Purple hair color - Creative fashion for the bold

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Bright colors are in an incredible trend today

Looking at purple hair color as a way to update your bow and add catchy notes to it? You are on the right track, because bright colors are in an incredible trend today. The current fashion welcomes any extravagant ideas when presented correctly. There are many shades in this palette, from delicate lavender to intense eggplant, so it's important to choose the one that's right for you. We propose to understand this issue in detail.


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The current fashion welcomes any extravagant ideas when presented correctly.
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There are many shades in this palette, from delicate lavender to intense eggplant.
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It is important to choose the one that suits you

Who will go, who is contraindicated

At the first mention of this paint, many people have cute old women with lilac chemistry on their heads. Nowadays, the trend has been picked up by young people, adjusting the palette, painting method, options hairstyles.

So who will the coloring go to?

Let's start in order:

  • There are no age restrictions. With such curls, both a young lady and an adult woman and a mature lady look great.
    Remember, the older the girl, the more important it is for her to find her perfect tone. A young coquette has the right to make a mistake, because her image has yet to be formed. But adult beauties run the risk of ruining their reputation with a ridiculous or ridiculous appearance as a result of failure.
  • The structure of the strands is also irrelevant. It doesn't matter if it's direct or curly you have hair - feel free to sign up to the master. Just remember, flamboyant looks require careful maintenance. Get ready for regular styling and go for stylish hairstyles. Learn to conquer your hair, regardless of its structure.
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With such curls, both a young lady and an adult woman and a mature lady look great
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Remember, the older the girl, the more important it is for her to find her perfect tone.
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A striking appearance requires careful maintenance. Get ready for regular styling and get stylish hairstyles
  • Another parameter that does not matter at all is complexion. You can be thin, curvy, tall, or small. Lilac curls can favorably emphasize the dignity of appearance, distract from shortcomings. Get rid of complexes, do not be afraid to experiment, forget about the image of the "gray mouse".
  • But the type of skin must be taken into account. Depending on it, the optimal shade is selected. Lilac looks perfect on girls with a nordic appearance. They have fair skin and gray, blue, or Brown eyes... The type is also called winter.
  • Autumn color type is characterized by dark or olive skin, brown eyes, dark hair... The golden tint does not go well with lavender paints. The skin takes on a painful yellow appearance, which is especially pronounced on the face.

Important! Swarthy, dark-haired women should not completely paint their heads. Optimally and not too defiantly, highlighting, ombre or highlighting several strands are obtained. Or replace the dye with a tonic. It will not change the natural color, but it will give it a deep purple tint.

  • Summer and spring young ladies with a light body, green eyes, and a light brown or red head can safely decide on a pinkish range: strawberry, crimson, fuchsia.
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Lilac curls can favorably emphasize the dignity of appearance, distract from shortcomings
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But the type of skin must be taken into account.The optimal shade is selected depending on it.
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Lilac looks perfect on girls with a nordic appearance
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The winter type is ideal for this range.

As you can see, the native color is of great importance when choosing the right halftone. Moreover, the line of relevance is very thin. For example, a pink undertone can be warm or cold... The first is acceptable for dark-skinned, but the second is only for fair-skinned. Red-purple is a good color for peach skin, but a complete failure for golden skin.

The conclusion suggests itself - you should not choose the colors yourself. Be sure to consult with a stylist.

Light or rich tone?

The intensity of the coloration may vary. Of the light ones, white and purple are in fashion, ashen, pearl. These colors magically and beautifully lie on blondes, especially with a platinum sheen. It is up to you to decide whether the toning is saturated or transparent. Pale-skinned ladies with this color look fragile, delicate, graceful. Especially if the features are small, neat, without catchy accents.

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Lavender shade
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With a gray tint
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Intense violet tone

Dark-skinned women with such a palette run the risk of forming a vulgar and even vulgar appearance. They are allowed any dark variations of the fashionable color. The following colors are in demand: eggplant, lilac, blueberry. By the way, they are not at all pretentious, therefore, they are quite acceptable for a business style.

