Beryl stone (60+ photos) - What it looks like, properties, how it differs from a fake, decoration

Kamen_berill (48)Beryl stone is considered one of the most beautiful natural minerals.

What do they say about him? It is a crystal of the highest purity.

What happens? Comes in a variety of colors from transparent prototypes to red. Black is extremely rare and highly prized. Jewelry of amazing beauty is made from it.

Individual copies have an exorbitant cost. In addition, this mineral is endowed with a host of other qualities.

Which ones exactly? We will discuss these issues one by one.


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What does a stone look like

Mineral in its pure form has no value for jewelry. The exact name given to it is beryllium silicate. Found its application in many technical industries. Jewelers also love to work with him.

According to the description, it is a fragile mineral with a prismatic hexagon shape. Endowed with excellent resistance to aggressive compounds, acids and salts. In its pure form, it can be of enormous size and weight. Sometimes finds reach several tons.

Kamen_berill (16)Precious varieties are much smaller in size. The mineral has many shades and is easy to grind. For this reason, the jewelry industry is able to effortlessly transform any type into a gem.

The pure mineral contains: silicon oxide in a proportion of 67%, aluminum oxide - 19%, beryllium oxide - 14%. It may contain other elements and when mixed, the natural transparent color changes to another.

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What happens

A high quality breed has several groups in terms of value and color. They all have their own names and properties.

Expensive gems from the beryllium silicate family:

  1. Emerald. The most expensive specimen from the beryl family. Jewelers appreciate it for its cleanliness and the complete absence of defects has a green tint.
  2. Aquamarine. In cost, it loses to the previous one. Has a uniform structure and natural color intensity, reminiscent of a block of ice or sea.
  3. Heliodor. High quality is expensive (minimum $ 20 per 1 carat). There are much fewer sources of the deposit than its “brothers”. Natural color is yellowish green.
  4. Morganite. A rare, expensive type of gem. Natural color is pink, the more intense it is, the higher its value. An insert of morganite without a defect in the decoration can cost several hundred conventional units. Americans and Europeans are very fond of bright (raspberry, strawberry, cherry) shades of morganite.

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Rare varieties that few people know, but look very beautiful in jewelry:

  1. Goshenite. The color is faded, costing less than multi-colored specimens. In jewelry it looks strict, but very solemn.
  2. Augustine. A valuable specimen in blue. The cost price of 1 carat reaches $ 150. It is very often faked by scammers. Afraid of ultraviolet radiation - under direct sun, it may fade after time.
  3. Bazzite. It is not endowed with special value, it is often used in jewelry as an ordinary insert. Natural color is blue.
  4. Biscuit. A very rare specimen with a cost of $ 300 per carat. There is only one source in the whole world, and that one is regularly flooded with groundwater.
  5. Rostetitis. It contains a huge amount of alkali metals. The area of ​​use is like a goshenite. Shades - from completely transparent to bright pink.

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Video: Colors and types

Properties and purpose

Did you know that beryllium silicate has healing properties, is endowed with the strongest positive energy, which is used by magicians? No? Then check out the list of problems with which, according to ancient experts, the stone will help get rid of or alleviate.

For a long time, the mineral was immersed in water, insisted on it, and then drank in order to heal: poor metabolism, sick bile. Relieves headaches, relieves throat problems, allergies.

Kamen_berill (9)Magicians used it, and are still using it now, in their rituals, believing that the crystal is a conductor of positive energy. Helps improve family relationships

In the industry, the stone found itself in the manufacture of laser equipment, X-ray sources. It is often used in the nuclear industry as well.

Very beautiful, stately figurines are obtained from beryllium silicate. They are expensive, so not every family can buy them.

Video: The Force Awakens

Who suits

Now let's try to close this question too.

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Astrological correspondence

Useful for the following representatives of the zodiac:

  • Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces will calm the nervous system, strengthen the will and mind, and bring good luck.
  • Gemini can become an irreplaceable assistant in the work they are doing. Will help to resolve all kinds of conflicts.
  • For Taurus, it will serve as a talisman, help to find new, reliable friends, and strengthen personal ties.
  • For all other groups, the Zodiac will not bring anything magical, but it is not considered harmful either. The stone can be worn as a piece of jewelry.

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By type of appearance

The many-sided mineral is many-sided, so you need to choose it for yourself depending on the color type of appearance:

  • For brunettes with light skin, all representatives of bright colors are ideal: blue, yellow, green jewelry.
  • It is advisable for blondes to buy bazzite or aquamarine.
  • Green-eyed and brown-eyed beauties with red hair color - goshenite and emerald.
  • For women of fashion with a light shade of eyes, brown hair, yellow tones, including heliodor, are suitable.

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How to choose

This issue must be considered, since most of them are subject to counterfeiting due to their valuable qualities. And there are really a lot of counterfeit analogues - this is one of the main earnings of fraudsters. How to distinguish an original from a fake.

