Chic perm for medium hair (50 photos) - The best options for stunning curls

Gentle manipulation that causes minimal damage to curls

Perms for medium hair, photos of which are posted in huge numbers on the Internet, have recently regained their former glory. And all this is quite understandable: the owners of thin straight curls, devoid of density, have always strived for a visual increase in volume. Why not decorate your head with adorable curls? It looks very beautiful and does not require careful daily styling. Let's look at all the main varieties of this technique and, perhaps, in a few days you will go to the nearest beauty salon in order to create sophisticated curls.


This procedure has many advantages.


But there are also disadvantages to such manipulation.

Historical reference

The manipulations that we are talking about today make it possible for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to wear lush curls for several months. The secret of this result lies in the use of special formulations. The substances contained in them destroy disulfate bonds (bridges), which give the female strands the shape given by genetic predisposition and heredity. By destroying such compounds, the agents act on the structure and give the shape created with the help of the curlers.

Playful curls
Every girl's dream
Suitable for different types of appearance

After the stylist processes your hair and winds it on round products, a fixative is applied to the entire surface of the scalp. It will securely fix the bridges in the desired state and hold the desired position.

Today there are a large number of techniques. In the price lists of beauty salons, usually two or four services are indicated, differing in the duration of the effect, the thickness of the curls and the degree of negative impact. Surprisingly, even ten years ago, experts could not boast of such a variety. Much has changed over time, and with the right choice of the method, you can practically not harm your own "mane".

Don't be afraid to experiment with your own curls!


Just a godsend for those who don't like messing around with hairstyles
Perfect option for a swarthy girl


On perfect red curls

Advice! The birthday of a perm is November 16, 1906. Karl Nessler, in front of a large crowd of people, tried his own technology on ... his wife! He processed the brass rollers with a special agent, heated them to a high temperature and wound his wife's hair. During the experiments, he burned her hair twice, but in the end he achieved the desired result.

Advantages and disadvantages

It just so happened, the female character is very difficult to understand. She is always in contradiction with herself and the world around her. Owners of straight strands dream of chic curls, curly ones want smoothness, long-haired ladies are thinking of cutting everything down to their shoulders, and short-haired ones - to let go of the braid to the waist. And if you belong to the category of fans of chic curls, permanent perm will be the perfect solution for you. But let's look at both sides of this issue. The main advantages include the following:

  • Long-term effect;
  • Volume and splendor;
  • The relevance of the hairstyle;
  • Simplicity of styling.


Before the procedure, be sure to consult with the master
Bright solution for a blonde

The negative aspects include:

  • detrimental effect on the structure;
  • strict adherence to the rules of care;
  • Contraindications - pregnancy, lactation, menstrual cycle;
  • The result will not last long if you have naturally long, heavy strands.



Make your hair more voluminous!

Advice! Many modern women of fashion believe that after such experiments, the health of the curls will be completely and irrevocably undermined. In part, there is some truth in this, but it should be understood that the banal constant use of hair dryers and irons can also lead to such disastrous consequences.

Types and varieties

If we draw a parallel with our mothers and grandmothers, we can assume that they were a little more fortunate. Previously, only two methods were offered: acidic and alkaline. They didn't have to puzzle over which method to choose. And after the negative consequences, they simply had to make themselves a short haircut.


Looks gorgeous and magnificent


Today, the assortment of not only compositions, but also curlers is quite large. However, old methods are in no hurry to give up their positions, constantly improving and adjusting to new technologies. Which option will be the best is up to you and your master.

  • Acidic. It is considered one of the most resistant and durable. She lasts about six months. Despite the fact that the drug penetrates deep into the hair shaft and severely damages it, women continue to use this service. And all because the hairstyle retains its shape for a long time, and the curls remain elastic and tough.
Average cost - 2700 rubles

Advice! This procedure is contraindicated for owners of thin and weak strands. Under the influence of the composition, the hair is pulled out from the root and does not keep its shape. The restrictions apply to women with dry and sensitive scalp. Also, it is not recommended for those who have a thick and heavy "mane".