Advice! To correctly combine shades, make sure that they are in harmony in warmth. When the mop is painted in cold undertones, the lilac should also cast blue. But wheat, golden, beige-blond strands are beautifully transformed into warm purple.

In-demand shades

One of the downsides to purple hair color is its unpredictability. It is always difficult to predict what the result will be. Therefore, two girls who have used the same remedy can easily get a different result: lilac, eggplant, lilac, fuchsia, pink, ashy, pearl and etc.

We suggest exploring the options for fashionable combinations:

Black purple

There is a synonym for it: brown-purple. A great theme for black and very dark hair. It is very discreet, practically does not change the native color of the hair. May cast blue or pinkish highlights.

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Black purple

Blue violet

A deep and beautiful color for women with transparent skin, under which wreaths and capillaries are clearly visible. The aristocratic type is characterized by pallor of the integument, light blue, the absence of a pronounced blush.

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Blue violet


It can be bright or muted. The strawberry range is especially in vogue today, but it suits exclusively blondes. A dull semitone, close to fuchsia, reminiscent of sunburnt, looks beautiful on young ladies with bright blue eyes.

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It can be achieved only after complete discoloration. Ideally, after that you need to paint your head with ammonia-free paint, and apply the appropriate tint balm.

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Ash or gray

The same grandmother's coloring. Silvery motifs perfectly paint over gray hair, softly cast with lavender, look fresh and unusual. By the way, this is a super trend today. Looks cool with a platinum blonde. Ideal for ombre, highlights, ends coloring.

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Ash or gray

Idea! To understand whether the chosen color suits you or not, use special crayons. They are applied to the test strand and look at the result. They are quickly washed off with regular shampoo.

Choosing paint

The best option is a professional composition, which is painted in hairdressing salons. However, you won't be able to find it in a regular home store. These products are redeemed only by wholesale lines, therefore, they are available only to craftsmen and salons. Let's explore products from well-known brands that are sold at simple outlets.

Stage one: lightening

In order for the result to be expressive and intense, you must first lighten the shock. It is better for fair-haired beauties to use gentle preparations that lighten by 4 tones with an amount of oxide of 6%. Take a closer look at products from Garnier or Palette.

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Clarifier Garnier

But brunettes who want a rich tone should decide on substances with an oxide content of 9-12%. They have super lightening properties. This does not apply to those cases when you just need to slightly tint the hair, highlight a few curls, and perform a soft ombre. Popular brands - Loreal, Palette, Estel Professional.

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Clarifier Estel Professional

By the way, the latter, according to manufacturers, harms the structure in a minimal way.

Stage two: painting or toning

Well, now let's list the brands in the lines of which there are the coveted purple, lilac, raspberry tones:

  • Nouvelle. A French brand with a quality product at a decent price. Prepare about 450-500 rubles per box. The line has dark purple, violet colors that are suitable for brunettes and blondes. Its coloring pigments penetrate deeply into the hair. They reliably fill the cavity, effectively change colors, paint over gray hair. The composition is enriched with plant components, rice proteins, which nourish and strengthen each hair.
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Nouvelle paint
  • Estel Essex. The preparation perfectly paints, allows you to get an expressive and beautiful shade. The special formula moisturizes the structure, makes it elastic and resilient. Users note the durability of such a coating. Price 155-180 rubles.
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Estel Essex paint
  • Concept. The product gently colors and at the same time cares for the hairs due to its composition. It is high in vitamins, glucose and nutritious cedar nut oil. In a wide range, which includes more than 90 subtones, there are 7 ultra-bright specimens. Among them, you can find the desired lilac. Cost - 175-200 rubles.
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On a note! Such drugs are difficult to remove from the skin, so protect accessible integuments. The easiest way is to apply a greasy cream to the entire area along the hairline. Apply it to the auricles.

