What is face gommage - How to use and which one to choose

Gommage delicately cleanses the dead components of the epidermis, at the same time nourishes healthy cells

Facial gommage is a novelty in the field of medical cosmetology. It effectively replaces the usual scrub, while it does not contain abrasive particles. This means that it does not injure thin and sensitive skin at all. It delicately cleanses the dead components of the epidermis, while nourishing healthy cells. Promotes intense hydration even in the deepest layers. By the way, the term is translated from French as "eraser". By the way, this is how it acts on pollution.


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Promotes intense hydration even in the deepest layers

What do we know about this substance? Does it have any disadvantages, what are the advantages, types, rules of application. We propose to start in order and study the issue comprehensively.

Let's get acquainted with the topic by watching a short video material:

What is this substance, who suits

These are substances in the form of gels, ointments or maskswhich have a delicate uniform consistency. When applied, they are absorbed into the pores, break down dust, dirt, greasy products and take them out. This is a sensitive peeling that does not cause any damage to even the most vulnerable, ultra-delicate tissues.

The procedure is absolutely safe, painless and harmless.

Attention! Some herbal formulations, especially homemade ones, can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, pre-test the product on a small area of ​​the body. For example, apply a drop to the inner fold of your arm. If after 10-15 minutes there is no discomfort, and after washing off there are no red spots or rashes in this place, feel free to use the product.

The preparations are perfect for any type of skin: sensitive, dry, normal, oily, combination. Only the frequency of the sessions will differ. In the case of a thin one, once every two weeks is enough. But oily or combined, you need to process almost every other day.

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This is a sensitive peeling that does not cause any damage to even the most vulnerable, ultra-delicate tissues.

Differences from a regular scrub

Despite the identical goals that are achieved when using both substances, there are differences between them:

  • Composition. Scrub Is a thick substance with abrasive particles that act as a peeling. The presence of tangible ingredients is excluded in gommage, it is soft and airy.
  • Operating principle. The first removes dead cells by mechanical action - friction and massaging. And the second one is first absorbed into the subcutaneous environment, and then smoothly dissolves pollution due to organic enzymes from its structure.
  • Application area. The scrub is allowed only for women with a normal, oily or combination face type. And his opponent is acceptable for all types, excluding those prone to allergic manifestations.
  • Method of use. Massage the surface with a scrub for 2-3 minutes. And gommage is applied from the forehead to the chin as a mask and kept for 15–20 minutes. When the product dries slightly, roll it up or wash it off with warm water.

Important! To enhance efficiency and prevent surface injury, the face is first prepared. To do this, you need to wash and warm up well. To do this, sit with a towel on your head over hot chamomile infusion or pure boiled water. Or take a hot bath. The pores should widen and open.

The beneficial effect of the drug

So what is the healing effect of the mixture? In addition to its obvious cleansing function, it performs a number of other tasks:

  • nourishes cells thanks to beneficial ingredients in the structure;
  • actively moisturizes the epidermis, especially preparations based on natural cream;
  • brings out toxic components;
  • breaks down decay products from the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • removes dead epithelium;
  • stimulates blood flow to the outer layer, which means it improves the color of the face and its appearance;
  • promotes free cellular respiration.
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Stimulates blood flow to the outer layer, which means, improves the color of the face and its appearance

Advice! Carefully read on the packaging for which area of ​​the body the gommage product is intended. For the face, use only the appropriate mixture. For example, foot substances may contain antifungal agents. For the head, the level of fat is greatly reduced. And for the body, stretch marks are eliminated, which means they more intensively affect the dermis.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is a fatal mistake to think that this drug has no downsides. There are fewer of them than advantages, but you should not write them off. So let's go:

  • After using the product, you must use special creams with UV protection (at least 20 SPF). The session exposes the cells, making them defenseless against any harmful effects of the external environment.
  • If you are prone to allergies, choose a product with neutral ingredients. Organic cosmetics include exotic oils, pomace and extracts. Facial gummages often contain such components, so be sure to read their list on the jar.
  • Thick and rough skin, not spoiled by frequent cosmetic manipulations, needs more intensive peeling.
  • The mixture is not sold everywhere. It is more difficult to find it on the shelves of ordinary stores with household chemicals and cosmetics.

