How to Make Hollywood Curls Quickly and Easily - Practical Tips

You can create such curls at home.

Every girl dreams of a luxurious hairstyle, but not everyone knows how to make Hollywood curls. In fact, it is not as difficult as it seems. You just need to arm yourself with patience and the necessary tools. Let's take a look at all the nuances of changing the image to create an amazing image.


On long hair it looks just gorgeous
Such hairstyles are preferred by brides


We emphasize our tenderness

"Hollywood style curls" refers to any large curls that are made in the form of a soft wave. Both deliberate negligence and a carefully thought-out form are possible. The main characteristic is the absence of weighting elements. Natural romantic styling is easy to do at home. Let's explore one of the easiest ways.

  • Wash your hair, but don't blow dry. You need to blot your hair with a regular towel. But don't keep it on for too long to avoid creating a greenhouse effect. This deteriorates the structure. You should have a wet mop.
  • Take some foam or mousse in the palm of your hand to fix it. Now spread it evenly over the entire surface. The main thing is not to overdo it with styling, otherwise a dirty greasy result will come out.
  • Remember the strands with your fingers to get a tousled effect. Now the diffuser nozzle comes in handy. Dry the resulting mass so that it remains slightly sloppy. Today, such an image is in trend.


It looks magical on short hair

Why use a diffuser? It is intended for the care of perm. The advantage is that it has a large number of peculiar "fingers" from which hot air comes out. You will get an increase in volume, as well as be protected from disheveled in different directions. You will be surprised how little time such a design takes.


On bright hair


Advice! If during the creation of styling with thermal devices, you treat dry hair with varnish (even if it is expensive), you will get a glued mass that looks like a stone. Therefore, wait until it is completely dry and use a minimum of fixatives.

How to use the iron?

Today, you don't have to buy a curling iron specifically to curl your hair. A universal iron is enough. They can straighten strands, as well as make chic large curls.

  • Wash your hair and make the strands damp, not wet. For this purpose, use a towel.
  • Divide the whole mass into separate small bunches.
  • Twist each piece into flagella. Now wind them on the iron and dry. Since a hot device is used, pre-distribute a special thermal protective agent over the surface. So you will protect the structure from injury and will not disrupt their structure. After all, grooming is important for the perfect appearance.
  • Use any styler to treat each strand from top to bottom. In this case, you cannot stop for a long time in any area, so as not to get an uneven fixing.


You can create an interesting hairstyle with improvised means, which every fashionista probably has.


Advice! In one of the men's magazines, a survey was conducted where a strong half of humanity confessed to a passion for careless, slightly spread over the shoulders, curls. In their opinion, girls become fragile and mysterious.

Don't forget about the curling iron

You will get large curls with a conical curling iron. Suitable for treating hair of different structures and lengths.The advantage on which the convenience of execution depends is the presence of a long, rounded nozzle. There is a special clip at the end that fixes the tip while the strand is wound onto the base.

kak-sdelat-gollivudskie-lokony_38You will also need to wash your hair. After all, cleanliness and freshness are already half the success. Dry with a hair dryer. Now divide the hair into small but equal strands. They should be of medium size, since too thick it is difficult to completely warm up, and thin ones can be harmed by exposure to high temperatures.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Roll each strand evenly towards the tapered part of the nozzle. The main thing is not to overexpose, otherwise you can burn out the shock. On average, 4-6 minutes is enough for perfect shaping. Unwind gently and slowly.

kak-sdelat-gollivudskie-lokony_39The resulting result should not be combed, otherwise the styling will be disheveled. Beat lightly with your fingers, securing with varnish along the way. Keep track of the amount of styling. If you overdo it, then add weight to the look.

If you need to add root volume, use a wide-toothed comb and brush lightly at the crown.

Advice! Do not use more than 1 cm thickness. Otherwise, you will have to wait too long for the curls. There is also a chance of overheating.

Improving the average length

Now it's the turn of the usual curlers. They are still considered the most optimal for getting perfect curls. Moreover, there are improved varieties on sale that differ in size and method of work.

kak-sdelat-gollivudskie-lokony_32You can choose from large and small, spiral-shaped, as well as hard, soft and semi-rigid in terms of density. Don't forget about the material. Manufacturers offer rubber, plastic and metal pieces. It is better to refuse the latter, as they can harm the hair. Today, heated rollers are the most popular. They will help you solve the problem faster.

The first step is to wash your hair and pat with a towel until they are just damp. Divide the entire mop into separate strands vertically and horizontally. Roll through the entire thickness for extra volume. Leave to act.

Please note that some fluffiness will appear during drying, especially on damaged hairs. To avoid this, apply a small amount of varnish. Just spray it at a distance of 5 - 7 centimeters so that you don't end up with an unattractive tow.

