How to make your hair thick at home? - Useful tips to preserve the beauty of hair

Gorgeous and shiny hair

How to make your hair thick at home? Every modern woman has this problem at least once in her life. A frantic pace of life, stress, unhealthy diet, insufficient attention to one's own health, lack of proper care and poor environmental conditions - all this individually or in a compartment can lead to thinning curls and the loss of their beauty. Today we will try to give you a complete list of methods that will help you quickly eliminate hair loss and make dormant hair follicles grow and develop.



For reference

The total mass of hair on a woman's head directly depends on the number of hair follicles, and this indicator, unfortunately, cannot be increased - this feature is a consequence of genetic inheritance. Therefore, experts are confident that no treatment, no matter how expensive it is, can give the desired result. The only way is to transplant curls - a rather complicated and time-consuming procedure, which few people decide on, even realizing the fact that modern technologies allow even the most daring desperate experiments to be carried out.

Homemade recipes will help make curls healthier

The average number of follicles in an average person is approximately 100-150 thousand. It is in them that the hairs develop and grow, and after going through their life cycle, they die off and fall out. Of course, you cannot increase their number, but make the sleeping bulbs work in active mode.

Advice! A normal person with high immunity and the absence of serious chronic diseases loses about 100 hairs per day. If you understand that during combing there is much more left on the comb, it's time to sound the alarm and start urgent measures to restore curls.

As mentioned earlier, many different factors can affect the condition of the head of hair. Under their influence, delicate female strands exude and fall out. But often you yourself do everything in order for fragility and section to appear. All ladies love to experiment with their appearance, carrying out various types of coloring and highlighting. Do you think that daily styling with a hairdryer, iron or curling iron does no harm? Improper nutrition is no less destructive, because with a lack of vitamins and minerals, the whole body suffers.

Every girl can restore her curls!

Advice! If the cause of a sharp loss of curls was the malfunction of the internal organs caused by certain diseases, no masks and serums will have the desired effect until the cause is eliminated, that is, a complete cure will come.

Effective techniques

Of course, before undergoing a full course of recovery procedures, you must carefully review the daily schedule and diet. Try to give preference to natural products, eat more vegetables and fruits. Steam fish several times a week, such a beneficial substance as omega-3 will help speedy renewal at the cellular level. If you can't stand its taste, buy fish oil from the pharmacy - it is sold in capsules and liquid form. Every fall and spring, take a course of multivitamins - this will not only help you look brighter, but also increase the body's immune functions.

kak-sdelat-volosy-gustymi-v-domashnih-usloviyah_6Sleep more and be outdoors more often. Walks are beneficial for both adults and children. Spend your weekends not in front of the TV, but in city parks and forest areas. Having set up a harmonious rhythm of life, it will be easier for you to withstand the harmful effects of the environment.


Doctors say that on the head of every person there is a large number of so-called "neutral" hair follicles. And no one knows for certain why they develop incorrectly. In such cases, the best way to awaken them from sleep is to massage the head. Beauty salons often offer similar procedures using special formulations and devices. But, as practice shows, to ensure normal blood supply in the deep layers of the dermis, it is enough to perform daily punctures with circular movements of the fingers.

Amazing relaxation and benefits


We all wake up every morning and go to the shower. After shampooing, we begin the transformation process (apply makeup and do styling). But in order for the hair to become thicker over time, and the hairs to become thicker, it is necessary to devote five minutes to rubbing the head with a terry towel. Make cyclic movements with your hands so that during the manipulations a feeling of "burning" appears. At this moment, blood flows to the dermis, oxygen enriches the follicles, and they begin to absorb amino acids in an enhanced mode. To enhance the effect, you need to bend slightly, the word you meet a dear guest and show him a gesture of respect.

Advice! The first results will not appear soon, but don't be discouraged. Just make it a rule to please your skin with such "gymnastics" every day, and after 3-4 months you will notice the first signs of favorable changes.

Homemade shampoos

Everyone knows that vitamin E plays an important role in the growth of nails and hair. It also transforms your skin by accelerating metabolic processes. Therefore, if you want to make your hair thick and thick, add a little liquid to your favorite product during each wash.

