How to lighten hair? - All about safe and not so good ways to change the image

You will get not only a new color, but well-groomed curls

How to lighten hair? In most cases, modern women of fashion solve such problems in two ways: they go to the store and buy paint or sign up for a beauty salon with their favorite hairdresser. But only a select few know that such manipulations can be carried out at home. And some will be surprised at all by the fact that there are folk recipes that help change the natural color or the result of the previous staining without much harm. Don't believe me? Then be sure to check out the helpful recommendations for safe transformation, which will be given below.


You can do the procedure both at home and with a specialist.

Factors affecting the effectiveness of the brightening "operation"

As mentioned earlier, in order to go all the way from a brunette to a blonde, there is no need to pay for expensive stylist services. You can perform all the manipulations in a comfortable home environment without interrupting your daily routine and the hassle of caring for your children and your beloved spouse.

The perfect way to diversify your look

But so that all your efforts are not in vain, and the outcome of your plans does not become an unexpected and bitter disappointment, we recommend that you first assess the current state of your hairline. Conduct a thorough analysis, taking into account all the risks that we will now tell you about.

Initial data

It all depends on how your curls were previously exposed. Let's say that at the moment your color is of natural origin, that is, you have never experienced staining.

  • Brunettes must be prepared for a lengthy clarification process. Even after several steps, an unwanted bright yellow tint may persist.


  • Fair-haired beauties no need to worry: pigments are quickly exposed even to the sun's color, so the transition to the blonde category will not cause any problems.


  • And here red-haired beasts the least fortunate of all: Mother Nature did a very good job to ensure that the natural solar gamut could not be removed.

Advice! Girls with fiery hairstyles, before starting to implement your plans, carefully weigh the pros and cons. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the existing techniques in detail before carrying out the procedure. It is possible that none of them will be able to meet your needs.


And here the situation already concerns those who have already managed to conduct a number of experiments on their appearance:

  • Black, dark blond, chestnut and chocolate chemical dyes never give up without a fight! Therefore, in order to avoid the appearance of reddishness on the strands, it is imperative to first perform pickling.
  • It should be understood that after the intervention of formulations with persistent coloring substances, it is simply not possible to ideally lighten the curls at one time.
  • If you have used preparations without ammonia, wait 2 weeks (preferably a month) until the color starts to wash out, and only then proceed to realize your goal.

Hair structure

Surprisingly, this factor is also significant. Don't believe me? For example, did you know that even curly strands with strong curls are much easier to process than thick and tough straight hair?

Summarizing all of the above, a number of contraindications can be distinguished. If you find your own individual characteristics of your body in this list, lightening should be completely abandoned. So, it is not recommended to carry out if:

  • You have a sensitive and inflamed scalp.
  • There is severe damage to the strands, such as sectioning, loosening, dullness, etc.
  • The period of waiting for the baby or breastfeeding.


You should postpone the transformation in cases when:

  • Two weeks have not passed since the last staining.
  • Less than 14 days ago, a perm was performed.
  • Less than half a month ago, you received antibiotic treatment.

Features and helpful tips

If you have previously undergone a partial or complete change to a darker tone, it is recommended to follow these recommendations for a radical transformation into a sophisticated blonde beauty:

  • Burning black strands will acquire a soft and beautiful sheen if you lighten them at the initial stage, and then use professional products. It should be understood that store products can cause irreparable harm to the health of curls, making them dry, thinned and fragile.
  • In order to achieve the desired effect with cosmetic paints, you need to buy two different clarifiers. The darker one is applied to the root zone, and the more potent ones are applied to the rest of the length.
  • Currently, there are a large number of folk recipes that allow you to gently and gently affect women's hair. If you have chosen several suitable options in this variety, be sure to test for allergic reactions to certain components. To do this, apply a small amount of the composition to the skin in sensitive areas (the area behind the ear, the inner side of the elbow). After 20 minutes, wash off the rest of the mixture. If you do not find red spots, inflammation and do not feel itching, feel free to start changing your appearance.


