Choosing the best hydrophilic makeup remover oil - TOP-5 leading manufacturers

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Have you already pampered your face with such a useful cosmetic product as hydrophilic oil?

Have you already pampered your face with such a useful cosmetic product as hydrophilic oil? Then you were able to understand from the first time how effective this drug is not only in terms of removing makeup, but also in cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the cover. However, all this is guaranteed only with the correct choice of the drug. Otherwise, the result may not be very pleasant.


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This cosmetic product can be dissolved in water

What is

What do we know about this mixture? That this is not just an ordinary vegetable butter, although outwardly and very much like him. For starters, it definitely has a nicer smell. It got its name due to the fact that, in addition to a set of vegetable fats, it contains an emulsifier. This substance makes the fat hydrophilic. That is, thanks to him, this cosmetic product can dissolve in water.

Advice! If you have not used this product before, watch the video on YouTube. For example, everything about this tool is very clearly described and clearly demonstrated in the video below:


The use of this tool is not at all a tribute to the fashion for everything Asian. Although this is truly a Korean invention, our compatriots, like women around the world, were able to appreciate its benefits. In short, this drug:

  • Does not destroy the lipid barrier;
  • Easily removes the remnants of waterproof cosmetics;
  • Suitable for all skin types.

Women call the product hydrophilic. It washes away cosmetics quickly and easily, including waterproof products. Also during the elimination makeup integuments are deeply cleansed, pores are freed from pollution, dead particles are removed. Unlike scrubs, this procedure does not dry out the body. This product does not dry out the dermis than mycelial water is sinning. And unlike a regular makeup remover, it cleans the cover better without provoking a feeling of tightness. From contact with water, the fat remaining on the face acquires the consistency of a white emulsion. It is enough just to gently wash it off the surface of the body.

Moreover, this drug is the only one of its kind, capable of completely washing off the cream with the prefix "BB" - the so-called beauty cream. It tends to accumulate in the pores and clog them. Therefore, even the manufacturers of such creams are advised to remove them only with a hydrophilic filler.

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Washes away cosmetics quickly and easily, including waterproof products

Advice! If you are too used to your favorite gel or foam, do not give up on them either. You can combine them with a hydrophilic oil.

How to choose an effective and safe substance correctly

The range of water-soluble oils offered by the trade will baffle anyone. But if you use the recommendations of experts in the selection process, then you will be able to accurately select a product from the best manufacturers that is suitable specifically for your skin type. Let's go through all the selection criteria in order.

What should be the composition of the drug?

Its effect on the dermis and safety depends on the composition of the cosmetic product. Several types of vegetable fats should be included in the hydrophilic filler. Mostly these are natural substances, although there are mineral analogues.

By the way, the last option is not worse than the first one. The mineral product is completely harmless. It consists of a blend of refined petroleum fats that can prevent the dermis from drying out. The minerals in these products are usually universal, so they are suitable for all skin types.And when using the foam to remove its residues, even the most sensitive dermis will not be affected.

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Several types of vegetable fats should be included in the hydrophilic filler. Mostly these are natural substances, although there are also mineral analogues.

How to choose a product for your skin type?

For many women, the skin does not accept new substances applied to it well. The same applies to hydrophilia. In the process of choosing it, it is important to consider your skin type. To begin with, it is a delusion that such a substance is incompatible with an oily type of dermis. But in fact, this product is suitable not only for dry, but also for oily and combination. Pores are cleared from it, accumulated impurities are removed from the surface, the face calms down, inflammation is relieved, and the production of sebum is significantly reduced.

Advice! In order not to be mistaken with the choice of a product, it must be selected by the presence of a mark for which type of skin the use of the product is indicated. So, for a fat one, an excellent version of Soda Pore from Holik Holik is suitable.

How to use the product correctly

Everyone knows that from an excess of fat, the dermis can become heavy, saggy and lose its contours. But if you use this drug correctly, then you will get only a beneficial effect from it. So, it is applied to a dry face with clean, well-wiped hands. After that, the face must be gently massaged. This will dissolve decorative cosmetics, including the most resistant ones.

For Korean women, who are considered the founders of the culture of using hydrophilic oil, it is considered mandatory to massage the face during the cleansing process for at least 3 minutes. This allows the drug to most effectively clean its surface, providing massage, lymph drainage and absorption of fats into the deep layers. At the end of the massage, you need to wash off the remainder of the substances from the face using warm water. In this case, the mass will acquire the consistency of milk and be completely washed off.

Can a hydrophilic be used to remove eye make-up?

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Perfectly removes water-insoluble mascara, long-lasting eyeliner and the same waterproof eyeliner pencil

Such a simple procedure allows you to remove the most persistent decorative cosmetics without resorting to the most complex manipulations that can injure and deform the dermis. This type of product is excellent for washing off water-insoluble mascara, long-lasting eyeliner and the same waterproof eyeliner pencil. But in this case, the drug must be applied twice. However, with increased sensitivity of the eyes, it is undesirable to wash off makeup from them with this substance.

