Is coconut oil effective for hair? - We will dispel myths and find out the real facts about the tool

kokosovoe-maslo-dlya-volos_Girls who take care of themselves have heard many times that coconut oil for hair has a wonderful regenerating and nourishing effect. But is it? Is it worth paying big bucks for a small tube? How to use it correctly? And where to buy the real product? Let's find out together the essence of the issue and determine the effectiveness of the drug.



What makes the composition unique?

The popularity of the drug is due to the fact that it is based on saturated fatty acids, which are beneficial for the female body. Their content reaches 95%. The indicator differs significantly from other products. Also included are other substances, including stearic, nylon, oleic, capric, luaric and myristic acids. In addition to them, there are vitamins tocopherol, retinol, cholcalciferol and even the well-known calcium and phosphorus.

kokosovoe-maslo-dlya-volos_2Pure extract is obtained from coconut. If the ambient temperature is below 250, it solidifies and turns white. In a heated state, it turns into a transparent and liquid substance.

Due to the content of useful components, the product is used in its pure form, and is also added to finished cosmetic preparations. Promotes weight loss, improves skin condition, as well as gentle hair restoration, prevents hair loss.

Natural alternative to expensive products

Advice! In combination with other healing components, the butter reveals its properties more strongly.

Healing properties

In Asian countries, women have been using the resulting liquid since ancient times. Its useful functions have not gone unnoticed in the beauty industry, and today many manufacturers add it to their beauty products. Can be used as a stand alone ingredient.

Since we want to make our hair healthier, let's look at the issue from this side. How can an Asian remedy help us?

  • Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the entire surface, including the skin.
  • Relieves irritation, removes redness.
  • Promotes cell regeneration.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the structure of the core.
  • Reduces hair loss by strengthening the bulb.
  • Stimulates the growth process.
  • Increases elasticity.
Replaces the most expensive cosmetics

The main feature is the low melting point. This ensures maximum coverage of the damaged areas after application. The formed natural casing protects from the adverse effects of the environment, as well as from the effects of a hot hair dryer, curling iron and other styling devices.

Your curls will be supple, smooth and shiny. Isn't that what we want?

As we can see, the results promise to be amazing after regular use. But the main thing is that the product is of high quality and that you know how to use it. We will talk about this in more detail.

Advice! Don't overdo it. Just 1 - 2 tablespoons are enough, depending on the length. If you exceed the dosage, the effect will not increase, but it will be much more difficult to wash out the oil.

Where can I buy?

You can place an order in online stores. It is often found on the shelves of specialized stores and pharmacies. But which one is better to choose? After all, unscrupulous sellers often pass off a fake for the original. Consider the products of the most famous brands so as not to waste your money.

  • Parachute Indian workmanship has an affordable price
Approximately 1000 rubles for 500ml
  • Blissom produced in Thailand. The product is not refined, has a weak aroma. According to the reviews, we can conclude that it is quickly absorbed. The cost ranges from 600 - 700 r for a 200 ml bottle.
  • El Baraka characterized by high Egyptian quality. Extracted by cold pressing. 300ml can be purchased for 700 - 800 rubles.
  • Nutiva - an organic product obtained by cold pressing. Possesses nutritional properties and low odor. Sellers ask for 500ml within 1000r.


  • All Good (Elemental Herbs) made in the USA and has a delicate marble texture. For 200ml, be prepared to pay 800 - 1000r. It attracts a characteristic sweetish smell.
Leaves no sticky film

If you buy a quality product, during the production of which all standards were observed, you will not find contraindications.

Please note that many modern companies buy a large number of products, and then pack them in containers, while affixing their logo on it. You will not be able to find out the exact information about the shelf life, so try to avoid lesser-known brands.

If you are offered a price several times lower than the real one, do not flatter yourself. This is not a discount, but an attempt to sell a low-grade option. This is usually a second spin or hot pressing.


Advice! To boost the performance of your usual shampoo or conditioner, add a few drops of coconut oil to it.

Rules for applying masks

The effect of a miracle remedy is enhanced when mixed with other beneficial ingredients. A negative result can only be obtained with a lack of information and misuse. Therefore, we will study the professional recommendations of experts for applying homemade balm, which are based on coconut extract.

  • Don't forget about pre-testing. Do not use the new formula before an important event, because you may get an unexpected reaction from the body. First, apply the mixture to your wrist to check for any allergic reactions to one of the ingredients.
  • If burning ingredients come off to speed up the metabolism, do not keep them for too long. This is fraught with burns.
  • The best time to apply is half an hour before bed to get a gentle adaptation of the skin and hair.


  • For the fatty type, distribution to the roots is contraindicated.
  • For the duration of exposure, wrap the hair in a towel to warm up.
  • Rinse off in two steps. First, wash your hair with warm water. Second, clean the surface with shampoo.
  • Follow the recipe strictly. Increase the proportion of the composition depending on the length of the strands.

