How to remove gel polish at home? - Good advice for modern women of fashion

Shellac is very popular among modern girls.

How to remove gel polish at home? Studying this topic will not take much time, in fact, like the procedure itself. Having learned how to perform all the manipulations on your own, you can save your own money, which in large quantities flows out of your wallet to pay for the work of a specialist. Carefully read the information below, and manicure removal will cease to be a global problem for you.


Removal procedure with foil

What it is?

Gel polish is a colored coating with a special composition that allows you to wear flawless nail art for quite a long time. But it is often confused with shellac. This is a delusion, and now you will be convinced of it.

In fact, this is the name of the first product released by CND. The employees of this company have developed a fundamentally new composition with high resistance properties to various kinds of environmental influences. The innovation was immediately patented, released into production and ... instantly sold out! Due to the increased popularity, it was decided to launch mass production, which has not stopped to this day. However, other manufacturers also began to release their products, but its composition was somewhat different from the original version of the main competitors. So the word "shellac" began to call absolutely all such funds, although this is fundamentally wrong. To prove all of the above, consider one example.

You can do the shellac removal procedure yourself

A composition with a sonorous name does not require the application of a special coating, which will provide strong adhesion to the nail plate, which compares favorably with the rest of the family of super-resistant varnishes. That is why it is quite easy to remove it if necessary. It is enough just to treat it with a special agent that destroys the binding components. The original product costs about 1000 rubles, so most modern women of fashion prefer its brethren. It should also be noted that this mixture has a number of contraindications.

Judging by the reviews left on various thematic forums, many women complain about the feeling of dry nails after using shellac. But it is possible that they could experience similar side effects after applying gel polishes of other brands. Hence, one caveat follows: do not rush to buy bottles with tempting price tags, and you should buy them only in trusted stores. It is better not to order such mixtures on Internet resources, because the risk of running into a fake is very great.

Amazing appearance and durability - that's why the lady prefers shellac

Advice! It is very easy to detect deception: the manufacturer does not add toluene, formaldehyde and dibutyl phthalate to the original product.

To shoot or not to shoot?

Every girl has done a manicure with gel polish at least once in her life. This means that at least once the question arose before all women: remove the remnants of nail art on their own or go to a beauty salon? It should be immediately clear: if you have never had such an experience, think carefully about the result of the experiments, because they do not always end in success.In the absence of the necessary knowledge, there is a high probability of causing irreparable harm to your nails.

kak-snyat-gel-lak-v-domashnih-usloviyah_3Experts strongly recommend that all ladies contact a professional at least once with this problem. During the procedure, you will have the opportunity to consider in detail all the stages, as they say, live and understand whether you can repeat all the manipulations on your own. In addition, you can always ask a question of interest and get a detailed explanation.

There is one more alternative solution - to turn to "handicraft" masters. Usually, these girls perform their services at home, reducing the cost several times. A visit to these "salons" will cost you about 100-150 rubles. But even here it does not do without the notorious pitfalls. As you know, a stingy person always pays twice, and in order not to become a victim of self-taught, before going to an appointment, you should carefully study the reviews about the specialist, get acquainted with the results of his work and talk to those who have already experienced the professionalism of the chosen master.

As for specialized agencies, removal of coverage is one of the most demanded services in their price lists. Its cost ranges from 200-500 rubles. Be sure to notify the salon employee about which product was applied to the plates. This will help him find the right fluid and quickly complete all the necessary work without harming his fingers.

kak-snyat-gel-lak-v-domashnih-usloviyah_10But as practice shows, girls can independently perform all the necessary procedures. To do this, you should carefully study the instructions below, and strictly follow it.

How do I remove the coating myself?

Today there are a large number of ways, but only a few of them can boast of the absence of side effects. In this article, we will describe in detail exactly those that are distinguished by a high degree of security. All the techniques given in this section are suitable for both gel polish and shellac. It all depends only on the composition of the liquid used. In most cases, the materials for the first case are absolutely not suitable for the second, and vice versa.

kak-snyat-gel-lak-v-domashnih-usloviyah_7It should be noted that the entire outcome of the event depends on the quality of the selected product. Try to give preference to products that contain nutrients, various essential oils and other useful components. Avoid acetone - the chemical compounds of this poisonous solution have a detrimental effect not only on the marigolds, but also on the skin around them.