On a note! Try looking for online stores that sell natural cosmetics. Or purposefully visit representative offices of brands that have such products in their assortment.

Smoothes wrinkles, rejuvenates

The drug has much more advantages:

  • Gentle works, does not hurt.
  • Improves the condition of the dermis.
  • Cleans out pores.
  • Tones up.
  • Smoothes wrinkles, rejuvenates.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Accelerates regeneration.
  • Approved for frequent use.
  • Lightens age spots.
  • Does not dry out.
  • Sensitively massages.
  • Possesses a gorgeous aroma and pleasant texture.

The best remedies

We offer the most popular and popular drugs. But they differ in cost:

  • Organic Shop "Morning Coffee" - contains elements of coffee powder that gently exfoliate the epithelium without scratching the surface. Possesses a gorgeous aroma and delicate texture. Suitable for daily washing. It costs about 100 rubles.
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Organic Shop Morning Coffee
  • Natura Siberica Natura Kamchatka - berry mix contains oils of raspberry, cranberry, lingonberry, sea buckthorn, cloudberry, blueberry, arctic princess, volcanic blueberry. The mixture delicately cleanses, evens out the structure of cells, effectively moisturizes. Price - 170 rubles.
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Natura Siberica Natura Kamchatka
  • Dr. Konopka’s is a medicinal substance with chamomile and water lily. This peeling softens, smoothes the face, improves color, and accelerates regeneration. Cost - 320 rubles.
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Dr. Konopka's
  • Payot berry from L'etoile - contains raspberry, black currant, cranberry oils. It qualitatively removes keratinized elements, improves microrelief, and soothes. Price - 2 thousand rubles.
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  • Yves Rosher - fruit peeling-gommage "Ripe apricot", a mixture with an extract of Edulis cell water "Radiance and hydration". They have a gel texture, do not contain dyes, artificial oils, and are 90% natural. Cost - 520-550 rubles.
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Yves Rosher Ripe apricot

Good to know! A session of gommage therapy is a qualitative preparatory stage before global cosmetic manipulations. After all, it perfectly cleans even the deepest subcutaneous layers. Promoting rapid penetration, it increases the effectiveness of hardware mesotherapy, myostimulation, photorejuvenation, biorevitalization, RF lifting.

Types of compositions

They differ in texture, group of components, and purpose.

By design, gommages are isolated for the face, arms, legs, body, head.

In texture, they are liquid, gel-like, paste-like, homogeneous, with whipped lumps.

The procedure has contraindications: open wounds, unhealed scars, infectious or purulent inflammations, individual intolerance to elements from the composition.

Components that are more often used in the manufacture of a substance:

  • vitamins, trace elements, minerals;
  • oil pomace from berry pulp, seeds;
  • fruit seed powder (apricot, grape, peach);
  • ground coffee powder;
  • medicinal herbs and flowers;
  • activated carbon, which successfully fights blackheads;
  • pharmacy tinctures;
  • pharmacy clay;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • seaweed;
  • natural oils with a high percentage of vitamin E or tocopherol.
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In texture, they are liquid, gel-like, paste-like, homogeneous, with whipped lumps.

Terms of use

You are mistaken if you think that such a procedure cannot be performed correctly at home. It is very simple, does not require special skills, resembles the application of an ordinary mask.

