Auspicious days for a haircut - Studying the horoscope of 2019

The lunar calendar will help you avoid problems

Auspicious days for a haircut are calculated by specialists who have closely linked their activities with the study of the influence of stars on human behavior and life. Meanwhile, the whole world was divided into two camps: those who consider this to be absolute nonsense and those who firmly believe that the heavenly bodies are capable of making changes in a seemingly long established way of life. Whether this is true or not, we will figure it out today.


The moon affects the human body


It is known for certain that the Moon regulates the water level in rivers, seas and oceans. But scientists still have not found a rational basis for the hypothesis of how this satellite of the Earth affects people, animals and plants. But so far no one undertakes to deny the fact of the relationship, because it is indisputable. Even in ancient times, people noticed that there is a certain relationship between the lunar cycles and some periods in the life of the fair half of humanity. At first, some called it a trivial coincidence, but soon the realization came that everything was not happening by chance.

Your curls will grow faster and be more voluminous.

Surprisingly, ancient people managed to make a sensational discovery: hair will grow faster if you cut a haircut on a certain day. And this applies to any manipulation from dyeing or highlighting to perm. All this can radically change the emotional state and daily routine of any beauty. Such news forced the best minds to work on creating a unique lunar calendar. And the ancient astrologers who lived several centuries ago began this painstaking and difficult path.

There is a hypothesis that the hair contains a huge store of vitality and energy, and their removal or cutting is unacceptable on unfavorable days. In this article, we will provide a number of recommendations that you will need to follow until the beginning of next year.

blagopriyatnye-dni-dlya-strizhki_5According to an old legend, in ancient times, long before the Old Testament, the inhabitants of the planet did not have hair. Instead of thick "manes" they had fluff, similar to that with which babies are born. This so-called "fluff" was some kind of catalyst that collects all biological energy, creating a halo above the head. Now we can observe such phenomena on icons.

Today's magicians and sorcerers put a lot of weight into hair. They are sure that our hair is nothing more than a connecting link with the cosmic principle. And if you recklessly treat haircuts and other manipulations, you can break this thin connection, change the course of the bioenergetic river, the waves of which so strongly affect the emotional and physical state of a person.

blagopriyatnye-dni-dlya-strizhki_6According to "experts in this industry", early baldness is not just a genetic predisposition or evidence of the presence of a certain disease in the body. They associate this circumstance with the loss of protection in the person of the Guardian Angel. From all this, the conclusion follows: any changes in the current state of your curls should be treated with great care.

Advice! Every modern woman of fashion has her own vision for any situation that occurs every day.Associating certain cases with the behavior of the moon and stars is everyone's personal business.

Those who firmly believe in such relationships are incredibly lucky. Through the centuries, mankind has carried the sacred secrets of practical skills that for hundreds of years have warned and helped ladies to preserve youth and beauty for decades. In order to more than use all the power of the immense Universe and delight others with chic strands, this year it is necessary to follow some rules and recommendations, which we will outline below.

TOP 10 useful tips

Well, now it's time to talk about those signs and beliefs that our great-grandmothers adhered to. We have provided ten of the most common and well-known facts that have been described in ancient literature.

  • Many modern women of fashion choose a stylist on an intuitive level. For reasons clear only to them, girls are not ready to entrust their curls to someone else. Some would call this prejudice, but in fact there is a grain of rationality in it. Astrologers categorically forbid allowing any hairdresser to manipulate your appearance. The fact is that the scissors, skillfully cutting off the ends of your strands, cut off the biofield, that is, they steal energy. The older the master, the stronger his influence on your destiny. A silent specialist, most likely, conceals many thoughts in himself, which means that he is capable of harming you. A talkative and open person, on the contrary, will bring positive and joyfulness into your everyday life. Therefore, girls who are accustomed to relying only on themselves and have their own vision for any situation, it is better to choose a professional in the same age category.
Leaving the beauty salon, you will feel a change for the better

Advice! If you are haunted by setbacks, trust a more experienced and adult person.

  • Never cut your own hair. Psychics have an objective explanation for this statement: it is impossible to positively influence your own biofield. Some people are sincerely surprised at why the Great Vanga was unable to heal herself of blindness. It's simple: no magician can help himself, because his abilities are gifted from above to influence the fate of others.


  • Believe it or not, you are the most vulnerable during the makeover and image change. Your etheric, mental and astral biofield is influenced at this time, first of all, by the stylist.
If you entrust the process of beauty transformation to a man, problems with a husband or a young man cannot be avoided in the future

Advice! There is an opinion that women should choose a representative of the same sex as their favorite hairdresser.

