Amazing biolamination of hair - your curls will become luxurious!

Useful and effective

The biolamination procedure has become popular in the beauty industry. What is it, how is it performed, are there any drawbacks? What do modern women think about it? All your questions will be answered by professional hairdressers.



Benefits of professional hair care

By covering your hair with special compounds, you will improve its structure and appearance. Bio differs from conventional lamination by the presence of cellulose, which is used as processing and the content of natural components.

Experts recommend venturing into the process in the first place if:

  • you frequently paint or discolor;
  • the ends are badly split, fragility and thinness are increased;
  • tongs, a hair dryer and an iron are regularly used, which have ruined the structure;
  • negative consequences after curling of any kind;
  • the appearance of gray hair.
Popular procedure

What will you get as a result of the salon service?

  • Your hair will become shiny and supple. Thanks to the sealing of the ends, they will not be split soon, which will add to the well-groomed image. A special film that forms in the process glues the flakes so that the strand becomes smooth. On the injured curls, there will be no noticeable roughness and irregularities.
  • The mop will become more voluminous by 10%.
  • You will make your styling task easier. The processed curls become obedient, even a complex multi-level hairstyle can be created from them.
  • The color pigment of the paint is preserved and the life of the paint is extended.
  • Prevents the unfavorable influence of external factors: hair dryer, curling iron, sun, sea water.
  • If you use the color option, you get a spectacular vip-toning.
  • Safety is due to the use of organic nutrients.
  • And let's note the most important thing - the result does not go away for 1-3 months.
Before and after

Advice! Do not perform the procedure more than once a month.

Disadvantages and contraindications

Contrary to popular belief, there are also disadvantages. Please note that there are cosmetic treatments that are not wellness in nature. What side reactions are there?

  • Due to the increase in volume and mass, profuse hair loss may occur.
  • The mop, which was treated with drugs, is poorly saturated with oxygen, since access to it is blocked by a film.
  • The rod is depleted, resulting in post-expiration problems. This is especially true for long options. When the coating begins to peel off, then natural particles leave with it. Because of this, porosity increases and weakness appears.


Indeed, at first the mop looks perfect, but then you need to apply comprehensive care to repair the damage. Often you have to resort to short haircuts.

Refuse manipulation if you did a perm less than two weeks ago. Also consider the individual intolerance of the components that make up the funds. There are no prohibitions during pregnancy and lactation, since the biolaminate contains only harmless substances that will not affect the development of the baby in any way.


Advice! Visit a proven beauty salon, where you are confident in the quality of the materials used, otherwise the desired result may not be achieved.

Execution technology

There is a certain procedure that must not be violated, otherwise the desired result cannot be achieved. Follow the progress of the master to make sure of his professionalism.

  • You should wash your hair twice with a deep cleansing shampoo. Dry the strands, but so that they remain slightly damp.
  • Applying the composition of the hot phase. In this case, a thin layer is distributed over the entire surface, including the skin. You need to withstand for 15 - 20 minutes. At the same time, a cap made of cellophane is put on, and also warming up with a hairdryer occurs. After the expiration date, wash off with clean warm water.
  • Cold phase preparations are used. They are distributed along the entire length, except for the roots, for 10 minutes. Wash everything off again.
  • Use masks for recovery. They process the entire involved area. After 15 minutes, wash the curls with running warm liquid.
Transform your hair!

In general, the procedure lasts 50 to 90 minutes. Keep in mind that the exposure time may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, so ask the master to study the instructions.

Advice! In non-professional sources, it is argued that after biolamination, you cannot use a curling iron and a hairdryer. This prohibition is not supported by anything and is considered a myth.

Is it possible to do it at home?

Salon quality drugs are too expensive, so women of fashion found a way out and carry out biolamination with their own hands. Of course, you can purchase a finished product for processing the mop, but it is safer to cook them at home. So you can be sure of the naturalness of the ingredients and their freshness. Let's look at the simplest and most affordable recipes for which you will need a brush, absorbent towel, hairdryer, shower cap and a three-phase kit.