Foil method

This technique is considered one of the most popular, since it is distinguished by a careful attitude to sophisticated female fingers. It practically has no contraindications, the only exception is individual intolerance to certain substances. So, to complete all the manipulations you will need: food foil (each housewife has it), orange sticks, remover, cotton pads, nail file (abrasiveness about 200 grit)

  • Carefully peel off the top coat of the topcoat. This is necessary in order for the liquid to reach its "enemy" faster. Those who try to ignore this step wait twice as long for exposure to the mixture.
  • Cut into square foil blanks. They should measure approximately 10 * 10 centimeters.
  • Take out cotton pads (5 pcs.) And cut them in half. This will help give them the desired shape.
  • Soak the created products in the purchased product. It should be completely saturated. Wrap your chosen finger with it, and put the foil on top so that it creates the shape of the cap.
  • After you finish working with both hands, timed 15 minutes and sit quietly at the table. It is during this time that the remover will penetrate deep into the coating and destroy its binders. Start removing the foil from where you started.Use an orange stick to remove the remaining gel. It must be smoothly moved away from the tip to the cuticle so as not to injure the plate and maintain its integrity. If you find hard pieces, wrap it back in the dampened piece for another five minutes.


After completing the treatment, pamper your hands with a nourishing cream containing nourishing oils and vitamins. You can make a bath with sea salt - it helps to accelerate metabolic processes and cell regeneration. And don't forget to moisturize.


Advice!You don't need to remove all the cotton pads at the same time. Take your time, let the remover calmly do their job.


Manufacturers of decorative cosmetics are constantly trying to develop more and more new products, recognized to simplify the usual process and make the removal of manicure more comfortable and faster. Recently, special napkins have been released, which have left in the past the aforementioned devices of their own production. As you may have guessed, they are impregnated with the very same remover.

With a napkin

A standard package usually contains 30 pieces. The average cost of one pack is about 150 rubles. They will be enough for you for three procedures, then you will need to purchase the material again. Everything is simple and clear: take out one napkin, peel off the protective film, stick your finger deep into the damp cloth, wrap it in a circle. An instruction is always included with the products, which indicates the optimal time of contact with the nail plate. In most cases, this figure reaches no more than 10-15 minutes. All further actions are similar to those described in the previous section.

Advice!Choose a product with flavors. Removing the gel polish leaves a subtle scent of tropical fruits, watermelon, sandalwood or vanilla on your pens. Such a nice bonus will help you to relax and unwind after eliminating the remnants of the old manicure.

Special apparatus

The device, which has a tip with a cutter, is sold in any hardware store and is available to almost every girl, since it does not cost so much. The essence of the technique consists in cutting off a layer of gel polish. It is suitable for those who suffer from allergic reactions and have an individual intolerance to chemicals. Also, this method will appeal to the owners of very sensitive skin, prone to instant irritation and inflammation after contact with aggressive compounds.

kak-snyat-gel-lak-v-domashnih-usloviyah_11There is an opinion in society that a nail can be severely damaged with a device for a hardware manicure. Horror stories are even spread on the Internet that some girls "sawed through the plates to the meat." Do not be intimidated by such stories, these are just tales that are told to beginners. The cutter does not touch the surface, it works exclusively with the coating. In the end, it should be remembered that a base is hidden under a layer of colored composition, upon detection of which you should immediately turn off the device. The remnants of this product are removed with a soft buff.

Advice!If you are just thinking about purchasing such a unit, give preference to models with a ceramic cutter. Unlike their metal counterparts, they heat up slowly and practically do not bring any unpleasant sensations.


Using the above options, you can quickly and painlessly get rid of nail art that has boring for several weeks. But remember: do not do it too often, otherwise your marigolds, deprived of access to fresh air and hidden under thick layers of gel polish, will become brittle and lifeless, and delamination and an unpleasant shade will become their best friends.

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