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In fact, there are no artificial samples. All attempts at artificial cultivation are in vain. No one has ever been able to do this. Apparently, he is protected by the forces sent to him from Above.

The risk of stumbling across and buying an experimental prototype is very high. It is very difficult to independently distinguish an original from a fake. This can only be done by a professional and only in laboratory conditions.

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But there are signs by which you can superficially do this:

  1. A natural mineral is many times harder than a glass fake. Try to scratch it: no trace will remain on the real sample, damage will certainly appear on the glass.
  2. Natural gem has a heterogeneous structure. If you do not see the presence of defects in the form of bubbles, inclusions. Be sure - this is a fake, usually it has a perfectly homogeneous structure, which is not present in a natural mineral.
  3. Lastly, ask the seller to test the product for hardness. If he agrees, then the probability that there is a natural gem in front of you is high. If you refuse, you should also refuse to buy.

We offer a video to help.

How to distinguish a fake from an original:

It is always necessary to check the stone for authenticity. Feel free to do this. He is one of the precious stones. It is always expensive, no one will ever return your money if you have already purchased a fake.

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What price

We have already talked a little about the cost above. In this subsection, we'll talk about the factors that affect the price.

So, what makes up the cost of gem products:

  • quality of the breed;
  • varieties;
  • cut and its presence in principle;
  • processing;
  • the type of metal from which the frame is made.

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The cost of natural emeralds that are popular:

  • Low-quality copies will cost about $ 350 per carat.
  • High quality types - up to $ 8000 per carat.

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For aquamarine or morganite, if they are genuine, you will have to pay $ 2100-2700 per carat.

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Use in the jewelry industry

There are precious prototypes and semiprecious beryllium silicate artifacts. Both are widely used by the jewelry industry.From them, precious jewelry is obtained, which was mentioned above.

Semi-precious ones are used in gold frames of 585 assay value or purely in silver.

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Cut is an important component in the formation of the cost price. The more facets a stone has, the richer the shade it acquires, the brighter it glows and looks richer. Accordingly, his price will be higher.

What types of jewelry are made from it

Not all varieties are suitable for jewelry making.

The most precious, in particular emeralds, are the favorite raw materials for craftsmen:

  • Jewelry items contain beryl in a pure color without any inclusions and haze. It makes beautiful pendants, rings, earrings, bracelets.
  • Beryl crystals are often combined with pure diamonds, natural pearls, and topaz.
  • To make the jewelry brighter, it is exposed to temperature. A prominent representative of the beryl family is morganite.

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Trends 2019

Our gem is among the thrash stones of this season. By and large, he never went out of style.

Therefore, it is thankless to list what is fashionable, stylish and cool. Nothing new can be said here.

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Remain in trend all the same:

  • earrings;
  • bracelets;
  • pendants;
  • necklaces;
  • beads;
  • amulets.

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Only shapes and colors are considered fashionable. This season, focus on pink, red and all their shades. As for the shapes - squares with rhombuses.

Stylistic directions:

  • Greek;
  • Indian;
  • Turkish.

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Sizes - at choice, young women of fashion are advised to focus on voluminous, large jewelry, especially in terms of the choice of bracelets.

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How to wear

What advice to give in this section?

Perhaps no new ones. Indeed, apart from the hitherto known jewelry items, nothing else has been invented. You can wear the stone in any product: keychain, earrings, rings, and so on. The main thing is that the mineral is in contact with the body. So his strength will really affect the energy of the hostess.

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Do you know when and how to buy silicate correctly?

Experts who understand this matter recommend purchasing jewelry with this mineral according to the Rhine calendar (this is the archbishop). According to him, the good period is October or November. The annual break occurs in mid-autumn. It is during this period that the stone has the greatest strength.

What clothes to wear

How to understand for what reason, which variety is suitable? And in general, with what outfits is it combined?

Kamen_berill (50)This can be understood by a simple memorization method:

  • For a festive atmosphere or a business meeting, choose: emeralds, bixbit or morganite.
  • Aquamarine is indispensable in creating a classic style.
  • Heliodor will perfectly complement the casual style of bow.
  • Augustine goes well with bright outfits on eccentric personalities.
  • Goshenite is ideal for democratic wardrobe items. It is advisable to select the color of the garment to match the shade of the decoration.
  • Morganite will become the highlight of the image of a socialite. It doesn't matter what was chosen as decoration.

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Does anyone know that this nugget was included in the number (and there are 12) of stones that adorned the pectoral of Judea (this is the high priest, if anyone does not know). But which of the varieties has not yet been established.

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And some more decorations

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No matter what color the stone will be chosen and worn, it will not leave its owner indifferent in terms of beauty. This peaceful nugget has many varieties, endowed with certain medicinal and magical qualities.

In order for it to begin to act, it is enough just to touch it or just look, having it in its possession.

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