  • Remove makeup, wash yourself.
  • Now you need to steam your face: sit over a saucepan with steam for 10 minutes.
  • Cover with a towel to enhance the effect.
  • Squeeze the substance into your palm the size of a walnut. Hold it in your hands for a minute so that it warms up to body temperature. Use your fingers or a special brush to apply it, starting from the forehead to the chin.
  • Massage the substance into the depths.
  • Lie on the couch, get into a comfortable position, relax. Enjoy breathtaking scents. Soak for 15 minutes.
  • During this time, the product should dry out, turn into a film. Beginning at the chin, gently roll it up. Do not stretch the surface, do not press. If it is completely dry, just wash yourself with warm water.
  • Apply a soothing cream.

Important! If the skin is hypersensitive, there are wounds, inflammation or rosacea, the steam bath is not done, and the mask is simply washed off without rolling.

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Lie on the couch, get into a comfortable position, relax. Enjoy breathtaking scents. Withstand 15 minutes

Homemade cosmetics recipes

We offer recipes for simple formulations that do not include complex or exotic ingredients. Any woman can easily find the right products in the house or the nearest store:

  • Against oily sheen, to normalize the water balance in the epidermis. Mix half tbsp. tablespoons of heavy cream and the same amount of regular baking soda. Wait half a minute for the baking soda to react. You will see small bubbles, a kind of foam. Now you need to spread the substance on the cheeks, forehead, nose and chin. After 20 minutes, rinse off with massaging movements.
  • With olive oil for combination skin. You will need half a glass of semolina, 1 small carrot and st. spoon of oil. The carrots are chopped, mixed with the rest of the elements. The gruel is spread on the face and left for 30 minutes until dry.
  • Express gommage mask against blackheads. Take 10 ml of standard cleanser and combine it with a teaspoon of any flour. Rub into the problem area and let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Advice! The ingredients can be whipped in a blender to make the mass tender and fluffy. Cook several servings at once, a week in advance. Store in the refrigerator. But be sure to bring it to room temperature before applying.

Honest reviews

Julia, 19 years old: I have a thin, almost transparent face. I have been suffering with him all my life. Aggressive peeling products are absolutely not suitable for me. When I discovered gommage, there was no limit to my delight. I use it once a week. Black dots have gone, the color has evened out, there are fewer freckles.

Anna, 36 years old: I cannot fail to mention the “Morning Coffee” remedy from Organic Shop. At first, I did not pay attention to the unusual word. I bought it, like a regular scrub, for a special offer, for 80 rubles.At home I read the instructions on the tube, I was surprised that it can be used every day. The mixture feels like whipped cream and is light brown in color. The aroma is simply amazing - it smells like freshly brewed coffee, without a hint of chemistry or additives. The result is gorgeous: the skin is smooth, even, looking healthy and happy!

Zhanna, 40 years old: I prefer the traditional and familiar formulations with abrasive ingredients. Maybe my skin is like that, but the soft gommage gel does not take it. I tried both expensive and cheap jars.

Svetlana, 26 years old: At first I read a lot about the super caring innovation, I decided to order it. They sent me a tube from a Thai natural cosmetics store. The first thing to note is the smell. Second, no nourishing cream is required after the mask. At least for me. It moisturizes and nourishes very well. In conclusion, I would like to note its qualitative effect, and also the fact that the product is easily washed off, it foams well.

Olga, 38 years old: I use the substance regularly, I am very satisfied. I have dry skin, which peels off even more after peeling. But gommage for the face does not cause such a reaction. Would recommend to anyone who has a similar problem.

By the way, the analysis of reviews on the Internet showed that there is not much difference between expensive and cheap jars. It all depends on the individual wishes of the woman and her financial capabilities.

Gommage is an effective way to take care of your appearance, not to damage the delicate dermis, to take care of its health and radiant appearance. In addition, the session gives pleasure, relaxes, soothes. In 30 minutes you will receive gentle facial care, half an hour of meditative rest, as well as excellent mood.

Watch another video on home cooking:


Gommage for the face is a modern way to gently cleanse and nourish the skin. Acts gently, acts as a scrub, mask and moisturizer. Gommage is suitable for all types of skin, especially sensitive and dry. It's easy to use. Can be prepared at home.

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