule into the shampoo, but before washing in a separate dish, make the mixture, which must be applied twice. During the second, you do not need to rinse for 15 minutes.

Advice! Shampoos with B vitamins have a good effect on the hairstyle. You can immediately choose the right one or add the necessary substance to your favorite cosmetic. But test for an allergic reaction before use.

Reviews of girls who have tested drugs on themselves

Elizabeth, 26 years old: During the second pregnancy, my nails and hair deteriorated badly, although I took folic acid. Recently I saw an inexpensive Komplevit at a pharmacy and decided to try it. In just two weeks of regular use, I stopped finding strands that had fallen out on my pillow.

Oksana, 32 years old: After a course of chemotherapy, I started taking Inneov. It is, of course, a little expensive, but the result suits me completely. My new hairs are really growing faster. Until I grow chic hair, I will not stop drinking vitamins.


Irina, 47 years old: I do not believe in all these complexes. Another pumping out of money. I trust my health only to myself, so I prepare masks myself. I usually add vitamin capsules and vegetable oils to them. They also fight the dryness of my damaged curls very well.

Olga, 20 years old: I like Perfectil because it improved the condition of the skin, nails and mop at the same time. True, I do not always act strictly according to the instructions, otherwise the effect would have been received much faster.

Efrosinya, 34 years old: I am a surgeon and there are often stressful situations at work. This could not but affect the health of the hair.Besides that, I am also a woman. A colleague advised to drink Evisent to restore the dermis and strands. I will try.

Advice!Combine oral vitamins with masks and shampoos that strengthen the structure. This will help you get the results you want faster.


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