Advice! Removing cosmetics from eyelids and eyelashes with a hydrophilic may be contraindicated, therefore, in such cases, you should use special products for this area.

TOP 5 best products of this type

Modern cosmetics manufacturers for facial care offer a wide variety of water-soluble oils for removing makeup. But, unfortunately, not everyone guarantees a really decent quality of their products. World-class experts recommend paying attention to the rating of different types of this product.

NYX Stripped Off Cleansing Oil

The drug has the effect of a balm and oil. Perfectly removes long-lasting decorative cosmetics. Does not have a pronounced odor. Perfectly rinses off. Small volume, which is enough for several months. The dispenser contributes to the economy of the product.

gidrofilnoe-maslo_ (4)Price: 550 rubles.

Kose softymo deep

Differs in a particularly mild effect during cleansing. The Japanese product has the ability to freeze into a foam. Copes with the remains of BB-creams, gradually reduces age spots.

gidrofilnoe-maslo_ (5)Price: 780 rubles.

The body shop

Gentleness, efficiency in removing water-insoluble makeup - these are the main advantages of the product. Does not dry out the face, it has a bright, very attractive aroma.

Price: 1090 rubles.

Skin House Esenchl

Korean cosmetics capable of unclogging pores without causing inflammation, irritation or flaking.

gidrofilnoe-maslo_ (6)Price: 1390 rubles.

Shu Uemura POREfinist

Japanese cosmetics with excellent cleansing properties, suitable for oily skin and those prone to acne.

gidrofilnoe-maslo_ (7)Price: 2400 rubles.

Reviews of women

Irina, 44 years old:About hydrophilic was well heard from friends. Therefore, when the time came to update the arsenal of my skin care products, I decided to test this miraculous drug on myself. And I was not disappointed. Because as a result, I received only advantages:

  • Cosmetics are removed without laborious washing;
  • The face after the first application of the product simply shines;
  • After a few days, an improved firmness of the dermis was felt;
  • After a month, improvements in the contour of the face became noticeable.

I continue to use it and recommend it to everyone! This is the best that I have found for myself, my beloved, over the past six months!

Svetlana, 27 years old: I have been using Hydofilka for almost a year. I'm very happy. Gone are the black spots, constant irritation of the skin, it melted calm and even. I also noticed that I no longer need scrubs and peels. After all, I do make-up every day. And then in the evening you have to wash it off. So, thanks to the hydrophilic, all unnecessary exfoliation are cleaned off, the face becomes very delicate and smooth.

Elena, 25 years old:In order to preserve the youthfulness of my skin, which suffers from regular removal of makeup from it, I decided to buy a hydrophilic oil. Chosen for dry, sensitive skin. The composition turned out to be excellent components, including oils of germ of wheat, soybeans, flax, extracts of medicinal plants and even vitamin E. The contents of the bottle are convenient to pour into the palm of your hand. At the same time, the oil is warmed by my warmth.

The product has a very delicate aroma, unobtrusive and pleasant. One could say that the disadvantage of the product is that it takes more time to use it. However, realizing the positive effect of such a massage and the components of the bottle on the skin of the face, I am not lazy to pamper it with a nourishing massage every night.

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Once tried, women remain loyal fans of the remedy.

Oksana, 51 years old: I use decorative cosmetics in excessive quantities. As a result, the face fades quickly. But in recent years, she began to remove makeup with a hydrophilic filler. The result is amazing. The face has tightened, the wrinkles have decreased, the cheeks have become more toned. After removing paint and oil residues, the skin becomes soft and pleasant, like a baby. There is never a feeling of tightness. There is no dry "squeak" either. On the contrary - the face is fresh and moisturized. And the oil consumption is quite low. I advise everyone: high quality, careful and economical!

Larisa, 42 years old:My skin is prone to oily sheen, and even sensitive. I have been using a hydrophilic bottle with lavender for 1.5 years. This is a very delicate product that gently cares for my skin. During this time, her condition stabilized. Fat production returned to normal. There is no irritation, redness, peeling. I'm sure it's all thanks to this makeup remover. This product is easy to use. Its bottle is equipped with a convenient dispenser. And the fuse does not allow you to press the pump. Therefore, I calmly took the container on the road, putting it in my bag. At the same time, it was transported normally and did not spill onto the contents of the suitcase.

Julia, 30 years old:I am pleased to use water-soluble oil for washing and removing decorative cosmetics. If earlier the skin was irritated after different foams and gels, now the face is clean and smooth. It looks much better than after applying the scrub. By the way, I refused such aggressive procedures. A daily hydrophilic massage is enough for my skin. Wherein:

  • She cleans, washes, nourishes and moisturizes;
  • Lymph is driven out of it, and blood circulation improves;
  • Acne does not form, blackheads disappear, tone improves.

I'll tell you even more. Many people believe that eye makeup should not be washed off with hydrophilic oil. However, I use it to wash off mascara and so on. After washing like this, I never feel any discomfort in my eyes.Not to mention allergies and irritations. Therefore, with pleasure I advise everyone: buy and use!

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