  • Gelatin is good for damaged strands. You will immediately notice the result, because the volume will increase due to the natural collagen that is included in the composition. The advantage is that it nourishes and moisturizes the structure. Minus in the cumulative effect. You will need to use the product every time you wash until you get the achievement you want. To make one serving, you will need 1 sachet of gelatin, three tablespoons of water, and half a spoonful of whatever balm or mask you normally use. Do not forget to dissolve all the ingredients and stir until a thick sour cream consistency is obtained. The treated curls should be warmed up for at least 25 minutes, and kept in general - about 40 minutes. Do not rinse off with shampoo, plain water is enough.
  • If in the traditional previous recipe add juices, the smoothness will increase and the shade will change slightly. Blondes need to add lemon extract instead of water. Brunettes and brown-haired women should use carrots. Burdock and scarlet oil accelerates growth and gives strength.
Lemon juice
  • Egg repairs damage due to lecithin, prevents the appearance of dandruff with fatty acids, and silkiness is achieved by vitamin E. You will need mustard powder, gelatin, an egg and water.


  • Dairy products excellently moisturize. Therefore, mix kefir with castor oil, egg and mayonnaise. You need to withstand one hour. Can be substituted with natural sugar-free yogurt.

biolaminirovanie-volos_16You will be convinced of the effectiveness of the procedure when you see the before and after photos. Usually the effect is amazing.

Advice! For self-fulfillment, purchase quality drugs. Consider brand awareness. A manufacturer that values ​​reputation will never offer a customer a bad product.

Professional remedies

The formulations that are used during cosmetic manipulations differ depending on the manufacturer and the price. On sale you will find transparent and coloring options.But a radical change is impossible, since it will only be possible to slightly darken the natural color.

biolaminirovanie-volos_10Among the popular brands that produce a quality product, experts single out Lebel, Estel, Concept, Paul Mitchell. They can be used in the salon and at home. The cost of the sets ranges from 2,500 to 13,000 rubles. The difference depends on the number of drugs that are included in the kit, and the manufacturer plays an important role.


Do not forget to check the composition of the biolaminate before buying. It should include the following components:

  • plant cellulose extracted from dandelion, avocado or squash juice;
  • isopropyl myristate for glossing;
  • provitamin B5, which is part of DL-panthenol;
  • cetyltrimethylammonium chloride for ionic protection;
  • ceramides.

Often, manufacturers add vitamins, oils and plant extracts to the main ingredients. Each set should contain a colored or colorless biolaminate, as well as additional caring substances.

Advice! After a perm, curls need protection from external factors. Our procedure can provide it.

Necessary care

If you want to keep the effect as long as possible, follow some basic rules.

  • Do not comb your hair for the first day after using special preparations. During this period, also refrain from using a hair dryer, curling iron and other devices with thermal effects, so that the formed film does not melt. Do not tie the ponytail or do other hairstyles.
  • Wash your hair not earlier than after 2 - 3 days. When choosing a shampoo, give preference to one that has a neutral Ph. Natural products are suitable without deep cleaning.
  • Avoid alcohol-containing preparations, as well as those that contain aggressive chemical components.
  • Avoid skin scrubs.
  • Conditioners you are used to can continue to apply. Better if they are based on wheat proteins, silk and sea extracts. But the masks will turn out to be ineffectual, since they will not be able to penetrate deeply.
  • Moisturize your scalp regularly. To do this, it is enough to rub it into their olive oil once a week.
  • Massage the treated areas daily to improve circulation and boost growth;
  • Refrain from staining for 2 - 3 weeks.

Remember that if you have curls, then they will not become even after exposure. For this, Brazilian keratin straightening is better suited.

Choose a comb with natural teeth

Advice! Remember that one visit to the wizard is not enough for a full recovery. It is necessary to undergo a course of medical manipulations to obtain a visible effect.

Reviews of girls

Alice, 25 years old: I used the Japanese Lebel set. It even includes shampoo, so home manipulations were easy and painless. The curls became silky and smooth. The result is especially noticeable in the photo.

Barbara, 32 years old: My hairdresser used Paul Mitchell. Before that, the strands were dull, lifeless and dull. Now I have a delightful luxurious head of hair. I will definitely contact the master again.

Galina, 38 years old: I started to get gray hair, so I added carrot juice to my homemade gelatin-based recipe. Age-related changes became invisible to others. True, I was very afraid for the result and during the treatment I constantly doubted the choice of the product. I got the desired result only after three repetitions.


Irina, 22 years old: After constant dyeing and using a curling iron, my hair began to break often, the ends were split. For the first time she dared to manipulate the Italian Dikson set. All processes were quick and easy. I did not expect such an amazing result. By the way, the shade of the dyed heap became richer and brighter.

Inna, 30 years old: I completely trusted the expert, so I don’t even know by what means my curls were improved.

The procedure can be carried out an unlimited number of times, since oversaturation of the strands with funds is impossible.

As we can see, the reviews of fashionistas who have experienced the modern service on themselves are positive. But still, it is better to weigh the pros and cons before heading to the salon.


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