  • Never let the master toss the trimmed strands into the water. There is still an opinion that such manipulations can significantly affect the current state of their health. If you forbid a specialist to dispose of your curls in this way, you can lose thickness and earn thinning and fragility.
  • To achieve certain results, it is enough to follow the phases of the moon. For example, if you want unrestrained growth, you should trim the tips on the days when the moon is full. During periods of diminishing activity, the strands will become shiny and silky. By the way, during this period, the roots and hair follicles become stronger, which prevents hair loss.


Advice! If you are planning a trip to the salon at the time described above (waning stage), be aware that hair after that will grow more slowly than usual.

  • Never change your haircut (even correction is scary !!!) on the following days of each month: 9, 15, 23, 29. These dates do not bode well, but you can "earn" problems with memory and brain activity. Also, judging by the lunar calendar of 2017, one should limit oneself in desires to transform oneself during the period of solar eclipses.
  • If you are happy and happy with the current state of affairs, keep your existing hair length as long as possible. Otherwise, you will have to say goodbye not only to strands, but also to luck.


  • Never visit the salon in a bad mood, because this can be passed on to your master and persist in the haircut for a long time. Remember, it all depends on your desire and emotional background.
Don't go to the hairdresser in a bad mood!
  • If you plan to do coloring, be guided by the color palette of the planets to which you belong. For example, Pluto is very fond of the palette of black, and Venus is very fond of brown. Mars is impressed by the gamut of red.

What days of the week of this season are considered favorable

  1. Monday - the time of accomplishments and experiments. This is an opportunity, along with cut strands, to shed the accumulated burden of emotions and stress. You are guaranteed to forget about the problems that up to this point were the cause of insomnia. They will seem trifling.
  2. Tuesday - the day when you can change your life for the better. Psychics claim that this is the best option for those who dream of making the only right decision and getting away from routine and constant problems.
  3. On Wednesday the salon can be visited by those who dream of bringing some bright colors, romance and tenderness into their lives. It is possible that after the transformation, you will want to go on a journey or start a new relationship.
  4. Thursday - the most favorable time for those who want to find harmony in relationships with others. A great moment to get rid of your own complexes and prejudices.
  5. On Friday it is better to go to a hairdresser for those who have been dreaming of a global change in their own appearance for several weeks. Fridays are especially successful when the Sun tends to Capricorn or Taurus.
  6. On Saturday, according to magicians and sorcerers, you can “cut off” all sins and debts from the karma of your ancestors.
  7. On Sunday it is strictly forbidden to perform any manipulations with the hair!
Days of the week

A few facts in conclusion

Before ending the article, it should be noted how great is the influence of the signs of the zodiac on the type of women's haircut. Now you will familiarize yourself with the options that astrologers recommend for attracting positive energy:

  • Aries advise to do styling of a sports orientation. They do not require painstaking daily actions and are characterized by the presence of a large number of short strands. It will make you more energetic and focused.
  • Taurus it is necessary to give preference to medium-length hairstyles. Freedom, the effect of naturalness, naturalness and slight negligence - that's what the "doctor ordered"! But don't forget about fashion trends.
  • Twins let this year actively experience permanent perms and extreme dyeing methods. Do not be afraid to experiment, shock others!
  • Cancer all fancy and traditional types of bob can be created. Experts say that this year, such styling can help this sign find harmony with relatives and find a second half.
  • Lions can afford long flowing curls. It's time to seriously take care of your health and give your head of hair density and incredible volume.
  • Virgo it is recommended to use a variety of false hairpieces and wigs. This will help to concentrate on yourself as much cosmic energy as possible.
  • Libra you should take a close look at the classics - let there always be mystery and mystery in a woman!
  • Straight and smooth styling - today's choice scorpions. Your direction is the vamp style.


  • Sagittarius you should give preference to haircuts that are distinguished by elegance, restraint and simplicity. If you don't have enough imagination, look through the literature, the ancient Greek goddess Pallas is a bright representative of fans of this style.
  • Capricorns this year, indulge in shaved whiskey and other extravagant things.Short hair will pull the energy of space with a vengeance to its owner.
  • Choice Vodoleev - extravagance and expression. You are not afraid of mohawks, hippie curls and minimalism.
  • Pisces complex weaves will best of all help in matters of cosmoenergy. French braids, fish tail, harnesses and waterfalls - they contribute to the attraction of good luck!
Zodiac signs

Follow these guidelines, and along with a stylish hairstyle, you will get love, understanding, health and financial well-being!

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