  • Alkaline. A more gentle option, despite the fact that the applied mixtures reveal the outer flakes. But the curls look more natural, and after three months you can already make new changes with your appearance. Girls with thick hair should abandon the procedure, because the result in such cases lasts no more than 30 days. The price for a permanent wave is 10-20 percent lower than the previous one.
  • Neutral. The preparation contains allantoin, which allows us to speak about safer processing. Curls look natural and natural, and the hairstyle is elastic and strong.
Ladies with thin sparse curls will be delighted!


  • Amino acid. It has a lasting healing effect, because it fills the hair with useful vitamins and amino acids. At the same time, the negative impact of aggressive substances is minimized.


Delicate and soft styling will delight you no more than four weeks


  • With silk proteins. Gentle care, gentle components - all this characterizes this procedure only from the positive side. However, there are also pitfalls. The hairstyle will certainly look great, but the curls will be soft and fade in about 2 months. And such an experiment is very expensive - 4500-5400 rubles.


  • Biochemistry. In this case, the modern woman of fashion will receive not only the desired result, but also treatment. There is no ammonia, no hydrogen peroxide, no thioglycolic acid. The drug has a structure similar to hair molecules. For medium-length hair, you will have to pay 3900-4500 rubles.
On streaked hair


  • Japanese. The composition of the mixture used includes the lipid-protein complex LC2, therefore, women of fashion who are dissatisfied with the state of health of their strands most often decide on such a procedure. On average, such services cost 5500 rubles.
  • Children's. It got its name from the use of a special cap with holes, which prevents harmful ingredients from penetrating the scalp. As a result, it is maximally protected from drying out and injury.
  • Carving - the most gentle permanent curling option. An obvious plus is the fact that you do not have to wait for everything to grow back, the styling itself loses its properties over time.




Your curls will become soft and silky
  • Vertical. Here, the curls are wound on the so-called bobbins, which are arranged in a vertical manner, due to which subtle spirals appear. This process is very laborious and time-consuming. Think for yourself what the cost of such an experiment will be.


Care advice

Now is the time to talk about something that professional masters may never tell you. So, read carefully, so that in the future, before going to the salon, carefully weigh the pros and cons.

  • It should be understood that rare curls after the procedure will begin to get very confused and become much drier. Therefore, we recommend that you buy targeted shampoos, masks, balms and conditioners in advance. By the way, many craftsmen consider Extraordinary Oil from Loreal to be an excellent product.
  • The unpleasant smell of drugs will disappear for about a week. To speed up the process, it is better to use a decoction of rosemary, lavender water and lemon juice. They neutralize any aromas.



Drink vitamins, they will help you recover quickly
  • At first, wet strands will not cause aesthetic pleasure. Use a hairdryer, only the air jet should be cold.
  • It is possible that severe loss will begin, so you will have to do homemade masks.
  • If you have bangs, keep them straight.
  • There are no harmless perms!


It is worth remembering that this procedure also has contraindications.
  • The skin suffers from chemicals, so there is a high risk of dandruff.
  • The same is true for the tips, they will ooze and look lifeless.
  • It is necessary to dry the hair immediately after leaving the shower.
  • The first water procedures are best done three days after going to the beauty salon.
It is worth considering bright makeup!


Stylish bright solution

If you ignore all of the above tips, you will not see beautiful curls. The effect will disappoint you, and the straightening iron will become your best friend for several months to come. Do not use all kinds of washes before curling - coloring agents in the structure help to maintain a more lasting result.

And one more caveat: give preference to sparing methods. The fact is that, for example, manipulations with acid compositions make it possible to please yourself and those around you with chic curls and curls for six months. But as it grows back, you will notice that the curls will be straight in the root zone. You will notice the first changes after a month. Then what will happen in 180 days?



Looks impressive and tasteful



Some women decide to perform the procedure at home in order to save money. To do this, you need special products that are sold in any professional cosmetics store. In total, the entire "operation" will take about four hours. But do not rush to set up such experiments. You cannot do without an assistant who understands all the intricacies of curling. In addition, it is extremely difficult to self-wind the strands on the back of the head with high-quality curlers. We still advise those who are doing this for the first time to contact an experienced master in a beauty salon. Before you hike, read reviews and look for a top-notch expert. There is plenty of such information on women's forums.

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