How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes - Cosmetology and folk methods

All efforts, even for young girls, should be directed to prolonging the youth and elasticity of the skin.

Sooner or later, all women begin to look for an answer to the question "how to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes." You can buy expensive creams, sign up for salon services, prepare complex masks, and thoroughly care for your skin. But, alas, no one will succeed in mastering time. People are powerless against natural aging. Therefore, all efforts, even for young girls, should be directed to prolonging the youth and elasticity of the skin. Only in this way will it be possible to significantly postpone the period of its wilting. And you should start already yesterday.


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Caring for your beloved is the best anti-aging remedy

Why do they appear

There are many factors, from the notorious age to the weather outside the window. The great news is that if you try hard, you can reduce their destructive effect.

First, let's take a closer look at all the factors that make our body look worse:

  • Natural aging. How does this happen? The basis of human skin is made up of collagen fibers, which have an elastic structure. They are formed by connective tissue cells called fibroblasts. These cells are produced more slowly over the years. By the age of 40, there will be 40% fewer of them than at twenty. This is how collagen synthesis deteriorates. In turn, it is he who is responsible for fluid retention, renewal and restoration. The skin becomes dry, inelastic, wrinkles.
  • The area around the eye is very thin, without sebaceous glands, subcutaneous fat. When there is a deficiency of fibroblasts, she will become doubly susceptible to dehydration.
  • The natural factor also matters. Strong winds, wet and cold snow, heat, frost and other phenomena injure the delicate zone in a microscopic but regular volume.
  • Small mimic activity of the muscles is almost imperceptible. However, if we sharpen our attention, it turns out that we regularly squint, frown, wonder, laugh, cry, involuntarily touch our eyes. During the period when the skin ceases to be elastic, such physical education has a destructive effect.
  • Poor quality care or lack thereof. Have you ever noticed that some people rub their eyes very rudely and energetically? Dry with a hard towel. Have they ever thought that they are hopelessly spoiling delicate skin?
  • Many girls remove makeup incorrectly, use the wrong cream. In general, they do not moisturize the face in any way. It is strange why they are then surprised that the structure has lost its tone, appeared bags and blue.
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Poor quality care or lack of it is one of the causes of premature aging
  • Have you heard the saying that "all diseases are from the nerves"? In our article, this phrase is also relevant. Anxiety, poor sleep, stress and other similar phenomena worsen our condition. They cause bags, circles, edema.
  • Bad habits: alcohol, drug abuse, smoking.

Important! Never rub your face with a towel. Do not press the fabric too hard. It will be optimal to gently blot moisture with light cotton. Ink is removed with a cotton swab dipped in a special tool. Apply it to the cilia, blot them for 10-15 seconds. Then, in the direction of growth, the pigment is carefully peeled off.

Home care

What is it? It is a big mistake to think that morning washing and cucumber slices once a month more than solve this problem. To begin with, each age has its own nuances. Moreover, the older the lady, the more actions and efforts she must apply.

Up to 25 years old

The main task during this period is good hydration and daily toning. Buy light gels, tonics, lotions.Clean the structure properly. There is no need for anti-aging formulations yet. A couple of times a month, you can arrange spa events: do healing masks, lotions. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy foods.

Up to 35 years old

Most often, it is in this interval that the lady notices the first signs of wilting. Until thirty, stick to the old regime. If you notice mimic wrinkles, it's time to use heavier artillery. Buy a day and night cream with extracts of fruits, plants and vegetable oils. On sale there are remedies for crow's feet. After cleansing, tone the dermis to refresh and soothe it.

Advice! Creams do not rub in or smear over the surface. Apply 2-3 dots and use your ring fingers to gently pound in the substance. Move from the outer corner to the inner corner. So you will not stretch the matter, but you will stimulate blood circulation.

Up to 45 years old

On the shelf in the bathroom should be anti-aging cosmetics that promote the formation of collagen and elastin, stimulating cell renewal. Moisturize fabrics every day, refresh, tone, cleanse. Make nourishing balms, compresses. Monitor the food you eat carefully. We advise you to give up alcohol and smoking.

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Each age has its own nuances. Moreover, the older the lady, the more actions and efforts she must make

After 50

At this age, many decide on cardinal methods: lifting, blepharoplasty, injections. It is no longer possible to fight wilting in the old ways. The skin layer has become thinner, blood circulation has worsened, hormonal changes in the body take place. There is a catastrophic lack of collagen, hyaluronic acid. Your jars must include these complexes, as well as natural oils, fruit acids. Use age-related serums.

Salon procedures

How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes with the help of a professional beautician? What procedures can a beauty salon offer:

  • Botox injections (botulinum therapy). Beauty injections only work on the muscles. They work locally at the injection site. Quickly smoothes folds without harming the subcutaneous tissue.
  • Dysport. These are also injections that locally paralyze and relax the muscles. Thanks to this, smoothing occurs instantly.

Important! All salon events always have an impressive list of contraindications. Be sure to read it before starting a session.

