How to straighten your hair without an iron and a hair dryer? - Practical tips to keep your curls healthy

There are many ways to straighten curls without the use of tools.

How to straighten your hair without an iron and a hair dryer? It has been proven that heat treatment is detrimental to the female mane. But most women naively believe that there is simply no other way to quickly tidy up their hair, and they resort to using these devices again and again. Let's see if there are alternative methods of taming the obstinate head of hair, or will women have to continue tormenting their strands?



Refuse or not?

No one can argue that there are no better tools to create perfectly smooth styling. But one should also take into account the fact that the hair reacts extremely negatively to such morning manipulations - a section and fragility appear, and the natural shine disappears. The situation is aggravated by the fact that women very often change their color by using chemicals with ammonia. Of course, beauty salons now offer a large number of different procedures that help to achieve quick and long-term results, but the cost of most of them makes girls look for alternative methods. Various techniques have already been found and successfully applied, which we will talk about in our today's article.


Variety of choices

Yes, it is very difficult to achieve silky and smooth curls without a curling iron or ironing. You can turn to folk wisdom and find recipes from Mother Nature herself, but they guarantee excellent results only if used regularly, because many of them are designed for a cumulative effect. A quick smoothing with the help of chemicals is, of course, possible, but for such a procedure you will have to pay a tidy sum in a beauty salon. But what if the solemn event begins in a few hours, and a bird's nest still flaunts on your head? Here modern cosmetics will come to the rescue.

kak-vypryamit-volosy-bez-utyuzhka-i-fena_3Some manufacturers specialize in the production of special products for smoothing curls. There are a lot of such mixtures, they have different consistency and composition. All kinds of serums, sprays, gels and balms are sold in any cosmetic store. But their significant drawback is the fact that they can only cope with light curls, and tight and heavy curls are simply beyond their power.

It should be noted that the search for suitable cosmetics will be crowned with success only after going through a long journey of our own trial and error. Here you cannot be guided by reviews on the Internet, advice from friends and love for a well-known brand. The structure and nature of the hair of each girl is completely different, therefore, the choice of a suitable smoothing liquid is an individual question.

  • Special smoothing creams are reminiscent of masks or lotions that you often use for nurturing and revitalizing treatments.
  • It is much more convenient to use liquid sprays - they are equipped with a dispenser. In addition, if applied to damp hair, they will protect your curls from ultraviolet radiation. The only drawback is the absolute incompatibility with coloring compounds in which ammonia is present.
  • Serums can be easily confused with sour cream. They need to be applied to wet strands, gently distributing them along the entire length.If you don't want to use a hair dryer (and you are right!), Let your head dry naturally.
  • But if you can no longer do without this tool, purchase products that include bonding oils. They will reliably protect against thermal burns. Simply rub the oil into your palms and sweep them along the length of your hair.
  • Some sprays can be used on both wet and dry curls. The main disadvantage of such liquids is the presence of silicone additives in their compositions, which, accumulating, destroy the structure of the strands and make them brittle and brittle.
The most popular today are the products of Paul Mitchell, Tigi, Alterna and Green Light.

Advice!When choosing the right mixture, pay attention to the condition of your own curly head. It is important to consider everything - length, thickness, thickness, type and current condition.

When chemistry is used

In terms of technology, professional permanent straightening is very similar to curling. First, the master dilutes a special mixture with very aggressive substances, then applies it to the curls, and after a while a lady with perfectly smooth strands looks at you from the mirror. For the procedure, sodium hydroxide or caustic soda is used. It also contains guanidine hydroxide and ammonium thioglycolate. The first component is necessary for the treatment of elastic and heavy small curls. This highly alkaline substance destroys keratin and, when interacting with it, damages the structure. Even if you overexpose it on your hair, you can say goodbye to a healthy mane forever.


Experiments with ammonium thioglyconate are considered safer. It practically does not penetrate deep into the rod, does not destroy the cuticle, and, therefore, does not harm the hair. Of course, it will be impossible to smooth out strongly curly curls, but it will destroy light waves very quickly.