Vitamin E

Advice! These letters, which are most important for our body, have not been designated for a long time. To buy a bottle of life-giving elixir, you need to ask for tocopherol acetate oil solution.

To maintain the beauty of your hair, adhere to the following rules:

  • Don't wash your strands more than 2 times a week. This contributes to the drying of the rod and the appearance of a cross-section.
  • At least once every seven days, instead of the usual product, process the hair with chicken eggs. Ideally, they should be homemade, but if there are none at hand, you can be content with store-bought ones. Just go for the smaller size. Small testicles are usually carried by young hens, which indicates the presence of a large number of beneficial trace elements in the yolks.
  • Always brush your strands after taking a bath.
  • Dry them (if possible) naturally.
It's a good idea to use all kinds of balms and conditioners.

Deep cleaning

Sometimes it is necessary to carry out "general cleaning" with the help of peels and scrubs. This will help to effectively and quickly remove dead cells and free the hair follicles from the captivity of deep impurities. To create a mixture, you can take a few tablespoons of any vegetable oil or commercially available whey and add sugar or ground coffee there.


Today, there are many recipes for traditional medicine, but we will list only those that have been tested by hundreds of thousands of women and have the largest number of positive reviews. So let's go!

  • Mustard. This powder is used as a strong local irritant. Therefore, when applying and waiting for the absorption of beneficial components, a burning sensation may occur. We kindly ask you to immediately rinse the mixture from your hair if this feeling is unbearable.So, mix one tablespoon of dry powder and two tablespoons in a glass container. burdock oil heated in a water bath. Treat the root zone, wrap your head with plastic wrap and a terry towel. For the first time, 15 minutes of contact is enough, but the duration of subsequent procedures will need to be gradually increased.

Advice! We do not recommend that you treat strands with oil formulations along the entire length - from roots to ends. It is very difficult to wash them off; some girls wash their hair with shampoo several times in a row to completely eliminate the effect of oily content.

  • Alcohol. Add an equal amount of castor oil to a 96% liquid. Treat your hair, create a greenhouse effect and go do your household chores. After three hours, remove excess liquid with baby shampoo.


Hot pepper. Buy a tincture at a pharmacy, and kefir at a store. For half a glass of the latter, 1 tbsp is needed. burning liquid. Treat the root zone with it and after 20 minutes in a warm towel, wash it off with warm water.


Advice! To avoid overdrying, lubricate the curls with burdock oil before the procedure.

Tips for a note

Surely, by reading this article, you have already set yourself up for the upcoming treatment and plan to buy everything you need to complete the full course. We have no doubt that you will not abandon your plans halfway through, and in a month you will be happy with an updated, thick hairstyle. Therefore, at the end of the article, we would like to talk about how to preserve this effect as long as possible.

  • Do not comb wet curls - this will lead to fragility. Better to wait until they dry. And rubbing, which we have already mentioned in one of the previous sections, can help in this.


  • Never leave the premises without a hat, especially when it comes to the winter season. The follicles will freeze, the hair follicles will be deprived of the opportunity to fully develop.
  • The water temperature during washing should be low.
  • Brew infusions of chamomile, sage, nettle and other medicinal plants as often as possible. Rinse your hair with them at least twice a week.
  • In your free time, being at home and relaxing on the weekends, keeping the strands loose is very useful.
  • Eat as many vitamins and fish dishes as possible.
  • If you have taken up the performance of caring procedures, bring the matter to the end. Only if you complete the entire course is an unsurpassed result guaranteed.
  • Pick up the wood-toothed comb as often as possible. Brushing is especially helpful before bed.
  • Colored hair requires enhanced restoration measures. Buy in stores only special products with a doubled complex of nutrients.


  • Don't buy masks. It is better to cook them yourself. So you will be 100% sure that propylene, fragrances, silicone and other harmful elements are not added to the composition.
  • Go to the pharmacy for liquid vitamins A, E, PP, B2, B6, B12. They can be added to compress mixes and commercially available cleaners.
Trim the ends regularly, even if you want to grow your hair

If you strictly follow all of the above rules, after a few weeks you will notice that the curls have begun to acquire shine and vitality, and a large number of new short hairs have appeared in the root zone.

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