  • Mesotherapy (biorevitalization). A special technique in which vitamins and mineral complexes are injected under the skin.
  • Skin resurfacing. Deep peeling that starts the renewal and regeneration processes.
  • Fractional thermolysis. An innovative method of rejuvenation. This is internal laser resurfacing, in fact, burning out the upper layer of the epidermis to accelerate its renewal.
  • Photorejuvenation. It is carried out with a special apparatus with LED filters.
All salon events always have an impressive list of contraindications. Be sure to read it before starting a session.
  • Professional cosmetology masks. These products have rich, refined formulations. They penetrate deep into the epidermis, fill cells with minerals and healing substances.
  • RF RF lifting. Electromagnetic pulse therapy. It starts the natural processes of rejuvenation. Heats the fibers of the fabric, causing the stretched elements to contract and repair.

Nutritious food masks

To diversify your standard care, prepare simple masks. They are inexpensive, harmless, and very effective:

  • To increase elasticity. Connect one by one Art. l. potato starch, homemade sour cream and carrot juice with 150 ml of boiled water. The starch powder is first diluted in a cold liquid, then heated and the remaining components are introduced. The gruel is applied to the body and kept for 30 minutes;
  • Vitamin mask with ripe banana and aromatic strawberry pulp. Mash a large berry and a quarter of the fruit. Add some cream. The puree is kept on the eyelids for about 20 minutes;
  • Revitalizing with herbs.Dill and parsley are chopped in a blender. Mix a handful of herbs with 10 ml sour cream, 25 drops of olive oil and one drop of rosemary. The substance is spread on the skin for half an hour.
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To diversify your standard care, prepare simple masks

Advice! The pharmacies sell natural essential oils, the healing basket of which contains a huge amount of vitamins. They can be added to common cosmetics such as gels. We recommend sea buckthorn, almond, castor, with apricot and grape seeds.

Do not store freshly prepared food. Use immediately. Maximum, let it lie for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. Take only fresh ingredients, rinse thoroughly.

People's Councils

The recipes of our mothers and grandmothers will never lose their relevance due to their effectiveness. And also simplicity, bordering on genius:

  • Cosmetic ice. It is very helpful to wipe the swollen areas with frozen cubes in the morning. And if instead of water, you use chamomile infusion, fruit juice, herbal pomace, you will double the benefits.
  • Contrast washing. The hardening procedure has a beneficial effect on the muscles and fibers of the epidermis. Just don't be zealous. There is no need to alternate ice and boiling water. Warm and cool water will do its job just as effectively.
  • Wear sunglasses, visor caps. You will squint less in the sun.
The recipes of our mothers and grandmothers will never lose their relevance due to their effectiveness.

By the way, always use protective lotions against frost and icy winds in winter. And in summer, do not go outside during the high UV index without applying sunscreen.

How to do a firming massage correctly

If you learn to be correct massage movements, you can create a real miracle. It is easy to carry "crow's feet" into the future, 10 years ahead. Let's explore the technology:

  • Prepare the dermis: wash, steam under a hot towel. Next, spread the nourishing milk.
  • Sit by the mirror. Put on some nice music. Relax.
  • Useful moisturizing substance: a softened piece of butter bread in milk. You can also dilute 20 g of dry yeast in it. And also the good old cucumber - it really perfectly replenishes the water balance. For convenience, grate it on a coarse grater, so it will better lie on the eyelids.
  • The massage lines around the eye sockets follow in the direction from the bridge of the nose along the upper eyelid, to the nose along the lower.
  • Use the pads of your middle and index fingers to lightly massage the area in the direction indicated.
  • For a couple of seconds, hold your fingers at the outer corner of the eye, slightly increasing the pressure.
  • Alternate pops with soft strokes.
  • Continue each movement for two minutes.
  • Repeat the massage every evening for two weeks. Better to make yourself a permanent habit.
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Learning the correct massage movements can create a real miracle.

The radical way: facelift

This is a complex technology, sometimes dangerous. But it gives results dramatically and colossally quickly. Plastic surgery removes not only mimic, but also deep wrinkles. Suitable for all body types. It always helps.

It is done in different ways:

  • Mesothreads with collagen, which later dissolve;
  • Lift with threads that are fixed to the periosteum;
  • SMAS lifting with ultrasound;
  • Seamless lifting;
  • Classic circular lifting under general anesthesia.

On a note! With the very first skin folds, a steep salt infusion copes well. Wipe the epidermis with a cotton pad. Proceed carefully so as not to get on the mucous membrane.

Each young lady will decide how to get rid of small wrinkles around her eyes. Someone from youth carefully monitors the face, is not lazy to make compresses, regularly moisturizes the sensitive area.Some are lucky with genetics, their skin looks perfect for a very long time. A good baby cream before bed is enough for them. Others leave a lot of money with cosmetologists, even deciding on radical methods.

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Plastic surgery removes not only mimic, but also deep wrinkles

There is no right or wrong on this question. We decide how we want to look. And we lay the foundation of our beauty in adulthood in our youth. Think about whether you are really so tired that you will not rinse the makeup off your tired face. Should I buy another pack of chips? Spend your money on another dress or buy a nice cream.

Watch an informative video with useful advice from a cosmetologist:


: genetic factor, improper care, environmental influences. You can postpone the appearance of mimic wrinkles by carefully caring for your skin. Make nourishing masks, moisturize well the skin around the eyes, use creams. Pay attention to salon treatments.

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