  • Tint balm Tonic from Rocolor will help you to get the desired lilac-purple overflow. It does not contain harmful chemical components, it is safe. But it washes off quickly. They can regularly rinse the mop after washing. Or apply as a regular coloring agent. Its cost: 90–120 rubles.
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Tint balm Tonic
  • Finally, we got to the "cherry" on the cake. Judging by the reviews, the best way to get an insanely bright, stylish, catchy and creative color is to use products from the Crazy Color brand. The price bites, but the result is definitely worth it: 900-1200 rubles. Here you can buy blue-blue, blue marmalade, lavender, extreme purple, pink, delicate soufflé, cotton candy and many other stunning halftones. You can also mix and experiment to create your own unique and inimitable shade.
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Crazy Color Tool

By the way, Crazy Color does not require an oxidant. According to the manufacturer's assurances, it perfectly firmly and richly lays on any hair. And to preserve the extreme freshness of the paint, use special shampoos and conditioners from the same brand. Alas, they are also not cheap.

Painting method

As mentioned above, it is not necessary to completely paint the entire surface.

  • Sometimes, to achieve the desired outcome, it is enough to make a smooth transition from the native to the creative undertone from the middle of the length or closer to the roots. The technique is called ombre... It is unlikely that you will be able to do it on your own. In the salon, the master will first carry out a strong pile all over the head. Then he treats the free ends with a dye. If necessary, it will preliminarily lighten them. The transition will be smooth, soft and natural.
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Sometimes, to achieve the desired outcome, it is enough to perform a smooth transition from the native to the creative undertone from the middle of the length or closer to the roots.
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The technique is called ombre
  • Balayage staining is in trend. It resembles the previous look, but in addition to the ends, some curls along the entire length are also highlighted with the desired semitone. As a result, the hair shimmers beautifully with lavender or lilac, gradually darkening or lightening to the ends.
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Balayage staining is in trend
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It resembles the previous view, but in addition to the ends, some curls along the entire length are also highlighted with the desired semitone
  • In demand highlighting... Sometimes they take several undertones that are close in the palette. So the strands look more saturated, bright, extravagant.
    Partial painting will also help you look stylish and catchy. For example, only bangs are processed, a separate strand.
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Sometimes they take several undertones close in the palette
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The strands look richer, brighter, extravagant

Interesting! Today, a sophisticated technique of creating unusual patterns and patterns is in vogue right on the surface of the hair. When done in a catchy color such as eggplant, burgundy or blue-violet, the effect is doubly explosive.

Home staining technique

If you still decide to paint your head yourself, read the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Prepare the necessary tools;
  2. Dilute the bleach in a bowl. Follow the instructions strictly;
  3. Wash off the substance with shampoo at the prescribed interval;
  4. On wet strands, begin to apply the coloring pigment. Separate thin sectors with a brush, process the partings first, then the entire length. Start at the crown, then the temporal regions, parietal, occiput;
  5. Withstand the right time and rinse off the product;
  6. Use a fixing balm.
With pink
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Cold beauty
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Playful tips

Advice! To keep the color vibrant and intense, buy a good tint balm. This will help to delay the correction procedure longer, which means it will preserve the health of your curls.

How to fix unsuccessful painting

There are several ways to wash off a freshly colored color.

Unfortunately, after the purple pigment, the mop almost always acquires a yellowish tint. The cold scale cannot be returned.

  • Use a specialized product - a remover. Recolor may need to be applied more than once.
  • Make a gruel with 10 tablespoons of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of salt and water. Spread it on your hair, and rinse off after half an hour.
  • Melt 30 g of margarine and add to a glass of warmed vegetable oil. Warm up the oily substance and spread it liberally on the curls. After 30 min. rinse well.
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Purple hair color is fashionable, stylish and interesting
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Unambiguously distinguishes from the crowd, makes the bow memorable, in some cases even shocking
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Before the procedure, think carefully whether you are ready to change your native color for a long time, because it will be difficult to quickly get rid of blue-lavender and pink-purple highlights

Purple hair color is fashionable, stylish and interesting. Unambiguously distinguishes from the crowd, makes the bow memorable, in some cases even shocking. Before the procedure, think carefully whether you are ready to permanently change your native color, because it will be difficult to quickly get rid of blue-lavender and pink-purple highlights.

More shade options:

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Below is a helpful video about homemade lavender staining:


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