If you want to twist long strands in this way, choose devices that reach 4 centimeters in diameter. Playful curls are made with boomerang sticks. But we'll talk more about the varieties later.


Advice! The tightness of the curls depends on the tightness of the curl. The stronger, the longer it will hold out.

What if the length is below the shoulder blades?

On too long hair, it is difficult to make a neat, beautiful hairstyle on your own. It looks amazing in the end, though. The advantage of Hollywood styling is that it suits every girl and woman, regardless of the type and color type. So let's start modeling.

  • Wash your hair and dry with a towel until it is damp. Tie the tail at the back of the head so that a small strand remains along the lower contour.
  • Treat your hair with a thermal protector, and cover the curls with mousse to create volume. The main thing is that the hairs do not stick together, otherwise you will weigh down the appearance.
  • Now dry completely and brush with a brush (round comb).
  • When the whole mass is finished, comb through thoroughly again to avoid knots and confusion.
  • Fasten the upper part so that you can dry from the bottom. Now secure with a clip and proceed to the bottom section. Grab it with an iron and slowly guide it down so that at this time the area to be treated is wrapped around the device. Don't press too tight.
  • Stretch each one to the very bottom. After that, wrap it around your finger and fix it with a hairpin in the root zone.
  • Repeat the manipulation over the entire surface. Remove the clamps after cooling.
  • Be sure to comb. The curls will take shape on their own. Do not be afraid that they will fall apart.


Looks great on long hair




Advice!The hairstyle will not last long on a dirty mop, do not believe the rumors.


Is your hair short?

It is a common misconception that it is incredibly difficult to get a beautiful hairstyle on a short length. In fact, you just have to fantasize a little. With the help of an iron, you can look like real celebrities. The main thing is to take thin bundles of hair and twist them as close to the root zone as possible.




Please note that the first time you may not get the desired effect, since the manipulation in your case requires special patience. But after a few attempts, you will certainly learn how to shape curls on your own.

If your shovel is not thick or thick, divide it into four sections. Wrap each one separately and hold for about ten seconds. At the same time, observe the temperature regime. It should not be too hot, then you get a soft shape that does not harm your hair. Better to use a gel or mousse. Secure with invisible ones.

Advice! Fast styling is familiar to every girl since childhood. Braid in a damp mass of braids and leave overnight. Unwind and spread with your fingers in the morning. The splendor and size of the curls depends on the width of the links.

Choosing curlers

Since the popularity of styling devices does not fade away, let's find out what the varieties are and how they differ from each other.

  • Velcro hedgehogs characterized by small plastic spines and hollow cylinders. They are harmless and allow for delightful root volume.
Not suitable for long and thin hair
  • Thermo curlers modern type provide uniform heating, and help to make a chic hairstyle in a short period of time. The downside is that you need to heat in the microwave. If it is not nearby (for example, during a business trip), then you will receive a useless device.


  • Electric option acts as safely as possible. As long as the heat-insulating edges are not worn away, you can not worry about burns and other thermal injuries.
  • Papillots (boomerangs) keep the shape of neat curls well and do not harm the structure. The disadvantage is the fragility of the material, since the foam rubber deteriorates over time.


  • Velvet do not create creases, but they cannot be used while sleeping.
  • Plastic they are reliably fixed, retain their appearance for a long time, but in the process of removal they can get confused and cling.


  • Iron differ in low cost. But they have a lot of disadvantages. Cannot be worn at night, they become electrified.
In a composition with a hairdryer they dry out
  • Spiral threaded only worn on damp hair. Form small tight positive curls.
  • Bobbins used for curling and self winding. The plus is that the entire surface is processed from roots to tips.


  • Rubber considered budgetary, which affects the quality. Provide discomfort due to constriction. Poor quality material tears quickly.


  • Soft (foam) lightweight and harmless, but leave small creases at the attachment points. They dry for a long time, but help to make playful curls.


Advice! If you overdo it with varnish or foam, moisten the mop a little, comb along the contours and dry again. So you get rid of unnecessary things.

Stars with Hollywood hair

Real examples of celebrities will help to verify the popularity of hairstyles.

  • Actress and singer Zooey Deschanel chooses a large shape in combination with thick bangs. Thanks to this option, the girl looks feminine, stylish and sexy.




  • Fashion model Dita von Teese prefers retro waves. The vintage look has become a real hallmark of the burlesque queen.The color of the crow's wing is chosen, which is reminiscent of the pin-up style.




  • The main character of the series "Gossip Girl" Blake Lovely chooses naughty little curly curls. Light negligence is good for everyday life and parties.




Finally, the angels of the Victoria's Secret lingerie brand should be noted. The girls have voluminous curls and a chic density that flawlessly adorns any stylish show.

Advice!On a short length, curls fall apart faster. Therefore, always carry stilettos with you. They will help you quickly create a 50s-style hairstyle.


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