If you are using pure oil, it must be warmed up. For this, hands or a stream of hot water will do. The main thing is not to use a microwave oven for this purpose, otherwise you will destroy useful trace elements. By the way, a steam bath is also fine.

Advice! Remember that too low a price confirms the poor quality of the product. Don't try to skimp on your appearance.

Hair loss masks

You can hardly boast of thin hair in front of your friends. The cause of the disease usually lies in a weakened rod and profuse loss. You can easily get rid of the problem if you prepare the right composition.

  • Melt 15 ml of the main component and add 5 ml of honey and 2-3 drops of ylang-ylang to it. Stir until smooth and spread evenly over the hair. Leave to act for half an hour, then wash thoroughly. Repeat the procedure every seven days.
  • For daily use, a mixture of 100 g of melted product and 15 g of dry hibiscus color is suitable. Perfectly nourishes and strengthens the core.


  • A composition with jojoba extract in equal proportions helps to eliminate fragility.
  • The acceleration of growth is facilitated by the grated half of a banana with 30 ml of coconut oil and 15 ml of sour cream with high fat content. The resulting mixture must be warmed up and left on the head for half an hour.

Advice! Oily film is difficult to remove with gentle shampoos. Therefore, rinse your hair several times to avoid the appearance of an oily sheen.

Mask recipes for oily hair

We have already recommended not to apply oil to the roots if the secretion of the sebaceous glands is increased. Remember this rule and start preparing suitable preparations.

  • Kefir combine with 15ml of the main ingredient and heat.
Don't wash off one hour
  • Measure out 30g sea ​​salt and dissolve it in a heated product. Spread for at least 50 minutes.


  • Castor mix perfect for stimulating growth and treating oily curls.
  • Shredded chamomile and rosemary flowers add to the miracle cure. Heat in a water bath, stirring constantly for about half an hour. Leave the broth in a dark place for a day, then clean it through cheesecloth. Keep the mask for up to two hours. Remember to keep your head warm.


Advice! Don't expect instant results. Natural ingredients act on the core from the inside, and do not provide a temporary visual effect. When the bulb is nourished, you will immediately notice positive changes, but this will take 3 to 4 applications.

We take care of dry strands

The oil is considered effective in combating excess dryness. It moisturizes and nourishes the core. Add lavender esters to it to increase elasticity and prevent breakage.

The best escape from split ends is curry leaves cooked in a coconut extract. While the mixture is hot, it must be distributed over the damaged areas and wrapped in a bag. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

kokosovoe-maslo-dlya-volos_16A mixture of ground oatmeal, milk and butter has a regenerating effect. You need to withstand for 30 minutes. Then rinse the treated area thoroughly with running cool water.

A mixture with raw egg yolk has an excellent moisturizing effect. You can vary the composition and add fatty dairy products and even mayonnaise that you have in the refrigerator as needed.


Advice! If your skin and core are overdried, moisturize the problem areas with herbal tea before the restoration procedure. This will keep moisture inside.

How to get it at home?

We can only guess about the quality of the purchased product. Therefore, it is advisable to get it yourself. To do this, purchase a coconut nut. Pour out the milk it contains. You will need white pulp. Take it and grind it thoroughly. For convenience, use a grater or blender.

Pour the shavings that you have as a result of previous manipulations with hot water. Make sure it doesn't boil. In this case, the liquid must completely cover the contents of the container. Put it in the refrigerator for two hours.

kokosovoe-maslo-dlya-volos_11When the specified period has passed, take out the jar. Above, you will see a dense white crust. This is coconut oil. It can be stored for up to two weeks. Remember to melt before use.

Advice! Are you constantly in need of styling naughty curls? Apply a small amount of butter to tame electrifying hairs.

Reviews of girls who have experienced the remedy for themselves

Angelina, 24 years old: Despite the high cost, I decided to pamper my curly dry curls. After 3 - 4 procedures I saw how it began to shine. They also feel more pleasant to the touch.

Inna, 35 years old: I do not like the fact that if the rinse is bad, it feels dirty. But after several attempts, I realized that I needed to rinse off with a little hot water. Then it won't take long. And the result is amazing.

Oksana, 22 years old: I apply the oil all the way. I am very pleased with the result. After just a few times, brushing is much easier. Loose hair has ceased to remain in the comb.

kokosovoe-maslo-dlya-volos_9Irina, 46 years old: As a result of frequent staining, I severely damaged the structure of the strands. But I managed to get rid of split ends with the help of a coconut extract.

Masha, 19 years old: I mined the component myself from real coconut. Of course, it turned out a little, but I am sure of its organic nature.The hair has become shiny and silky.

Advice!If you have an increased sebaceous gland secretion, do not apply the oil to the roots and skin. Treat only hairs.


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