Preparatory work

Perform a series of grooming treatments a week before your scheduled date. For example, pamper yourself with restorative, nourishing and hydrating masks. Spray serums, balms and shampoos with vitamins - use everything to the maximum, let your curls nourish the necessary elements.

Do not wash your hair for a few days before lightening. But at the same time, stop using various varnishes, mousses, gels and other means for fixing your hair. During this time, natural fat will accumulate, enveloping each hair. It is he who will help protect against the harmful effects of chemicals.

Methods and techniques

It should be noted right away that deep clarification cannot be achieved without the intervention of the products of technical progress. Traditional methods are not able to fully satisfy the needs of a burning brunette, since they provide a change in the current state by only 2-3 tones.

No chemicals - make your curls look chic!

Advice! To become a flawless and perfect blonde, you need to remove a substance called melanin from the hair structure. Be prepared for the fact that this is a rather laborious and exhausting procedure that cannot be performed without chemical reactions.

Pigment treatment tools

As you already understood, today there are only two groups of brightening products. The first includes synthetically created substances, the other - mixtures based on plants and some food products.


  • Hydroperite. This tool is easy to buy at any pharmacy for mere pennies. But it also has significant drawbacks: the mixture, with prolonged exposure, destroys the hair structure. And to prepare the composition, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. It is recommended for women who have found gray curls and burning brunettes who are ready for the long journey of becoming a blond beast.

  • Hydrogen peroxide - an excellent cheap tool that can lighten strands by 4-5 tones. But there is one caveat: if misused, you can cause irreparable harm to your hair.It becomes loose and thinned.
For a safer application, several steps are recommended.
  • White henna. Many women naively believe that this product has medicinal properties. Nothing like this! To improve the effect, manufacturers add hydroperite here, the harm of which we have already mentioned earlier. There is another negative point: after the procedure, a redhead appears, which is then very difficult to get rid of.


  • Wash off. It is sold in specialized cosmetic stores. She approaches everything more sparingly, because it affects only the coloring pigment. It can only be processed if a full-fledged staining awaits you ahead.
  • Shampoos. The most, perhaps, the safest option. It washes away pigments along with impurities during every shower.
Such funds are usually recommended for natural blondes who decide to return to the original data.
  • Paints. They are in great abundance on the shelves of hypermarkets. Here, the desired effect can be achieved in just one procedure. But one should also remember the fact that they can include various harmful elements, including ammonia, which has a detrimental effect on health.

Traditional methods

Now it is the turn of the mixtures that every woman can prepare on her own. Below in the table we give examples of such substances.

  • Honey. For best results, keep the mask on for more than 8 hours. But patience is usually rewarded, and the woman gets a beautiful golden tint.


  • Lemon. Using this technology is as easy as shelling pears every day in water with lemon juice. By the way, such experiments help the strands to fade faster in the sun.
A beautiful platinum luster is guaranteed for you
  • Chamomile decoction. In addition to its direct function (lightening by about one tone), it also solves other tasks, in particular strengthening and nutrition, giving a natural shine and getting rid of dryness.


Advice! A slight yellowness may appear. How to deal with it, read the last section of the article.

  • Glycerol. Move the mixture and cover the entire scalp with it. In forty minutes you will see the first changes.
  • Vinegar. For a long time, young ladies have been actively using weak solutions to give their appearance a refined shine. If you want to acquire a cold shade, use wine essence, to give warm overflows - apple essence.
After washing your hair, rinse everything with water and vinegar and leave it for two hours, and then rinse thoroughly

Useful information

  • To lighten individual strands, purchase a special set in the store, where there is a hat with special holes. But you can also use foil cut into strips.
  • If you want to properly protonate the curls, keep the clarified hair in the mixture for no more than 3 minutes.
  • If you want to turn from a red-haired beast to a sophisticated blonde, start with highlighting, gradually increasing the width of the treated areas.


  • Ash tint shampoos will help to cope with yellowness.
  • To remove reddishness, buy an ash blonde paint.
  • The beauty created through grueling manipulations can be preserved for the longest possible period if you make masks with jojoba oil, as well as peach and grape seeds. Don't forget to buy a balm and serum.
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