Advice! No professional will advise you on permanent straightening. It can lead to extremely sad consequences. And this applies not only to the hair, but also to the scalp, on which severe chemical burns then remain.

kak-vypryamit-volosy-bez-utyuzhka-i-fena_6To avoid such misunderstandings, seek advice from your personal hairdresser. Surely, over the years of fighting a naughty mop, you have already found a person who can tame it and periodically give it a sophisticated and elegant look. Such a master knows your hair type perfectly like no other. For example, if he thinks that your curls are prone to dryness and damage, he will most likely discourage you from this idea. But for the owners of overly active sebaceous glands, such experiments will only benefit.

And remember one more golden rule: never try to make your own chemistry! Carrying out all the manipulations with your own hands, you run the risk of missing strands in the back of the head, which is hard to reach, or unevenly distribute the composition.

Advice! It is possible to preserve the former beauty of the mane only if you begin to pay special attention to it. You will have to wash your hair with special shampoos, and several times a week you will have to do regenerating masks. The speed of recovery depends on this, because during such manipulations a large amount of vitamins and useful microelements penetrates into the scalp and hair rods.


Keratin smoothing is also offered in many modern beauty salons, but it differs significantly from the above method. As an example, here are a number of obvious advantages of this technology:

  • Ease of combing;
  • No contraindications;
  • The appearance of smoothness and shine;
  • The styling does not deteriorate under the influence of rain, snowfall and other weather conditions;
  • Long-term effect (about six months);
  • Strands are not exposed to aggressive environmental influences;
There are no negative points such as the tendency to fuss or get electrified

The main disadvantage is the high cost. Also remember that after leaving the salon, you must not wash your hair for 3 days. Also, you cannot leave the house in cloudy weather and visit the pool or sauna. There is another rule: the hair at this time should be in a loose state, the use of elastic bands, hairpins and other tools for styling the hairstyle is not allowed. There is a possibility of allergic reactions to some components.

Advice! If you notice abnormal hair loss, the procedure should be abandoned.


This method is often recommended for those who are unhappy with the rebellious nature of their light curls. This technique is used to protect the hair from harmful effects, while it looks more well-groomed and beautiful. Accordingly, airy curls will be straight and attractive. All manipulations can be performed independently, it is enough just to purchase the necessary cosmetic product at the nearest store and clearly follow the instructions given. But if you do not have the appropriate knowledge and skills, the result will not be as perfect as in the case of a professional job.


Step-by-step instruction

In this section, we'll talk about a unique gelatin lamination recipe that's easy to make on your own. Yes, you are not mistaken, it is from gelatin. This substance, rich in natural protein collagen, envelops each hair in a dense film. Its only drawback is the fact that the result will appear only after the third application.

The effect of the accumulation of useful components of the mixture works here. After the fourth shampoo, you will have a silky smooth hair. So, let's start describing the recipe:

  • Gelatin - 1 tablespoon;
  • Cooled boiled water - 3 tbsp.

kak-vypryamit-volosy-bez-utyuzhka-i-fena_10Stir the ingredients and leave the mixture to rest and oxygenate. At this time, go to the bathroom, wash your hair with shampoo and apply balm. After a short contact, rinse off the product and dry thoroughly with a towel. Now go back to the kitchen. Take a close look at the prepared elixir. If the gelatin has not had time to completely dissolve, heat it up in a water bath. Add a spoonful of your favorite mask to the consistency. Having retreated 1 centimeter from the roots, apply the composition over the entire length of the strand. Now put on a plastic bag or plastic wrap, wrap with a towel and heat with a hair dryer for 15 minutes. Rinse off leftovers.


Advice!This procedure will not be able to help smooth out the elastic, small curls. It will simply improve the current condition, but it will not be able to provide perfect straightening.

We hope that in this article you were able to find the answer to the question of how to smooth your hair without a hairdryer and ironing. All of the methods we have listed help to achieve a long-term effect, so you do not have to take out your favorite devices every day and expose your hair to high temperatures. Of course, there are folk remedies, but we will not talk about them, because they have a number of not very pleasant consequences. For example, when using beer, your strands will certainly straighten, but an unpleasant smell will remain. And if you apply colorless henna, the hairstyle will look heavy. In addition, in this way you will have to create smoothness every day, because folk recipes cannot help if you do not use them regularly.

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